Can you at least see the icon appear in the system tray? If you do, please double-click it to open the ASIO4All configuration window. It should look like this:
If there are multiple audio devices in the list, please try switching between them and see if you get sound from one.
If not then switch to advanced mode (the wrench button in the bottom right corner) and post screenshots of the ASIO4All window and the VST Host window please!
Thanks for trying in VST Host! Would you please also try if ASIO4All works in VST Host on your computer? You should select it under the menu Geräte -> Wave… -> Ausgabegerät. If it works, the ASIO4All icon should appear on the task bar and you should get sound as usual.
If this works I’ll try to guide you through using it in Podium, too, as it is virtually impossible to use a sequencer on Windows without ASIO!
After we get that sorted we’ll move on to your keyboard. 😉
@CDLMonline wrote:
By the way… is it possible that I need to plug the power supply into the keyboard? (I would need to buy this…) but normally the keyboard should also work without it (worked with no problems in VSThost…)
But I think maybe that could be the problem because the error message is that the midi keyboard is not “powered on” or not connected.. for what else should the power supply be there?
No, it’s fine – your keyboard draws all the power it needs from your computer’s USB port. You only have to connect a power supply if you want to use the keyboard to play, for example, a hardware synthesizer via a MIDI cable on stage (without using a computer).
Zynewave is a member and has yet to upload his musical creations He also turned down the offer to be the group’s administrator citing he’d prefer it be a Podium user community
Frits likes classical music and the occasional folk or blues song on his guitar, as far as I can tell anyway. Maybe one day he’ll be confident enough to let us hear a song he has written. 😉
I’d certainly be part of the group already, even though I only make music for myself (terribly introverted, I know) – IF it weren’t for the fact that I haven’t actually made any in months! When I manage to do so again I’ll be happy to join. 🙂
How’s Soundcloud working out for you anyway, as far as your music being discovered by others and interaction with people is concerned? I assume most of the people who have an account there make music themselves, so the possible spectrum of listeners is a little limited…?
Damn, I didn’t think of trying it in a linear arrangement. Haven’t used that in a long time… 😳
Hi, I’d really like to help but I need to know a little more about your setup first!
– What type of sound card do you have? E.g., M-Audio FastTrack USB, RealTek on-board or such. If you haven’t used ASIO before, I assume you also haven’t installed any drivers for your sound card?
– Have you been able to use your keyboard on this computer with other sequencers? If you didn’t try yet please check in this program called VST Host (
If nothing works… hmm, I’ll probably be back in Vienna around Christmas. Just thinking maybe I could take a look at it first hand. 😉
3.1!? Oooh, you’re doing that on purpose – cheating us out of 303 like that! 😉
In any case, I hope you’re doing alright!
which part are you having trouble with?
The installation process itself is to simply extract the .dll file from the .rar you downloaded, and placing it in your VST folder. If you use any other plug-ins, you should have this folder selected in the “Plugins” tab on the Preferences dialog (Setup -> Preferences).
To make the plug-in show up in Podium, you have to either update your plug-in database (select “Update and Load Plugin Database” from the Devices menu on the project start page) or import it manually (by selecting “Import Plugin…” from the same menu).
How to actually set it up on your tracks so that it works correctly is a different matter… I haven’t used this plug-in, so I’d have to look into it.
Let me know if you need more help! 🙂
Just like with the MIDI channel configuration, you need to set up your device mappings (this time with audio outputs), like in this image:
You can either enable the audio outputs on your existing MIDI input mappings (so you can have MIDI input and the corresponding audio output on one track), or create a new mapping for each output (keeping MIDI in and audio out tracks separate).
Just make sure you select the right configuration – Hypersonic’s outputs are probably stereo pairs, so it’s channels 1+2 for output 1, and so on!
It’s also probably best if you save this in your Podium plugin database, or create a project template when you’re done, so you won’t have to do this in every project.
Let me know if you need any more help!
Hmm, I can’t confirm it, sorry (Vista 32-bit here too).
Any additional info would be appreciated, for example:
– does it happen when you select a file while on the project page (without opening an arrangement)
– in the arrangement editor, does it matter if the arrangement is powered on/off
– do you have auto-preview turned on in the browser
– if yes, does it matter what’s the device chain on the track that’s selected when you click the MIDI file
Also, could you try with a MIDI file we also have access to? How about this one:
You appear to be forgetting that the mobile Podium version would’ve been identical to the current one on Windows, not a separately written app. It’s only limited by the number of things you can fit on screen (more than enough on a tablet, not so much on a phone) and the fact that there’s no plug-in system available. As that makes it perfectly usable for audio recording and editing tasks at least, I wouldn’t call it a toy. I respect your opinion, though, and it might indeed be of no use at the moment if you mostly do MIDI…
Still, besides the time it took Frits to get a development environment up and running, very little extra time would have to be spent on a mobile version.
However, as he explained himself, the whole idea isn’t so much about the “mobile” aspect as it is about touch capability. I think you’ll have a hard time convincing Frits to drop all development in that direction! 😉
@pbattersby wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
It can be worked around by right-clicking the “Bounce” selector on the master track, disabling “Hide Track Lane”, and resizing the master bounce sequence manually.
That didn’t work. The ghost events still do not appear when I do that.
Whoops, you’re right – you have to crop the master bounce sequence as well after resizing! If you only resize it, Podium will write the newly rendered data to the file upon bouncing again, but will leave everything beyond the (new) end of the arrangement untouched. It might be invisible in the arrangement, but of course this remaining data will still be there when you choose to export it. Sorry about that. 😉
@pbattersby wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
This is because, as the group track is set to bounce playback, the individual tracks inside the group are automatically muted – thus, they can’t send to your reverb track anymore. If you want the reverb to be frozen too, the only way I can think of is to place the return track inside the group.
Or, as I discovered, send the entire group to the reverb instead of the individual tracks within the group.
Sure, as long as you want each individual track’s send level to be the same, this works just as well.
It can be worked around by right-clicking the “Bounce” selector on the master track, disabling “Hide Track Lane”, and resizing the master bounce sequence manually. 😉
PROBLEM 2: Bounced groups stop using reverb
Related to my problem above, I bounce a group of tracks to ease the processor burden but I find that during playback of the bounced group, the reverb (Podium provided reverb) is no longer in use.
This is because, as the group track is set to bounce playback, the individual tracks inside the group are automatically muted – thus, they can’t send to your reverb track anymore. If you want the reverb to be frozen too, the only way I can think of is to place the return track inside the group. Of course, that’d mean it won’t respond to tracks sending to it from outside of that particular group once the group is bounced… :-k
I wonder how other sequencers manage this… though I doubt there’s anything more elaborate going on.
Imagine a “post-send-group-render” mode, which would solo and render the needed return tracks along with the group track. For it to become just one bounce file, though, it’d have to mix the resulting bounces, or pretty much render at the master track’s hierarchy level, no? 😕
This might be too simple to actually work, but did you try the option “Update Audio and MIDI Mappings” found in the devices menu? Maybe the faulty mappings can just be replaced by correctly working ones this way…
@frollo9386 wrote:
a little off topic but how you can create multiple master track?
Drag and drop an audio output from the inspector (device panel) to the tracklist.
Just drop it so it doesn’t become a child track of the already existing master track.
If you want to create monitor mixes,
you’ll probably want to create a bus return feeding into the new master track,
and control the mix with sends, like in this example:
It looks like both your arrangements are missing the master track. The only reason I can think of why it wouldn’t be created automatically is if your project doesn’t have any audio output mappings at all – did you configure your audio interface correctly? If not, select “MIDI/Audio Interfaces…” from the setup menu.
The audio outputs should show up in the right-most column (where it says “Devices”) on the project page along your MIDI outputs and any plug-ins you imported. With the master track in place, you’ll be able to create tracks and assign things to them as expected.
I guess you might not actually need an audio output if the MIDI outs you’ve set up work fine on their own, but I don’t think it’s the way Podium was designed to work.
Maybe Frits can shed some more light on this…?
I suspect your trouble with deleting tracks also stems from this, since the tracks you created (like in your second screenshot) are “outside” of the normal track hierarchy, as they’re directly on the “master” level instead of belonging to (or feeding into) a single master output track… Podium probably assumes they’re master tracks. This is just for your information – it’s of course possible to have multiple master tracks, for example to create different monitor mixes.
Once you have a ‘normal’ master track set up, you’ll be able to delete tracks perfectly fine. 😉
Let me know if you need any more help!