FL Studio as a plugin or rewire never had worked properly like the others already have said.
One “golden rule” if you want to use it as plugin or rewire:
Never start projects one Bar 1!!!
Better start projects from bar 5, this solves many play and sync problems and if you have a problem with missing notes on start, start playback a quarter beat before (I am not sure, but I think Podium doesn´t have a preroll on playback/record start atm)…
@kingtubby wrote:
@Trancit wrote:
My problem is, I want to have a midi sequence afterwards for further editing…
If I record the midi sequence in energyXT2, I cannot export it as .mid file…it supports only its own clips…But there is an ‘export to midi file’ option in XT2, under the file menu.
Really?? I didn´t looked at it for a quite long time…last time I tried, it didn´t suport it
@4mica wrote:
I’m not too sure about a workaround, but would EnergyXT work alright? Of course, it is a host working as a VST, but it could send out MIDI from its own arpeggiator. Now of course you’d have to buy it, but I have no other ideas at this time……
I own energyXT 1 +2…
My problem is, I want to have a midi sequence afterwards for further editing…
If I record the midi sequence in energyXT2, I cannot export it as .mid file…it supports only its own clips…
@Zynewave wrote:
I also have noticed the increased exposure that mobile apps are getting on many audio sites, but I think it is more than just a novelty factor. I agree that an iPhone on a train is never going to replace professional production in a studio, but for the creative tunemakers, it is a revelation to be able to grab your mobile device and record/compose when inspiration strikes you. I think mobile music creation is going to cannibalize the traditional PC/Mac DAWS in the years to come. In 5 years time I expect more than 95% of all music-creators will be using a mobile device as their primary way to record and arrange compositions. Those that are serious about their music will then have their work finalized on a traditional DAW in a studio setting with studio monitors.
The latest 4.2 iOS update added support for external MIDI devices. It is likely that a future iOS update will add support for external USB audio interfaces as well. Compared to a PC DAW, the main limiting factor of an iPad based studio is the CPU processing power. Assuming that in a couple of years we will have quad-core tablets, this will eventually be enough to satisfy the majority of users that just need to record a few tracks of vocal and guitar, and layer some synth and drum tracks.
No matter how good I make Podium, professional studios will never dare taking the risk of using a one-man created DAW as the cornerstone software of their studio. That means my main target are the creative musicians, and they are going towards mobile as I see it. If I stay committed to writing Windows-only software, I don’t see a great future for Podium. But I am not porting Podium to mobile devices because I think I have to, in order to stay in business. I happen to be thrilled about the possibilities that the mobile devices offer.
I don´t know…I believe, that “serious” but as well creative producer will not use a mobile phone or pad as much as you think in the next 5-10 years…and development of cpu´s for mobile hardware will very soon reach their limit in point of cooling…remember how much cooling you need in actual PC´s for the given power, that´s impossible to realize in mobile hardware, even laptop´s are far behind “normal” PCs…
Perhaps apps like Rebirth or some instruments with a midisequencer have a chance to be niche product but not more…
Anyway, it´s you, who decides, but I´d like to know, what do you plan for the future of Podium, what are your priorities for the further development of Podium and all the existing feature requests…
It seems, you don´t like to talk about this, you mostly say, that this or this is on the to-do list, but I´d like to know, what we can expect in nearer future.
Reaper 4 prerelease circle has started and atm Podium falls more and more behind…too much finetuning, which is important as well, but regardless of all the gaps, which need to filled…
Perhaps, you can tell us a little bit more about your personal plans of this product beside this poll topic…
Just in case for sounding perhaps to harsh, I want to state clearly here:
Fritz, in my opinion you did a fantastic job with Podium…all features you have implemented are well figured out and the GUI is one of the best one will ever see in a sequencer and I wish you the best business of all…
In the point of marketing, I personally believe, that filling out the gaps Podium still has, will bring you better business than a new “app”
I read many posts in other forums (KVR, Reaper) …people are interested in Podium but asking for basic features, like input quantisation, routing midi to other tracks, midi fx or timestretch, which I have to negate… but important is the fact: the people are interested in Podium!
Perhaps it´s the better way to concentrate on these gaps before jumping on another train, where you find a lot of competition again…
I am sorry to be one on the negative side…
I see your point on marketing, but for me the developement is quite slow anyway and concentrating on other platforms even if you can use the source code will make it even slower as you pointed yourself…
Second: For me it´s even hard to work with a 23″ monitor to keep the best visibility, I could never imagine to “work” on the display of a mobile…
Third and most important: I am completely against all the stuff going up with those smart phones and pads…people loosing focus on the real world more and more and I could barf by watching newer commercials: Hey spend more time in the real world, we bring to you more modern apps, they are so easy and fast to use, you got more “precious” time left to see what´s going on in the real world…
Did you took a look at the teenagers in the last few years…they all now how to run those apps, how to type in an sms of 300 words in 0.5 seconds but if they shall do something in the real world like speaking a simple sentence in their own native language, you only get bullshit…
We are breeding a complete generation of completely idiots with a very few “normalos” if you understand what I mean…
Please stop this insanity a very clever man had come up with, only to earn billions with the stupidity of the mankind…a mobile phone is a telephone …period
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
@Trancit wrote:
In FL Studio FLS internal render additions like Resampling, HQ Envelopes etc. are Fruity only…
For every non native plugin you can choose in it´s options (for each plugin seperate and state is saved) if you want to inform the plugin about offline rendering or not…
Thanks Trancit. However I’m confused because Sytrus (VST version) has settings for real time and for rendering time.
Real time settings are used as long as the plugin “believes” you are play it “normal” e.g. triggered by keyboard or sequencer…
Rendering settings are only used, if the plugin is informed by the host, that you do offline rendering/bouncing…
So if you set oversampling to 48x in the render settings and 1x in realtime, it does the oversampling only if the host informs Sytrus, that you now bounce the song/part in offline mode.
Hope this helps
@4mica wrote:
I feel like a dummy for posting this, but here goes:
When I load a preset for a VST, then change a parameter or more, then Podium records the changes in that preset, but I don’t want the presets to change! The only way out is if I reload the whole instrument, then it goes back to the original presets. How do I keep Podium from recording any changes, and how do I create new presets from old ones?
I’ve searched the manual and forums for help but didn’t see what I needed, so I apologize if I missed it! Thanks-
Afaik, it´s not Podium related…it seems to be a part of the VST protocol, because that happens in other hosts too..
Just to clarify: Load a VSTi, adjust the parameters on preset 1, switch further to preset 2, switch back to preset 1…changes are still there!!!
If you mean this, that´s normal with many VSTi´s (afaik, shall prevent from loosing changes by accidental switch to next preset)…the only way to get around this, is to reload either the plugin or the preset/preset bank…
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
And this is a thought inherited from old FL Studio days, which I don’t know if it’s true in Podium: only non-realtime bouncing uses the high quality features from most plugins, like oversampling. Is that true in Podium?
Of course I don’t know about the actual bounce rendering code, but I don’t think offline bouncing produces higher quality by itself…
Whether it tells plug-ins to switch to high-quality mode (if available) – that’s a good question. Are you sure this works also with 3rd party plug-ins in FL Studio, and not just Image-Line’s own plug-ins?
In FL Studio FLS internal render additions like Resampling, HQ Envelopes etc. are Fruity only…
For every non native plugin you can choose in it´s options (for each plugin seperate and state is saved) if you want to inform the plugin about offline rendering or not…
I think, there is something true in the posts of ninjawarrior, but please, there is no reason to start a war here…
I second, that there is a reason, why Podium isn´t as popular as it should be…
and Fritz, I respect, that you decide yourself about the next steps in developement, but I have in mind too, that it is a buisiness for you and you want to earn money with your product…
And there is definetely very much truth about the issues, ninjawarrior “shouted out” here…
If you want to make Podium more popular, I think it´s more essential to work on the basic issues many people asking for, than concentrating on finetuning more or less unimportant stuff or working parrallel on a free version…. at this moment, Podium is featurewise far far behing it´s direct competitors and while others develop more and more features to increase their advantage you were concentrating on (featurewise) pretty useless stuff …
If you don´t want to miss the train, it´s five to twelfe…
Imho, there are only two ways to survive in this very hard competition:
Either your product offers a very very special feature (e.g. energyXT´s modular approach) or your product is up to date compared to the others…
Ask yourself, what´s in your opinion, the reason/motivation for new users to spend their money on your product instead of a very full featured Reaper…
Cockos raised the bar so much depending on the development tempo, that it´s very hard anyway to stand this fight…
So please,please,please don´t let Podium fall behind any further…you did such a good job in the past…
And please, to all the others:
Even if you are dissapointed, please let´s argue but flaming doesn´t help…
Please keep calm…
I think most people here missunderstand…
I can only speak for me, but asI far as I understood LiquidProj3ct, it´s about the same:
Nobody whines about a faster development or about the quality…it´s all about the priority…at least for me…
I am asking myself, if it is really necessary to do all the graphics first before implementing the “real” features, Podium needs quite urgent…
I personally understand this thread as a simple reminder, if Fritz just looses focus a little bit, because he loves all the designing parts more 8)
So, please again, Podium is just great and thx for all the hard work, but…
there are some other urgent things to think about as well, which makes Podium sometimes a little complicated and long-winded to use…
Sadly, I have to second LiquidProj3ct´s point of view…
I am a quite new memeber since 27th of april this year and please don´t get me wrong, I absolutely love the way you implement all of the feature requests…but I´ve to second, that you got absolutely lost in cosmetic changes instead of making Podium a really competitor the the other ones out there…
Orion, MuLab and Podium are the only ones out there lacking of audio timestretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but have to say, therefore MuLab is focused of an outstanding modular area)
Podium is the only!!!!!! sequencer I know, which doesn´t handle midi VST or free midi routing to other tracks…………I don´t know since when midi VST/i are available on the market?????
Podium is the only sequencer I know, which has many problems, saving VST/i presets in the songfile………..
Podium still has bouncing issues…I ,again, am not aware of another host with problems like that….
For me personally, this x64 thingie is really unimportant, but all the others jumping on this train, so it seems to be important to many other people…
No rx2 support…
Problems with mousewheel with many plugins
No proper controler surface support
Again, please don´t get me wrong:
I personally love the way you are implementing things like the new drum editor, the scalable mixer or the absolutely unique feature: import the data out of midifiles directly into the piano roll…brilliant…
I looked through the releases threads to resume the chhanges of the last ten updates, since I own my Podium license are only a few “new” features:
1. new snap functions
2. new drum editor
3. new midibrowser with new import features and midi timestretch
4. scalable mixer and now UI fonts/icons and so on
Imho, the rest were “just” little cosmetic improvements, perhaps necessary but I get the point of LiquidProj3ct…
For the real “important” changes, to bring up Podium to the top level, where it definetely belongs to, there was too little in the last time…
And I have to second his statement, that if somebody wants to write a new member review on KVR, after reading the last one from 2005…what has really changed???
Of course a lot of small internal changes to make the program better, but what shall I tell them about the really important stuff????
Just my 2 cents…(perhaps it´s just 1 8) )
@Zynewave wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
Frits, have you thought about using some sort of logarithmic scale for mouse-wheel fader adjustments? You can try it on knobs in FabFilter plug-ins – I find it to be super-comfortable!
I could just remove the code I put in to make it snap to full dB steps. I thought it convenient that each wheel click adjusted a fixed dB. Easy to set the fader to -3 or -6 dB for example. Do anyone prefer the wheel to adjust in proportion to the fader range, rather than in dB steps?
I have to say again: For me, mousewheel support should do some kind of finetuning, while dragging a fader with the mouse is to do the bigger changes…
To easily set faders to e.g. – 3db or -6 db for me is a job for either a keyboard shortcut or for another modifier plus mouseclick or mousewheel, but not a job for the “normal” mousewheel workflow…
My answer is definetely: no…
@Zynewave wrote:
@Trancit wrote:
I don´t have any knowledge of programming, but could it be, that plugins, that don´t have extra mousewheel support themselves, could benefit from this “hoovering over the dial to set mousewheel focus on that”????
The sentence you quoted, is that an option you have seen in another host?
Was just an idea…
Btw. I see you are using “hoover” in your posts. The correct spelling is “hover”. Hoover refers to a vacuum cleaner.
Thanks for correcting me…didn´t knew this before
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m currently implementing support for controlling sliders/faders with mousewheel in the mixer.
One little thing more to this:
Normally (if I look at the most hosts), mousewheel alone changes bigger values, with shift or ctrl as modifiers smaller amounts…only one host makes it other way round and I have to say, this works much better:
Imho, if you want to make bigger changes to a fader or knob, it´s far easier to grab it by left clicking and move it…
So, why do we want the mousewheel: especially for smaller changes/fine tuning or slower changes it´s far easier to use the wheel and that´s the reason, why I personally find it much easier to have small increments without modifiers and bigger ones with…
On a volume fader, the mousewheel shouldn´t change the value more than 0.5db, perhaps only 0.33db…take a look at MU.LAB from Mu.Tools…mousewheel on the volume fader changes value in 0.25 increments…works pretty good!