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  • thcilnnahoj

    Heh, just be glad it’s not named “Frankel’s Demise.” 😛

    The only piece that previously stuck in my mind from that suite is… in the hall of the mountain king, I believe? It still sounds nice.

    I’ll have to remember to take another look at GPO.

    in reply to: Making Music Icon – Completed #17992

    Looks nice!
    Just the only problem might probably be that the details could become a little hard to distinguish when it’s sized down. And if it was me, I’d extend the line of the key on the right side down all the way, so the icon has a border on all sides. Also, the screws aren’t aligned symmetrically (might be intentional, though). 😉

    If you have an interest in graphics for audio stuff, there’re a lot of VST plug-ins that allow custom skins, and their developers are always grateful for new ones! (Though this might not be as good an application for vector graphics…)

    An example is the drum sampler Poise (, for which I contributed a few as well.

    in reply to: Play Order Editor #17970

    Does this work like a ‘wrapper’ for normal audio/MIDI/etc. events?
    And is it meant for electronic music, or do you use it successfully with recorded material?

    Because with normal recordings, I’d assume most things never start exactly on the beat (or may intentionally come a little earlier or later). I can’t imagine just swapping the bridge with the chorus without creating overlaps or timing weirdness here and there…

    Nevertheless, it looks interesting. Especially if, which I assume is possible, you can also change the number of repeats directly in this editor.

    In the meantime, you could try placing markers at the section starts, and grouping them with the events, like in this GIF animation.
    It’s of course not in the same league, but it might at least make selecting the sections a little quicker. 😉

    in reply to: Found a little bug… #17952

    Couldn’t reproduce at first, but got it now:

    It seems this happens when you end up selecting a track that is not tagged with the currently selected tag.
    For this, there has to be a 3rd “untagged” hidden track below, though. Maybe I misread, but I thought there were only 2 tracks in the project?

    It doesn’t crash when you use the arrow keys (because it won’t let you select any track that’s hidden).
    PgUp and Dn are for selecting tracks that have the same group level… that must’ve survived testing. 😳

    Nice catch!

    in reply to: Preview 2.28: Plugin database #17949

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I also have some plans for further changes to the recent projects list.

    That’s interesting to hear! I have had not-so-nice experiences with it on rare occasions – when reloading a setup file, the list would be blank, and I had to “reimport” all projects by hand… I guess the list has to be stored somewhere, though.

    in reply to: Another newbie here… #17948

    @Trancit wrote:

    Is there any way to show different tracks in the track panel and the mixer??
    For example, I would like to see the Busreturns in the mixer, but not in the tracklist/trackpanel…

    Not currently, no. It was suggested during the Track Tags beta, but hasn’t come to pass yet, because it was a little over-complicated, I think.

    If you just want to hide bus tracks in the arrangement view, however, that can be done.
    Assuming you’ve set busses to be shown docked in the mixer, select the “Tracks” tag on the track toolbar, right above the tracklist:

    This will hide the master and bus tracks from the tracklist, but they’ll remain visible in the mixer, as long as they’re docked.

    Keep in mind that you might need to show them again at some time, as there can be automation events recorded on all of these tracks as well!
    Just click on the “Tracks” tag again to deselect it.

    in reply to: zreverb #17947

    Yes, of course.
    However, zReverb’s user interface will be different when loaded as VST plug-in in other hosts (mostly, you won’t get the display where you can position the sources and microphone).
    The same goes for zPEQ and zPitch.

    in reply to: First impressions and questions #17946

    @ras.s wrote:

    I didn’t make sure it does what I need it to do. I make reggae/dub music, and live mixing is a essential part of that – now that I’ve been more thoroughly demoing and reading this forum as well I figured out I can’t use my (general) midi controller with the program. I mainly need it to ride volume faders, solos&mutes, send amounts, not so much for controlling plugins. That’s a major show stopper for me..

    Sorry it didn’t work out for you at this time… You can always check back later, though, or get a licence anyway and do a little lobbying for your missing features. 😉

    In all fairness, I have to tell you that channel solo/mute states cannot be recorded/automated at all right now (thought that may possibly be changed when general surface controller support gets around, hopefully). You could still record all tracks live, including soloing and muting, but there’d be clicks and pops sometimes.

    in reply to: 2.27 #17924

    It seems copying a track to the clipboard by keyboard doesn’t work in the mixer if there’s an event selection in the arrangement…

    1. Select any event (audio, MIDI, automation, marker or tempo) in the arrangement
    2. Select a track in the mixer
    3. Press Ctrl-C & Ctrl-V
    4. Instead of the track, the event will have been pasted!

    It does work when no event is selected, and also when copying the track with the Clipboard -> Copy entry in the right-click menu.

    in reply to: Preview 2.28: Plugin database #17923

    Haven’t tried any of the other functions yet, but my plug-ins import just fine.

    The recent projects listbox uses a wrong background color, it seems – probably a tiny bug.

    in reply to: Problem with Bootsy’s FerricTDS 1.5 #17909

    I cannot reproduce it either on Vista SP2… will try on my XP SP3 machine later.

    Edit: Hm, seems to work fine on XP as well. 😕

    in reply to: Synth1’s elusive MIDI options tab (solved) #17908

    Yes, I noticed! 🙂
    Though I don’t use it as much nowadays, I’m still glad this is fixed nonetheless (only had to do the workaround once or twice since reporting the bug, so it wasn’t too bad).

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