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  • in reply to: anyway to bypass plugins ? #3034

    If it is a synth plugin, you can use the mute button. If you mean bypass an effect to let audio from sub tracks pass straight thru, then currently there is no way to bypass a mapping. A true track bypass button is on the plan along with a wet/dry setting.

    If it is because you want to temporarily listen to the audio without the effect, you can use the ‘Unselect map’ in the track menu, and then use undo/redo. Not a perfect solution though, as the plugin will be unloaded and loaded in memory, which can take some time.

    in reply to: Pulsar II #3033

    Send them to info@zynewave.com

    in reply to: Creatin of large patch lists for hardware synths #3030

    I will try to implement Cubase script import for 0.92.

    Alpha-search is not implemented, but I have just added it to the future plan.

    See, that’s the problem with getting this stuff all in the right forums. What starts as a support question often becomes a feature request only after we find it is not already implemented

    Discussing things here to see if there are ways to solve a wish/problem is fine by me. When the topic has been understood, and if it’s a complex feature request, it’s extra helpful to me if a user writes a summary in the future forum, like you did with the layered curves topic.

    in reply to: Creatin of large patch lists for hardware synths #3028

    Sorry, I was just being lazy. I guess what I wanted to know is what formats you prefer, and do you have your own customized patch files in a specific format?

    I found the ‘Script documentation.txt’ file in my Cubase SX demo. I could not find a format description for the cakewalk .ins files, and from what I read on the net, there is no official docs from Cakewalk on this. There were some unofficial hints though.

    The Cubase format is the cleanest and easiest to implement, but it does not support definitions for parameters. Cakewalk does this, but it would be a little tougher to implement import of .ins files. Would support for the Cubase format be sufficient for you?

    in reply to: Preset recall bug?? #3027

    Recently I tried out the CyberFREE plugin and found that if you load large samples >16 MB it would take minutes for the plugin to return a pointer to the data when requested by Podium, making it look like Podium has frozen. Apparently CyberFREE does some sort of heavy zip-compression. Anyway, it appears I have to set the limit higher. What are the size of the largest patches that you work with?

    in reply to: Nested or Layered Curves. #3026

    This is precisely how I imagined that suggestions should be posted, and with a clear topic title for future reference. As I mentioned in the other topic, at the present time there are a lot of essential features that I need to work on first priority. This suggestion would require a week or two to implement. Bump this topic in a couple of months, and I may be easier to persuade.

    in reply to: MOTU 828 MkII Firewire #3021

    The invisible second window is actually a dialog that is located behind the splash screen. If it is similar to the one that appears on my system, it says ‘ASIOMME.dll is already running’ with an OK button on it. This dialog is opened by the Steinberg emulated ASIO driver when Podium enumerates all available ASIO drivers on the system at startup. It typically appears when the driver (or the MME ports that it wraps) are already in use. Do you have other programs running when this happens?

    The newly released 0.91 has a new report facility in the interfaces dialog. If you have the time you might try this with the MOTU again, and email/post the report to me so I can get a clue of where it goes wrong.


    in reply to: Preset recall bug?? #3020

    Hi fst,

    …but the one for bug reports says ‘admins only’

    You cannot create topics in the release forum, but you should be able to reply to the topic for the release.

    Preset recall bug in 0.90 – both DS404 and Synth1 lose their presets/patches after a saved arrangment is reloaded, suggesting the full plugin state is not being saved with the arrangment perhaps??

    If you want to store changes you make in a plugin, you need to assign a library preset to the track. With simple plugins you can use a program library preset, but for multitimbral synths that manages global setup in addition to program presets, you should assign a bank library preset. Use the track menu to access these functions. You will also see a ‘Sync’ button in the preset panel. When this button is selected then Podium will keep the preset updated with any changes in the plugin. When deselected, your library preset is safe from accidental changes in the plugin.

    Whilst i’m here, i’d just add that i’m enjoying Podium so far

    I’m glad you like it 😀

    …that whilst you can record audio, you can’t yet import it?

    You can import wav files. If you drag them onto Podium, they should appear as objects on the main project page. If not, then maybe the wav files are in floating point format, which is not supported yet in Podium.

    When inside the arrangement editor, open an Object List (Ctrl+L). From this list you can drag the sounds onto the tracks.


    in reply to: Podium Releases #3019
    • New status report page in interfaces dialog.
    • Various bug-fixes.

    Topic: 0.91

    in reply to: Layered curves multiplied to Velocity? #3018

    In summary, can BAR curves be applied to velocities?


    Curve sequences (nomatter what format) can only be used to control parameter objects. Not note on/off velocities.

    Also, is the hierarchical weighted nesting of curves possible (for other data types than velocity.)

    No. I wrote more about this in the ‘Velocity onto CC?’ topic.

    in reply to: Creatin of large patch lists for hardware synths #3017

    To implement this easily, it would be great if I can avoid designing a dialog in Podium for setting up import. An easy solution would simply be to require that there is an identification line at the top of the text-file with an identifier for Podium to validate the format of the file. The text-file could then simply be dropped on Podium or be loaded in the Import Media file dialog. So I need to see some examples of these patch lists from other sequencers. Email it to me or paste examples in this topic.

    Edit: Actually if the preset definition text files from the major sequencer vendors use an identifiable header at the top of the text file, I can just implement support for that. Would be easier.

    in reply to: Velocity onto CC? (Mod Wheel) (for GPO) #3014


    Is there something in Podium that would allow me to map existing velocity values onto Mod Wheel? (CC1).

    🙁 No, however:

    When you say CC1 (and not polyphonic aftertouch) you apparently are using different MIDI channels for each monophonic melody line. Thus you have each melody/voice on separate tracks. If you prefer not to deal with creating curve sequences, you can drag a parameter (e.g. modulation) directly onto a track and thereby create a static parameter event with an embedded dial for setting the value. To avoid overlaying these static parameter events with your note sequences, you should create a new subtrack for each voice track, and drag the parameter events there. If you select a track with static parameter events, you can view them all in the track event list in the inspector where you also can change their values.

    IF, IF the curves that are nested layer their affects then you could also lay longer spline curves over whole phrases such that you would have curves for individual notes but also whole phrases would ebb and flow.

    Setting two tracks up with curves for the same parameter is not allowed currently. It’s an interesting idea and I will keep it in mind, but it’s not an easy thing to do, and I’ve got lots of more essential stuff on the immediate plan.

    in reply to: Layered curves multiplied to Velocity? #3013

    🙂 I had to read this three times.

    You can’t do that in Podium currently. The spline curves can only be applied to parameters and not note on/off velocities.

    This sounds like the perfect job for a MIDI plugin, where you then in Podium could assign a spline curve to a parameter in the MIDI plugin that would adjust the overall phrasing. I would rather implement support for MIDI plugins in Podium, than begin to implement native support for these specific algorithmic functions.

    in reply to: Creatin of large patch lists for hardware synths #3012

    I can see the problem. Podium stores everything in the .pod binary format. What we need here is an import function in Podium, that can load a text file and batch create a bunch of preset objects. Which device are we talking about? I saw you mentioned you had an SW1000XG, which there already is a library definition for.

    in reply to: My impresions so far #3011

    Automatic creation of audio events is on the future plan. Currently you need to create the audio event and set the size before recording. Recording MIDI will automatically create sequence events and adjust the size to the recorded material.

    To make the zoom range scroll along the play cursor, select the ‘Automatic Scroll’ in the view menu.

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