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  • in reply to: Buss question #25403

    From your description, I’m not sure what you mean by submix. Do you just want one submix track, or several submix tracks? If you just want one, I can’t see what you want to achieve by inserting a separate submix group track. You can enable multiple gain faders on the master track, if you want to control gain both before and after the master effects.

    in reply to: Buss question #25395

    If you don’t want any direct signal going through to the master, you could skip using send/returns, and instead just place the ten tracks in a group track. What effects you currently have on your bus return track would go on the group track.

    If you still want the send/return mappings, you should move the track fader up above the send fader by using the track context menu -> Fader -> Set Fader After Sends. After that you can set the track gain to off.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.

    Thanks for the bug report. I couldn’t provoke a crash on my machine, but I did find an issue with initialization of disconnected USB MIDI devices. I have uploaded a 3.2.2 beta with a fix on the My Downloads page. If you find the time to test this beta, please report whether the crash bug is gone.

    in reply to: Still problem with Kontakt #25212

    I have Kontakt 4.2.4 full, and recently updated Kontakt Player to the latest 5.3.0 version. Is it possible for you to update to 5.3.0 so you can confirm that the issue is still present with the latest version?

    I’m probably going to upgrade my Kontakt full version to 5, with the 50% deal that NI announced today. I’m going to spend much of December working with Kontakt. Before that I’m going to release a minor Podium update with various fixes.

    in reply to: Free plugins to use in Podium #25158

    The DDMF ColourEQ x64 has noisy clicks and occasional loud pops whenever I adjust any of the frequency parameters with sound playing. Anyone else notice this?

    Edit: I’ve updated the page with what I have tested so far:

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Zynewave.
    in reply to: Free plugins to use in Podium #25155

    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m going through them right now.

    @Pulse: AxTube?

    I tried MauSynth x64: When the plugin editor is open, it intercepted some Podium key shortcuts (such as Ctrl+z), and changing presets in the track inspector did not work.

    The purpose of the page is to give a good introduction to VST plugins for new users. This means that I’ll only include plugins where I can link to a download page that has clear download instructions. IMO, that disqualifies LinuxSampler and various others. I even had problems with the Voxengo pages, where I managed to download several demo versions of commercial plugins, before I noticed the actual download links were above the plugin description. It’s clearly written in the text, but I was just quickly looking for download link buttons.

    I also have a problem with UVI Workstation. When installing, it asks to install the PACE license system. I’ve had plenty of bad experiences with this years ago, so I stay away from that. A shame, because the UI screenshots look beautiful.

    I’m even considering removing Independence Free from the list, because it pops up an annoying dialog during Podium plugin scanning, asking for registration. Not a smooth user experience.

    in reply to: Free plugins to use in Podium #25147

    I’ve been going through the kvr database and the freeware suggestions made on this forum, and have compiled this list:


    It’s been a while since I last checked out the available freeware plugins so I may have missed some obvious candidates for the list. Please check out the page, and let me know if you have suggestions for additions or if you have experienced problems with any of the listed plugins.

    Eventually I will link to the page on the Podium and Podium Free product pages.

    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #25074

    Does Podium have any issues with multiple copies of a plugin within the path? Or different plugins that have the same internal name?

    That should not be an issue. Plugins are identified by their file path.

    what is the point of “rebuild plugin database” if it keeps pointers to deleted folders / plugins? And how do I tell it to actually start clean?

    Podium will try to reconfigure mappings of plugins that have moved location. If you have the same plugin filename in multiple folders, then this may cause the mappings to not be reassigned, and you’ll have to fix those mappings manually. The plugin combobox selectors in the arrangement editor should be highlighted in red if the referenced plugins are missing.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #24997

    ZASF is absolutely NOT multi-processor safe (hence my surprise at discovering that Reaper had found a way to do it), so I have to run Podium with the VST multiprocessing option OFF.

    I would guess Reaper uses a method where a plugin instance is designated to a specific thread. That can cure some of the weaknesses of plugins that are not multithread safe.

    I have considered the scorched-earth “wipe it clean and reinstall from scratch” approach, on the thought that some file that didn’t get replaced by the 3.2.1 install may have become corrupted. Does Podium leave any droppings in the registry that I will need to go clean up after an uninstall?

    The installer engine stores some settings in the registry, required for clean uninstallation, but the Podium app does not store anything in the registry. Rereading my first post, I see I forgot some important info: Before you delete the Podium.ini file, you should quit Podium. Otherwise, when you quit Podium, it will just rewrite the Podium.ini file with the old settings still loaded in memory.

    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #24996

    One thing I should perhaps mention is that there appear to be some defective VSTs in my collection – When rebuilding the VST database, I get several instances of a dialog saying something about attempting to load the C++ run time library without a manifest. This has been happening for as long as I can remember, and I just hit “Ignore” and it finishes scanning and everything *seems* normal (except the aforementioned OK and cancel button issues). I get the same notice in Reaper, but neither program seems inclined to tell me which files are causing the problem. It is NOT ZASF, I verified this by moving my whole ZASF development folder OUT of the plugins folder, and I still got the same number of “no manifest” errors. I have been assuming, hopefully correctly, that Podium just ignores the plugin’s existence after noting that error.

    Can you check what plugin file name is written in the scanning dialog when the error dialog pops up?

    This error dialog is probably popped up by the plugin, and so does not necessarily report as an error to Podium. If at the end of the scan, Podium does not report that plugins have been quarantined, then the plugin is accepted, but it may still have corrupted Podiums memory.



    Unfortunately, Podium does not yet support streaming MIDI from one VST plugin to another. It is a frequently requested feature, but I cannot give an estimate when it will be implemented. Other Podium users have worked around it by using a plugin that can host other VST plugins, such as energyXT.


    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #24974

    You say it’s the Preferences dialog that causes problems with OK/Cancel buttons. How about the Audio/MIDI dialog. Is that working without problems?

    I recommend that you try to delete the Podium.ini file. Use the Setup/Explore Setup Folder menu command to find the folder where the Podium.ini file is located. While you’re there, please check if the setup folder is at: C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Roaming\Zynewave\Podium

    After you have deleted Podium.ini you need to reconfigure your audio/Midi devices, but before you do that, check if the Preferences dialog works without problems.

    in reply to: Problems recording from VST #24949

    I’ve split your reply into a new topic. For future support requests: If you go to the ‘Podium – Support’ page (select from the Community menu in the header), there should be a ‘Create new topic’ form at the bottom of the page.

    You need to bounce enable your track with the plugin to record the plugin output. If you want to record realtime performance, you need the ‘enable realtime record bouncing’ option in the Track/Bounce context menu. Check the popup help for the B button on the track header for help on the different bounce modes.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Zynewave.
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