I’m sorry to report another problem with my most favoured Synth1.
Since this release it just ignores most settings (like panel size and colors) in its OPT dialog – they reset as soon as I ‘OK’ it. It also seems to have forgotten its patch bank locations, though it loads with the correct patches in existing projects.
I’d be very sad if compatibility with this was lost… 😥
Oh… I always thought it was a nice touch having those functions so neatly integrated. Like I wouldn’t want to have to rely on an extra plugin to control track gain or panning.
But if external MIDI effects support is the way to go – and makes it even better – then I’ll change my mind and look forward to it.
I didn’t try yet as my keyboard’s stashed away, but if it really works without hitch maybe it could become a normal feature. At least, I can imagine a few uses for it.
Huh, too bad it didn’t work out for you.
Wish you happy music making in the future nonetheless, maybe even with Podium again sometime! 😉
Hey, DFusion! I caught notice of the thread you made in the VIP Lounge, but it disappeared (?) before I could download your template file. 😕
Now that I got a look, I’m interested in how you got that set up! I mean, it’s kind of buggy behaviour to have an input on multiple tracks, isn’t it?
Which is nice in itself, since you’re always good for a surprise. 8)
I figured that a MIDI file won’t be able to carry that information, which made me think you may have simply forgotten to disable the ‘export’ menu item.
To quote someone from my favourite German ‘podcast’:
“I don’t really make music with the stuff I buy. I just download the latest updates and install them.” 😀
In all seriousness though, there aren’t that many regularly posting users around, and those who are most likely have tastes in music widely varying from one another! So you probably can’t expect much more than a somewhat superficial opinion, which I’m about to give:
– The drum sounds, rhythm, and especially the bass sound are very good. I also like the detuning starting at 1:12. 🙂
– I hope you plan on lengthening the individual parts. It’s a little short, all in all.
– Personally, I’d cut the low end on that swirly lead sound, since it has a bit too much ‘kick’ on lower notes for my taste.
– Lastly, the flute/pad part at 32 seconds comes in abruptly and doesn’t really add anything to the track either… or at least I didn’t notice any musical relation.
It’s impossible to have multiple instruments on a track. You’ll have to use one track each and copy the MIDI events over. Maybe group them, too, for better view.
Looks like I’m a minority here but for me it’s the other way around – no use for MIDI fx, keen on time-stretching. Ah, you win by numbers! 😛
Navigator: Unlike Live, dragging vertically will scroll down through your tracks. The zooming function on the navigator is assigned to the mouse wheel in Podium! Does that not work for you?
Inspector: I’m sure you noticed this – you’ve got gain and pan faders right directly above that big space (it’s empty in your screen shot, but normally you get a listing of sequences on the track there). I don’t know about the faders, but I think I’d like a bigger dB meter in the inspector too. 🙂
These are my most used keyboard shortcuts.
For the complete list check the Podium Guide!
Numpad enter – play
Num ins – stop (double press to return to the start)
Num del – record mode on/off
Num 7/9 – move to next/previous marker
Insert – duplicate selected event (good for drum patterns!)
L – loop mode on/off
U – metronome on/off
G – minimize/expand group tracks
And in the piano roll:
Ctrl-up/down arrow keys – transpose selected notes a semitone
Shift-ctrl-up/down arrow keys – transpose by an octave
I think I’d like it better if it was done by setting ‘stretch markers’ in the sound editor rather than with separate sequences, mostly because you wouldn’t have to zoom in on the whole arrangement for a little delicate editing.
Live does it like this since version 8, though I haven’t tried it. Don’t know about other hosts.
But I’m not aversed to the idea Frits suggested either.
Are you planning to include time-stretching now (I imagine that’d be a pretty huge task) or are you just collecting ideas? 🙂
You guys really want to see the whole mixer strip, including controls colored? 😕
Well fair enough, I guess. But if it gets implemented, I’d really like to have the choice, like with ‘track header color opacity’.
Edit: Grrr… Sorry, I don’t know how to get it working either. Maybe ask the folks at the eXT forum. They’re mostly helpful when they’re not too busy slagging each other off. 😉
On the up-side I got Podium to record MIDI output from hypercyclic (http://www.mucoder.net/hypercyclic) fine just now.
I’m curious, what exactly is it you don’t like about the mixer (directed at LiquidProj3ct as well), except from drag-and-drop?
The signal flow is perfectly clear – if there’s an instrument, it’ll be at the bottom and sound just streams upwards from there.
The strips are nice and slim, you can have peak and RMS meters on every channel, you get to see and control fader movements on automation lanes, and it uses track colors in the most beautiful way possible, in my opinion, as it doesn’t color the actual controls.
And of course, the fader/meter grid is awesome too, once you get to know the hierachic concept a little better.
Maybe auto-resetting of peak values on stopping would be nice… hadn’t considered that yet.
Anyways, it’s great you decided to buy a licence, Moikkelis. 🙂
P.S.: Frits, I think it’s time to bring out that new Zydechain Compressor you’ve been burning the midnight oil on. 😈 (Just kidding)