Good to hear you’re finding the drum editor useful.
Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another
When I find the time to give the drum editor a makeover, this will be fixed.
Would there be a way for you to add a feature allowing users to change the note names within the drum editor?
How about something like right clicking on the drum name and selecting a ‘Preset properties’ menu? Meanwhile you can change the GM drum names if you can locate the drum kit preset in an object list window (by default this would be somewhere like Devices/Battery/Library Presets). Unfold the drum kit preset and you have all the drum key presets which you then can modify with the right click properties menu or pressing Alt+Enter.
Hi nixis00,
You should import the sampletank plugin into your project using the ‘import multitimbral plugin’ button in the Project Wizard plugin mappings panel. This will create 16 MIDI channel mappings in addition to the audio mappings. The plugin is then configured as a global plugin, meaning you need to assign the audio mapping to one track (or several audio mappings to tracks if using multioutput), and any number of the MIDI mappings to other tracks.
LAST> I wonder if any of u could tell me why I have an offset of 3 beats in my VST rec.
That is, I rec 4 beats with sampletank, no latency no lag–all ok. BUT when I stop rec, I don-t see all 4 beats recorded..but just my last beat, which also compares as beat 1 not 4…very weird I wonder what could that be
That does sound very weird. Are you talking about recording your MIDI input or the audio bouncing to the master track? If you’re talking about MIDI recording, then you could try to enable the ‘ignore time stamps from driver’ option for the MIDI input in the interfaces dialog.
Edit: Damn kagemusha, you posted 2 secs before me. I will have to start paying you for doing my support 😉
Hi Pixar,
I’ve never tried Mozilla before, so I have just downloaded and installed Mozilla 1.7.2. When pressing the round Buy button on the purchase page, I get directed to the shareit secure server pages. While loading this page, a dialog pops up saying ‘You are entering secure, bla bla’. Until I pressed OK in this dialog, the image files on the page were not loaded (e.g. the top blue share-it banner). Could it be something in your settings concerning secure pages? And even though you have ditched IE, you’re still running Windows, so maybe just try again? 😉
The page was shown ok on my machine, and the ‘next’ button with the image file link you posted, is also displayed ok.
Oh, and thanks for considering purchasing Podium 🙂
Hi Fess,
One advantage is price. Podium costs appr. 1/10 of the two products you mention. What you don’t get with Podium is built-in effects and synths etc. Furthermore the featureset of Cubase and Logic are more extensive, allowing them to reach a broad customer base. The featureset in Podium is of ‘pro’ quality but is narrower, and therefore the potential customerbase is more limited. The limited featureset can in a way be an advantage as the user interface is not cluttered with options that most users will never find a need for. So it’s up to you to decide if the features Podium offers are fitting for your work style. It’s a matter of taste. Certainly try the Podium demo and make sure it will work for you, before deciding to buy it.
I would not recommend trying to overwrite existing dll files, such as the gdi32.dll. That’s only asking for trouble.
Using google I found a page that says: “MSIMG32.DLL exists in different versions for Windows 98/NT and Windows Me/2000 platforms. When installing the wrong file various problems might occur.”
Try checking the properties of the msimg32.dll file you downloaded. The 98SE version should be: 53,248 (bytes) 4-23-1999 10:22:00p
hmm some strange coincidence perhaps. I can’t repeat it anymore.
That’s good
I don’t like strange coincidences 😐
I’ll make the changes I wrote about in the above post. Let me know if you encounter situations with the next release, where the sound cannot be saved and there’s no error message popping up.
Is the bit resolution something you only set before you start a recording or should it also work as a convertion afterwards.
You can change the resolution any time, even during recording. I tried recreating your scenario and encountered no problems. I did find an unfortunate behaviour, which I doubt is your problem; When choosing the ‘Save Ctrl+S’ menu on an unnamed sound in a new project that is not saved to a file yet, then the empty project path is not added to the sound, and the sound file is saved at whatever is the current directory. You could try to do a search for a duplicate of your sound file. I’ll fix this behaviour for the next release.
What I suspect is your problem is that the sound file is locked by another application. If you have opened the file in Audition, then trying to save it in Podium will probably fail. I found that Podium does not issue a warning when failing to save to a locked file. I’ll add that for the next release, so you at least will be informed when this is the case.
So you weren’t serious in suggesting you would like podium in full screen modus??
Actually I have planned to add support for a full screen mode of the main browser when the window is maximized. This would get rid of the titlebar and the status bar, freeing up valuable screen estate for people running low resolutions. It would not get rid of the Windows frame of the separate editor windows, which was what I was referring to. I hope all this is done before 2006, btw.
Lookup the CreateWindow function for more..!
My comment to kagemusha was more meant as a joke. I have previously created another application that have a completely custom drawn window frame and system buttons. I chose not to do this in Podium, as there are certain elements I would like to remain Windows like, e.g. the dialogs and Windows frames. If you’re using XP you may have installed a visual style theme that you would prefer to be adopted by Podium.
Very nice. Love the panel and selection colors. 8)
Now, if only we could get rid of that hideous Windows frame and titlebar 😉 (2006)
I don’t dare to give suggestion anymore because it keeps you awake at night
Don’t worry about it. I am up late at night anyway. And working on improving the GUI is fun 🙂
Keep the suggestions coming.
It should run on Win98SE. I know one of my customers are using this OS.
Are you running a complete Windows 98 install or are you using one of the unofficial ‘lite’ modifications? Or maybe you omitted to install some components such as Internet Explorer? I searched for ‘msimsg32.dll’ and found the link below, which states that msimg32.dll should be on the Windows 98 install CD.;en-us;188433
This is one of the reasons why the Podium installer is relatively small. I have not embedded any system dll files that are supposed to be part of a standard Windows installation.
I hate to give advice such as ‘Reinstall Windows’, but this comes close. You could try to extract the msimg32.dll file manually from the W98 CD and put it in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder, but this may not be enough. Running Podium again may show a new error of another missing dll.
is there any chance of making it possible to have the keys on the left light up when they are recieving MIDI?
Good suggestion. I’ve added it to the list.
it seems the the Pencil Tool doesn’t care about what I have set for a Quantize Resolution, but the Rearrange Tools does
Hmm, the pencil tool should snap as much as the rearrange tool does. I assume you’re talking about the keyboard editor. Setting the quantize snap value will set the grid resolution which e.g. is used for the size of new notes etc. To make the notes snap to the grid, you must select the button where the snap resolution is displayed. Could this be the explanation?
And a couple of hours later… The sequence text is now shown on top of the waveform, painted on a translucent background mask, making it more distinguishable from the waveform underneath. The phantom icon is less translucent, and is painted with the same color as the text (selected/unselected). The phantom icon is also shown in the track inspector event list. Definitely an improvement. Thanks for the suggestions Eli. Will be available in v1.11.