Hmm, seems like Freedom and Podium are incompatible then. Anyone else had experience with YT Freedom?
That message should indicate that Podium could not detect the dll as a VST plugin (of the same x86/x64 archictecture as the Podium version you’re running). If you have jBridge installed, you could try to wrap it in that.
What error message do you get when you try to import it?
@frollo9386 wrote:
If I’m correct you can use composite track for midi, but you can’t record? any news on this side?
No new development here, sorry. MIDI loop recording is not implemented yet.
Another method, where you don’t have to modify the sound properties:
I’ve now deleted the two spam topics that was created during this last week. I usually have to delete spam posts every week, and I also delete the users accounts that posts the spam. About a year ago some very offensive spam posts appeared, and I had to enable the “email confirmation” option on the forum registration.
Thanks. This will be fixed in 3.02.
If they are crashing during scan, then there is an incompatibility somewhere. After you’ve done the scan, you could try to import the plugins manually, with the “import plugin” command in the devices menu. However, if they crash during scan, they could also crash during normal use.
The demo was updated a few hours ago. Try to refresh the download page in your browser.
Are you using ASIO4ALL? If you just want simple stereo in/out, you should be able to do okay with the built-in soundcard, provided that you use the driver.
So the problem you reported in that other topic, is the exact same problem you still have today?
@michi_mak wrote:
happened in earlier versions too
So, have you encountered this issue from the first time you started using Podium, or did the issue appear at some point later on?
Make sure the “use time stamps from driver” option is deselected. Note that this setting is configured for each MIDI input, in case you have more than one MIDI input available.
Can you quantify how much “way too early” is?
It sounds like your editor profiles in Podium.ini have been corrupted. This can happen if power is turned off while Podium is exiting. If you haven’t customized your editor profiles, use the “Restore default editor profiles” command in the Setup menu.