Sorry, but I don’t like those new sliders. 😕
The pan value is very hard to read (though with the gain slider this is no problem for me, and I can’t seem to explain why 😕 ), they visually don’t stand out enough anymore to be noticed at a glance, plus I really don’t think this design fits at all.
Also, naturally I’m accustomed to changing the pan value by dragging up and down, doesn’t work anymore. So it’s done two different ways now (dials in the GP, inspector and mixer, unless you plan to change those, which I’d guess you do 😉 ).
Furthermore, it seems that (without holding shift) the pan slider jumps in steps of 0.04 or 5, whereas with the dial I could comfortably adjust small steps (0.01) with just the mouse.
So, to me the way they were in beta 7 was fine, I don’t mind them taking a few more pixels space. It’s all personal, but I hope this feedback helps in some way!
Alright, this was somewhat overwhelming for the first minutes, it looked easier in the screenshots. However, after some trial-and-error in compact mode (I hereby second the need for a few tutorials, especially for newcomers) it turned out to be astonishing! 😉
Here are the little things I noticed so far (sorry if repeating something):
1- Is the whole panel enclosing the pan dial and its numeric value in the track header click-and-drag-able? Sometimes I struggle with the little dials 😳 , I usually resort to the bigger one in the mixer/inspector…
2- When shrinking a bottom-level track, its own mapping is hidden first (Track 1 in the picture below).
Would it be better if this track’s properties would continue to be visible and instead the chain were pushed upwards? Forgive my… clumsy… explanation, well, maybe you can get the idea from this picture:
I see this is partially achieved with the new pan and level controls staying at the bottom of the track header!
3- Is it me or is impossible to view the input mapping on track headers in compact mode?
4- I for one find the new set of luminance offset options rather limiting, I liked the way it was before.
@Zynewave wrote:
The new fader looks good, but why is the horizontal line at the top of the fader button?
The horizontal line is what keeps the fader knob from falling to the bottom of the screen :wink:. It’s similar to the design in the mixer. There need to be an indication of the extent that the fader knob can move. I’ll try with a shadow frame instead.
I think what Podianer meant to ask is why the fader doesn’t move on the middle of the line, as on a real mixing board.
(Like this:
…But then I checked, and the vertical faders in Podium’s mixer look like this too – I never noticed, so it’s quite alright the way it is.)
All in all, good work! It’s certainly not a waste of time. 🙂
I really enjoy this never-sleeping evolutionary process that this application is going through! This particular instance also makes me quite happy – it’s very well thought out, in my opinion.
I’ve been intrigued by the zGrid too when I first read about it, but… somehow I’d say the concept of relying on a plug-in for every-day things would make this sequencer much less elegant and functional.
To me it would feel like having to insert Energy XT on every second track in my Cubase project because of its short-comings (I’ve never used Cubase, so take no offense please :wink:).
Thus I’m happy that the possibilities the zGrid would’ve offered are being re-worked and added to the host itself. Yes, it will take more time and effort, but it will be worth it– it’s important to have this feeling of completeness in a sequencer.
Also, all this re-working should make it much easier for Podium-newcomers, as, imo, it now comes closer to the traditional mixer-method*. Though only in looks! Underneath the now simpler and uncluttered look the flexible system we all love Podium for is retained (and may become stronger than ever)!
I guess the last part of that thought is what Frits is mostly aiming for at the moment ❓
*Excuse my awkward english- what I mean is the ability to place many inserts on one track/channel, which then are usually not directly visible in the arrangement, only the inspector – if there is one.
Well, I’m looking forward to this! 8)
@Zynewave wrote:
It might become handy if the faders, especially the one for panning, could be reset to their initial value (or to their last position, like it works with undo) by double-clicking them
In case you don’t know; Ctrl+Clicking a dial will reset it to the default value.
No… I didn’t. Right, that’s already solved then. I’ll have to pay more attention to the documentation! 🙂
Very nice! The faders are much more comfortable to use, at least for me.
➡ It’s my first post!
Well, one more thing, sorry if it’s the 100th time someone mentions it (?). It might become handy if the faders, especially the one for panning, could be reset to their initial value (or to their last position, like it works with undo) by double-clicking them. I can see though, how this may lead to accidents… so the best thing would be to make this the user’s choice –> that’d be even more work for you!! 😕
Sorry, now I’ll go read up on the future development list.