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  • in reply to: Right/Left Click Source #17109

    Erm… I must’ve been half-asleep too, as in retrospect, it seems I didn’t look at the pictures long enough and posted something not very relevant to your question. 😆

    And thcilnnahoj, you were so correct in the other thread by stating that I need to use the app more. If I did I wouldn’t have these small hurdles…

    It’s always nice to see people showing interest in this great program, especially when they already own a few others. That would mean Podium still has something nice to offer you. 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17108

    You’re probably aware of this already: Nucleum’s parameters do not display any numerical values whatsoever in the embedded parameter list.
    Also, Nucleum’s editor doesn’t update to value changes made in the e.p. list if it is not visible while making the changes.
    I haven’t tested with other SynthMaker-made VST’s to this moment.

    Question: Since the selected embedded parameters remain the same across different arrangements, I assume they stored within the project (or the device definitions) then. If so, would it be possible (without too much trouble on your end) to export such a parameter list setup to reuse in other projects?

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17105

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Why not use a second project window (Ctrl+W)? Just select the mixer profile in the second project window. You don’t need to create another mixer profile.

    I admit it’s very good workaround. I made a profile only with a Mixer. However I don’t find it as easy to use as a children window: I cannot close with Ctrl-W and it has a weird behavior when overlapping with other windows. My idea was, open the mixer with a quick keystroke, tweak a control and quickly close it again with the same keystroke. Anyway I’ll work with it as it’s.

    If you go to the Window menu, choose a different virtual screen and then open the new project window, you could have the mixer open with F10 and switch back to your normal workspace with F9, for example.

    It’s two shortcut keys, and it won’t solve the problem that the mixer is hidden behind other windows, but it’s the easiest way I can think of to get a floating mixer…

    in reply to: Right/Left Click Source #17104

    Yes, that’s normal, and it’s the same with empty effect track selectors.
    Left clicking an empty slot gives you the list of assignable devices without having to use an extra menu entry (right-click -> instrument list as opposed to right-click -> source -> instrument list). When a device is assigned, left-clicking a selector button opens the plug-in editor, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.
    Now, what right-clicking does is always opening the actual track context menu – whether or not a device has been assigned. I assume the right-click menu contains an entry for adding an effect for cases where the user has disabled the add effect “+” buttons.

    How would you change it to make it less confusing?

    in reply to: 2.23 #17099

    Ahem… Not really a bug, but a little visual inconsistency, maybe:
    As opposed to other events, the contents of automation events are not colored with the selection text color. Example: red active selection font color – the curve is colored ever so slightly with the track color (green).

    Since the automation overhaul, the automation lines may of course be handled a little differently altogether.
    By the way, why is it that pan automation events always display a “ghosted” line at the center position as well as the actual line? :-k

    Edit: forgot to mention why this can become a problem!
    If you use darker selection colors with bright text like I like to do, the selected event’s curve can become rather hard to see. And the same happens at the other end of the spectrum too, of course.

    in reply to: 2.23 #17092

    Hmm, is it just me or is this a bug as well?

    It seems impossible to move multiple automation points away from the bottom edge (meaning the point of lowest value) of the curve editor. They always snap to the top when I try to do this. It works fine with a single point, and also when moving points away from the top edge.

    Link to GIF animation (375 KB)
    Also notice the absence of the indication line during dragging of the “bottom points.”

    the committee for making Podium 200% bug-free 🙂

    in reply to: zPEQ Feature/Bug? not sure #17073

    Ouch! 😯

    Good find. Seems you have to give it a moment or two…
    I don’t think this has ever happened in the “old” editor.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17069

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @ Frits

    Could you please detach the colour settings for the Editor Profile bar buttons from the Mixers Show / Hide buttons (Top left of Mixer) as any change a user makes to the colours affects both sets of buttons.

    The problem here is when a button is selected in the Editor Profile bar, white text appears. If you have a dark colour that is great and works well but…now the Show / Hide buttons above the zoom button are barely legible.

    Switch to a much lighter colour to see the show hide button text properly and now you can barely make out the text on any of the Editor Profile buttons when selected.

    Removing the link between the colour settings for the Editor Profile Bar and the Mixers Show / Hide buttons should solve that problem.

    Yeah, I mentioned this too, I believe, though with a different solution. It doesn’t only affect the mixer buttons but almost all icons. 🙁
    Try the track select buttons in the rack for an example how it’s done right!

    Most of the icons in Podium have issues with dark backgrounds, and so the new mixer options buttons also don’t agree with my dark selection colors.
    An exception are the nicely done track select buttons in the rack. I hope that some day, the rest of the icons will be able to follow suit. O:)

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17067

    The rack uses a smaller font if you set “use small size” in its options. The embedded parameter text in the rack only uses the two-lined display method (like in the mixer) only when the rack has a scrollbar and is resized small enough. I’m not sure if that’s really a bug…
    By the way, there’re also sometimes text overlaps. (Example: smallest rack size without scrollbar. If there were enough parameters to merit a scrollbar, it would switch to displaying separate lines for parameter name and value.)

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Frits I asked this earlier…where has the option to increase the size of text in the mixer and / or tracks been moved to? I can’t find it anywhere.

    At the moment, there’s only the small mixer font size left. During the 2.23 beta’s, there was still an option for that (after you yourself, among others) found the selector buttons too big for the mixer. Maybe that’s changed since they can be zoomed now. In that case, I hope Frits hasn’t fed his code to the shredder…! (Font size option’s still there in the rack, by the way :wink:)

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17046

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Good morning. It’s nice the mixer zoom 🙂 I’d like that meters were scaled too, and volume faders keep at the left of each strip when zooming. I consider it more classy.

    Wider meters will require a bit of work, so that will come in a later release.

    The fader and meter share the meter dB markings. The translucent fader slides on top of the markings so that you can use the dB markings as hints for what the fader dB value is. If the fader is moved to the left edge, you would lose that link.

    The fader wouldn’t have to move over alone, though.

    A tad too extreme? 😛

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17045

    That solution you came up with for selecting which parameters to be embedded (in the mixer too!) is nothing short of fantastic. 8)

    So Voyager has a menacing 1024 parameters… most of which seem to be placeholders. FF Volcano on the other hand has 666. 😈

    Umm… a minor mixer strip docking problem: If you put too many effects (or with 2.24 – too many parameters!) on them, they’ll start to extend beyond the screen like any other track. However, since they are docked – thus not affected by the non-docked tracks’ vertical scrollbar, and have no scrollbar of their own either, it could become a problem.
    It’s an unlikely case that one would really run out of space even after adjusting mixer height or hiding a few elements, but it’s still a little weird.

    in reply to: 2.23 #17041

    C’mon guys… 😳
    Just use Podium a little more often and you’ll stumble over some of the (still very few) bugs too! 😛
    (I’m George, by the way – my username’s just a project name, if you will)

    Edit: Umm, apologies if that sounded cocky to anyone. In any case, the only real credit shall as always go to Frits, for fixing ’em!

    in reply to: Preview 2.24: Embedded plugin editors in the rack #17040

    @ronin wrote:

    Another thing (which is probably general problem): If the EQ is deleted (Alt+Click) and one uses the undo function to bring it back, all EQ-settings are lost.

    Yeah, restoring plug-in settings works only when you undo deletion of a track, it seems. It’d be very nice to have the information necessary to retrieve such settings also stored with the undo/redo function for unassigning/reassigning plug-ins!

    Here’s a little more difficult suggestion: When you double-click somewhere to activate a band, it jumps right to the cursor position. That makes it impossible to toggle bands on/off for a quick comparison in the mini-editor. How about changing this so a band stays at its last position upon (re-)activating it, and only follows the cursor if you still hold the mouse button to drag it after the double-click.

    Another thing that could be nice is having zPEQ use Podium’s parameter gradation color for its curve fill instead of text color. Not sure if it’d really help, but may be worth a try, if it’s not too complicated.

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Before this update I never used zPEQ, now that it’s my default EQ I found something very confusing: the colours. When you mix diferent filters (parametric, LP, BP…) the colours doesn’t help at all: They difficult my vision. If you think this is ok, please consider this small change:

    That’s exactly the way the EQ looked before 2.24 – you really never used it? 🙂
    I think the new curve display makes more sense, but I’m fine with either.

    in reply to: 2.23 #17037

    Another bug to report:
    If you change the focus track with the keyboard (arrow keys or page up/down) while simultaneously adjusting any slider/dial in the rack, this slider will become stuck if the cursor lands someplace other than another slider! After this happens, it crashes when you try to load a different project.

    Link to GIF animation (500 KB)

    Another way to provoke it is to simply switch over to the default editor or mixer profile while adjusting a slider on the tracks in the arrangement view. I haven’t been able to get a slider/fader stuck like this in the mixer yet.

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