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  • in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #36750

    Hey Frits, I sent you an e-mail with bug reports a few weeks ago; make sure it didn’t go in your spam folder (it has attachments). 😉

    Oh, and I wanted to ask about the location of podium.ini, plugin database, color setups, and note maps. For my “upgraded installation”, I guess, it still uses the old location (Users\[…]\AppData\Roaming\Zynewave\Podium). However, all color setups except my custom ones have been deleted, and the new Podium folder in documents doesn’t have the standard setup files either. I should probably just do a fresh installation and move everything over to the new location?

    in reply to: adding a track to an existsing song #36749

    Try to drag and drop your wav file anywhere on the arrangement (where you see the track list and audio/MIDI parts). If you still get an error message that Podium can’t open it, there’s something wrong with the wav file itself. Let us know if that is the case.

    in reply to: Audio from VST withou Mic. #33924

    Hi Mark,

    if you’re using a VST instrument (doesn’t matter if it’s a sampler or a synthesizer), there shouldn’t be any further requirements in order to record the instrument’s sound directly in Podium; no need for microphones or routing inputs/outputs.

    If you’d tell us which VST you’re using, I’m sure we can draw up a solution!


    Quick error report, don’t know if it’s related to the changes in this version.

    Error message:
    “A plugin has performed an illegal action.
    […] Twin 2 […]
    This may have caused memory corruption in Podium. […]”

    Plugin: FabFilter Twin 2 version 2.27 (newest at this time), x64.

    This happened while switching preset from “Keys – Other – FM Piano 1 DJM” to “Pad – Soft A-M – Afterglow O” during playback of just one track. Didn’t crash Podium, but killed all audio until I powered the arrangement off. Doesn’t seem easily reproducible.


    Long time no beta!

    No problems with plugins so far (haven’t tested much), but I’d like to mention two inconveniences I’ve noticed:

    – (3.2.7 beta 2) Loading any color scheme disables my audio interface (deselects it as active ASIO device in the Audio/MIDI preferences). Doesn’t happen in 3.2.6.

    – (3.2.6) Setting volume or pan via numeric entry on a track with post-effects metering disables the meter. The dialog in which you enter the value (Effect Track Properties) has a blank selection for “meter mode” no matter which track the meter is set on.

    in reply to: Using a sound file in arrrangement #31019

    Just drag-and-drop the file from Windows Explorer (or any other file browser) into the arrangement screen, either on an already existing track, or below the track list to create a new track.

    The file will be added to the project contents this way as well, no need to add it first on the projects screen.

    (For the sake of completeness – to get to a file which is in your project but not used in any arrangement, you’d use the project browser. Open browser, click menu button, select “Show Project Browser”, then drag-and-drop the file into an arrangement.)

    in reply to: How to record mic, #31018

    If you haven’t already, try taking a look at the guide (start at chapter 1.4 – recording).

    Have you selected an audio input on the track you’re arming for recording? Also, how are you monitoring your input (microphone)? If it’s through Podium, you should be able to see the level meters on your track moving. This would mean everything is set up correctly.

    MIDI interfaces are unrelated to this, so you don’t need to be concerned with them if you’re recording audio.

    in reply to: Plugins Not Detected? #30415

    Here are a few possible solutions I can think of:

    – Make sure you’ve pointed Podium to the folder containing your plugins (Setup -> Preferences -> Plugins tab).
    – Keep in mind each project in Podium has its own list of devices seperate from the “plugin database”. If you’re loading an older project, you’ll have to update it (Devices menu on the project page -> Update and Load Plugin Database). This updates both the database and the device list in the current project.
    – Make sure your plugins’ bit architecture matches the version of Podium you’re using, i.e., 64-bit Podium with 64-bit plugins.
    – Make sure you’re trying to access the plugin/device using the correct selector, e.g., instruments are only available using the “source” selector button.

    If nothing works, some more information would be helpful. Has Podium scanned the plugins already? Do they show up in the device list?

    in reply to: password change on #30309

    Yup, seems the script is getting the input fields confused. It’s still possible to change your password, just type it into the middle field (the one which displays unmasked text) and ignore the other two.

    Of course this should be fixed sooner rather than later… an e-mail confirmation of the successful change would be nice, too! (Edit: Never mind, there IS a confirmation, just took a few minutes to arrive.)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by thcilnnahoj.
    in reply to: .mini file management #29933

    Indeed you were!

    I’m sure this hasn’t been forgotten and is still somewhere on Frits’ papyrus scroll of things to do. I also returned to Podium (and music) from a hiatus not long ago, and he seems to be MIA a lot, unfortunately.

    If you don’t mind me asking – would you consider Podium for your work (I sometimes read KVR), or are you just feeling nostalgic?

    in reply to: .mini file management #29877

    Hmm, searching works for me… and look what I found! 😀

    Though I’m sorry to say nothing has changed since then in this regard.

    in reply to: Bouncing multiple tracks? #29845

    There’s also this video on setting up and bouncing multi-output instruments, perhaps it’ll help:

    (Sorry, forum won’t allow me to edit the above post anymore.)

    in reply to: Bouncing multiple tracks? #29843

    You need to enable “Automatic Solo” on your MIDI track, either in the “Options” sub-menu of the track context menu, or by pressing Shift+Alt+S with the track selected. When you bounce a track, it is effectively soloed until the rendering operation finishes – this mutes your MIDI track as well, which is why Drumazon never receives any note events to play and in turn outputs silence. Automatic solo sets the track to solo mode whenever another track (such as the ones with Drumazon’s audio outputs) is soloed.

    There is currently no way to select multiple tracks, and thus unfortunately no way to bounce more than one track at once. This is assuming you need each output bounced separately.

    If you want to bounce the entire drums section sub-mix, you can wrap your output tracks in a group track. This way you can also apply effects and automation to the entire drum mix, should you want it.

    Here’s a screenshot of my usual Drumazon setup (MIDI track, drum group track with fader/meter enabled, and individual outputs):

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by thcilnnahoj.
    in reply to: 2 Minor Ideas. #29833

    2. Multiple track input.

    I’m not sure I understand quite right, forgive me if this isn’t helpful. If you want an input to automatically be assigned to the selected track, you can enable “Auto-Assign to Focus Track” from the input selector’s context menu. If you want to assign an input to multiple tracks, you can copy the input by Ctrl+click-dragging it to another track from the input selector.

    in reply to: What Audio Interface/s are You Using? #29832

    I’m using a Steinberg UR22. Low price, solid performance and build quality. I see there’s a MK2 out by now, though it seems it just has better compatibility for Apple iDevices.

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