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  • in reply to: Clip based FX #19447

    A friendly bump for this feature-request 😀 .

    in reply to: Soundcard suggestions? #19446

    Also the EMU 0404 USB has a good reputation.

    in reply to: Soundcard suggestions? #19436
    in reply to: 2.37 #19431

    Fantastic! The mousewheel behaviour in the mixer is just great.

    in reply to: Preview 2.37: Changed input bypass and meter behaviour. #19406

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Haven’t tried beta 4 yet (but am about to), but I wonder if mouse wheel support for faders and such isn’t one of those things that should be kept purely optional.

    I find this new mouse-wheel behaviour very convenient. I like it.

    in reply to: 2.36 #19347

    I’m not that technically gifted as you guys, but all i can say is that i have almost forgotten about Tracktion. And that is saying something!

    in reply to: Why a Record-button? #19251


    Or, i would be satisfied if you could arm the track and then push K, without having to press the spacebar. Now it’s arm, press K and press spacebar. That’s one step to many in my opinion.

    in reply to: Why a Record-button? #19232

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @MelodyMan wrote:

    All the time that i have been using Podium, and loving it, i haven’t been able to figure out why it is necessary to arm the track AND push the record-button. In my opinion the arming of the track should be sufficient to start recording.

    Am i missing something?

    You can think about it as a security valve. But you could do that it works in the way you want if you turn off the play/record option (preferences) “Deactivate record mode when playback is stopped”. Then just turn on the record button, forgot it, and start working as you describe.


    in reply to: External audio editor? #19076

    @kyran wrote:

    @MelodyMan wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I don’t have anything to add except that you can at least reverse stuff using Podium’s sound editor. 😉

    This is the one thing i still don’t get about Podium: What can you do with the sound-editor? Could you explain in a nutshell?

    You can reverse the audio, put destructive fade in and outs, silence bits of the audio, insert silence and I think you can also delete portions of the audio.
    That’s about it I think.
    All of this, except for the reversing, can also be non-destructively achieved using the clip envelopes in the arrangement window.

    Having an option to open the audio in an external editor is the one absent feature I notice in podium every time I use it.

    Ah, now i get it. Won’t be using it much, because i prefer to edit non-destructively. To be able to open Wavosaur from within Podium would be great indeed.

    in reply to: External audio editor? #19074

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I don’t have anything to add except that you can at least reverse stuff using Podium’s sound editor. 😉

    This is the one thing i still don’t get about Podium: What can you do with the sound-editor? Could you explain in a nutshell?

    in reply to: July 2010 Competition comments #18743

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I’d like to point to a MelodyMan request:

    4. A quick, one-touch recording option.

    Since I don’t need such thing I can see why it’s useful. ATM you can create a track template which is armed and with input selected. So you only need to create the template, press K on your keyboard and Play to start recording. It isn’t a one touch recording way but its pretty close, so it will help you meanwhile, well, I think 😉

    Thanks 😀 !

    in reply to: July 2010 competition #18721

    1. Some way to apply effects to clips/objects
    2. Option to disable plugins completely, so they don’t influence the delay-compensation.
    3. Option to self-customize the hotkeys.
    4. A quick, one-touch recording option.
    5. More metronome-options

    in reply to: Tap Tempo #18521

    @Lion wrote:

    Does anyone use tap tempo for multi-tempo songs?

    I guess in that case, maybe a ‘tempo event’ keyboard shortcut?

    Yes, i like that feature in Tracktion very much. There you can tap the tempo with the left mouse click. The tempo shows its number and from there you can adjust it if you want to .

    in reply to: zRoute #18407

    Racks in Tracktion also can be used like this. It’s a powerful feature, but i doubt Frits will find it fitting Podium’s paradigm. But i bet he could come up with something even better :mrgreen: .


    No Windows-DAW can do what you want. It is a limitation of the ASIO-protocol. You can just record one device at a time. Apple has an aggregate driver, but Windows doesn’t (well, Direct Sound but the latency is high).

    You could try ASIO4ALL. It is free and is a shell around the WDM-drivers. The performance for this isn’t bullet-proof though.

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