@Zynewave wrote:
The tracks region options I’m currently working on will enable you to hide some or all of the controls on the track header, if you prefer a clean design.
Sounds perfect to me π
@Zynewave wrote:
The tracks region options I’m currently working on will enable you to hide some or all of the controls on the track header, if you prefer a clean design.
Thanks very much Frits, I love clean designs, they inspire me.
@Zynewave wrote:
I think it is more user friendly that you use the same type of effect/track management in the inspector, track headers and mixer strips. With all the recent changes to the inspector/track headers, the mixer is in a state of limbo at the moment.
Yes, same behavior in same objects class give a feel of consistency; I think this is really important.
Two more problems:
– If you switch from the tracks profile to the editor or mixer (resizing all tracks) and back again, some tracks won’t show the device chain, even though they’re the same height they were before switching profiles. At the moment it can be remedied by just moving the scrollbar.
– Clicking the source selector shows the effects menu instead of instruments on a group track (if it has child tracks). I often use groups for drum samplers, with the sampler assigned to the group track and child tracks containing MIDI data for one instrument each. In beta 7, I can only force an instrument onto the group track with drag-and-drop or before creating child tracks.
Hm, here’s another problem, though not related to 2.23, I believe:
Auto-assigned audio inputs will be muted as soon as there’s an effect track added, caused by the moved fader position in the chain…? If I move the fader down to the bottom track, it works fine again.
I don’t quite understand why this would disable the input, since I can move the fader wherever I want and still get a signal from a directly assigned input. In any case, I don’t think this is intentional.
Two more smaller ones:
– Empty effect tracks keep the name of the previously assigned device after it has been unassigned. Not really a problem, but a bit strange.
– I think the source selector could be disabled/removed for less clutter when an audio input is active on a track, provided it can be detected what type of input is assigned. Or is there any scenario in which someone would want, for example, a synthesizer and an audio input playing on the same track? (Edit: Uhh, apart maybe for vocoding? Though I don’t know if that’d even work this way)
Beta 8:
Renamed “Group Panel” to “Rack”. Calling it “Rack” will of course make more sense once I implement the embedded plugin editors.
Added a “Lists” option button to the inspector. This will toggle the object assignment panels at the bottom. If anyone has a better description than “Lists”, let me know. I prefer it to be a single word and short.
The track select button no longer doubles as track menu. Instead right-clicking on the selector will open the track menu. That way the effect track menus are also available on the track headers and eventually in the mixer strips.
The tracks region options are also done. You can select to show: gain/pan/send controls, effect chain, source selector and input selector.
Question to you all:
2.23 is turning out to be a major face-lift of the track UI. I’m guessing I need a couple of weeks to update the mixer to the new chain design. I wonder if I should delay the release of 2.23 so that it includes the changes to the mixer?
@Zynewave wrote:
I wonder if I should delay the release of 2.23 so that it includes the changes to the mixer?
That makes sense to me.
@Zynewave wrote:
Calling it “Rack” will of course make more sense once I implement the embedded plugin editors.
I’m very excited about that! In general I’m very pleased with last changes, really π
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m guessing I need a couple of weeks to update the mixer to the new chain design. I wonder if I should delay the release of 2.23 so that it includes the changes to the mixer?
I would say ‘yes’ because, for me, the consistency is something very important.
@Zynewave wrote:
if I should delay the release of 2.23 so that it includes the changes to the mixer?
Although 2.23 is already a huge and very promising update I would say “Yes” too because the mixer changes would make the whole UI consistent. Excited! π
Yes, delay it. Else it would look like a beta halfway through. Keeping up short update periods is not so important. It needs the time it takes.
Implement the mixer too. It gives a better public image. We can use the beta’s in the mean time.
Yep, do the mixer first. Beta-version can be used anyways.
Some things about beta 8:
– I would say some of the menus are still fairly confusing and could be disarmed a little. The source menu in beta 7 was perfect already, so maybe it’s just an oversight. In beta 8, the right-click menus for the source and input selectors are identical, containing all options for both buttons. Also, there are some options in that menu (fader, meter, bounce) that would probably serve best if they were only in the track menu (right-click on header).
– There’s a crash when selecting “delete group track” from those source/input button menus. It works normally when you select it from the track menu (right-click on header).
– Something goes wrong when you create a second master group… input/source selectors appear on the master tracks.
– If you use horizontal meters on track headers, the SMR button group gets pushed to the right a little too far, regardless of horizontal track size.
– It’s possible still to unhide effect tracks with ctrl-h, although they have a little graphical issue here. If you remove it eventually, the help text for the minimize lane button points to this shortcut.
thcilnnahoj’s status should be renamed from licensee to “bug-finder extraordinaire”
How about “nothing better to do!” π I’m sure Frits is aware of many of those things already anyway.
– Crash when selecting ‘delete effect track’ from the right-click effect selector menu. Edit: Crashes when deleting a parameter track, too. So it generally results in a crash when you select any ‘delete’ command from a selector button right-click menu.
– When you’re dragging a device to a track, the selector button’s pop-up help gets a little in the way as it blocks the view of the chain.
– When you drag-move a send track below another send, the drag-indicator-line (?) appears below the faders, among the ‘normal’ effect tracks. It might be difficult since as far as I can tell Podium treats effect tracks the same, regardless of mapping type. It’s not a problem, really, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.
– Bypass button color is no longer customizable, I think? Before, it was the same as the color for mute. Probably intentional, but hey, you never know! Edit: Oh, wait, it still is. You just have to close and re-open the arrangement view, so here’s a bug.
– There are source/input selectors on take tracks, where they’re of no use, I think. You could assign devices to take tracks before, but the selectors make it a little more tempting to put things where they don’t belong. π
– (Not 2.23 related) I think it’s strange that you can still solo tracks in a group on which bouncing and ‘unload plugins when bounced’ is activated. As long as this option is on you can’t open plug-in editors and all that (since that would mean having to wait for the arrangement to load), so wouldn’t it make sense that there’s no soloing either?