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  • in reply to: 1.89 #10152

    Won’t be able to get into in depth testing before next week, but can hardly wait to do so. Incredible how quickly the features, I (and alot of others) needed most, were implemented. Thanks Frits!! You deserve a break now. Take a swim and enjoy yourself. 😉

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    in reply to: 1.88 #10098

    @Zynewave wrote:

    So far it is only start/stop that is recognized. I’m going to add support for e.g. ff/rewind and song position pointer in the coming releases.

    Even Start/Stop makes it all so much easier for me. Good to hear that the rest of the “Clock-Work-Stuff” is on focus too. With all that new possibilities of syncing implemented, Podium will play in an entire new league, feels more and more like a high end hardware to me, with only one thing missing: I can’t smell it or place it next to my pillow. 🙂
    Take your time with the bugfix, it’s just so good to read that the clocking stuff is on track now.

    in reply to: 1.88 #10089

    😀 😀 😀 Hip Hip Hurray!!!!!:D 😀 😀

    That release has everything I wished for – better than Christmas.
    …and even MIDI clock start/stop/continue, so I can use my Masterkeyboard, thanks Frits. I didn’t expect that much so soon!!!! Brilliant!!!
    … and I suppose having that MMC, Midi clock in and MTC out assignable to individual Midi Ins and Outs is absolutely unique. I’ve seen those features only globally so far.

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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Internal MIDI Routing #9970

    +1 on that.
    supporting as many plugins as possible should have a top priority, so everyone could add the features he’s missing by using dedicated plugins.
    who knows when or if the vsti 3.0 gets out. right now, we only have the plugins, which do exist. and the whole lot of midi processing plugins can not be used in podium.

    in reply to: MMC #9908

    +1 on that.
    guess that feature comes packaged with mtc, which I actually need much more. 😉
    … and getting the metronome to sync to the mtc would be handy.

    in reply to: 1.86 #9899

    Podium does not write anything to the registry. What you find in the registry related to Podium is placed there by the installer, so that Windows will know how to uninstall Podium. Podium will look for hardware device definition files in “My DocumentsZynewave Podium ProjectsLibraryHardware”. If this folder is not found, then Podium will not load any hardware definition files.

    Only a sequence of mishaps on my behalf led to this. I reassigned the My documents folder to another partition while 1.85 was installed, then renamed the My documents folder from upper case to lower case, then 1.85 did not uninstall properly. After I deleted all zynewave related leftovers in the registry and reinstalled podium 1.86, everything was fine. It only confused me first when I realized the Hardware definition import was missing.
    But maybe with an app as frequently updated as podium it would be an idea to get rid of the installer and even of the bits in the My Documents folder. Just keeping everything in one folder that only gets extracted, eventually adding a path to projects in the preferences.

    in reply to: 1.86 #9895

    And hey, I don’t need any drag and drop in the mixer, so what’s your problem with my opinion or way of handling things in Podium? When it is possible to implement both, click and drag, why not?

    I have no prob at all with opinions. I’m just thinking, that Frits provided enough options for individual ways of handling things, without limiting the possibilities podiums architecture allows for.
    You don’t need drag and drop in the mixer, others do.

    Here is a picture that shows what I mean. Only the red area can be clicked to select the track with the Push Tec plugin. Try to hit the red area with your mouse.

    Thanks for the picture, it helps to see what you mean.

    BUT…As you said it yourself, how easy selecting a track is, depends on the mixer view.
    I hope you don’t mind me saying, that you’ve chosen the least suitable for selecting grouped tracks in the mixer for your picture. In other views, it’s far easier, you could just switch to a more suitable view for your purpose. Some things work best in one particular view, others in another, that’s why they are there.
    Don’t take my disagreement the wrong way. I don’t mean to runt or lecture, just think the present options keep a good balance of different needs. And Frits is going to improve that even more.

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