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  • in reply to: Website update + One year free upgrade period #28716

    Thanks Frits! 🙂

    in reply to: Bouncing to audio #28429

    Could be a faulty plugin or at least a plugin that Podium does not like.
    When playing the arrangement, does it crash?

    I’d try to see what track or plugin might determine the crash, by rendering let’s say the first 10 tracks, then the next 20, etc.

    You need to eliminate the causes and than, eventually, you’ll know what is and so you’ll be able either to fix it or to replace for a more friendly plugin.

    Or could be something else completely, I don’t know!

    EDIT: I just noticed that you said “any track”. Then maybe some automation or a plugin on the master channel might cause it.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by adimatis.
    in reply to: Export to sound file #28311

    Well, I am happy you found a workaround!

    Have a good time with Podium! 🙂

    in reply to: Export to sound file #28305

    I tried to replicate, but it exports fine here.
    I am on Win7 64bit.

    Are you using a loop in your 8 bars tune? Or a duplicated 4 bar drums for instance? That might mess with something.

    If you record a simple mic input for 8 bars, does Podium export it ok as a sound file?

    in reply to: Filtering out Poly Pressure #28303

    This is good – posting the solution even to a self encountered problem will also help other users who are looking for a solution to their similar or identical problem.


    in reply to: Export to sound file #28302

    Do you mean it exports all the file but the first 4 measures are silent? Or does it start with the last four bars and duplicates it, and so the final sound is 8 bars alltogether?

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Just tested, can't get it to work (play button does nothing) #27214

    One thing you should be careful about is not to have some other program locking your ASIO driver, so that Podium can not run.

    In practice, an example of what happened to me once: I recorded in DAW (cannot remember if Podium or something else) then I opened a wave file into an external editor, that was also set to use ASIO. To my wonder, it did not work at all, that is no playing, stucked, locked, dead. And then I realize that the Rec Button was still on in my DAW, and this way the driver was locked, so the external editor could not run.That is, the ASIO driver could only access or be accessed only by one application in the same time.

    Have a look if this might be the case with you. Otherwise, ASIO whould really work. ASIO4all is particularly good for pretty much all the sound cards around.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.


    I believe a way to overcome this is to actually create a new track that will contain only that single event you want to process. This way, for most of the possible scenarios, you can have the solution – this is working for me most of the times.

    And to save power, you can always bounce and so the CPU doesn’t have to struggle through each playback.

    in reply to: What about the future in Podium? #26596


    I understand and agree. 🙂 Just that Podium is a great app that lacks one of the most common features nowadays in a DAW. Of course it is about costs, of course there are good reasons why Podium is not quite like Cubase feature wise (eventhough I do not mind at all that) and all, but the simple fact remains: those needing a form of time-stretch will be left with no option than using a third party. Either another DAW or some sort of VST that can at least do some limited TS when needed.

    Otherwise, I agree with you.

    I have to say it again, there are some interesting options out there, eventhough they bring some limitations. About two month ago I bought SMS2013 for 20 bucks, with many effects, instruments and features. Very nice! And then, just two days ago, I’ve got Studio One 2 Artist for only 5 bucks!!!

    But I’d like to stick with Podium only. Right now, not possible though.

    in reply to: What about the future in Podium? #26498

    On one single thing I can not agree with you: that Time Stretching is not so important! 😉 Just these days I had to create an instrumental for a song and sure enough, I needed to transpose an audio file, and to stretch it a little bit. Guess what? I had to use another DAW…

    I decided to let Podium follow it’s natural development, without any new FR or comments. It is what it is and I am not gonna complain again. I decided to support Zynewave and for whatever I will get as an update and improvement I will be very grateful.

    In the meanwhile I got quite familiar with an amazing piece of software, that is Magix Samplitude Music Studio, the 2013 version. I’ve got this for only 20 bucks, an absolute no brainer! I’ve got a great DAW, tons of editing possibilities, great sounds and instruments (BTW, Independence Basic – 12 gb of sound was included too) TS, Pitch correction, CD Red Book Creator, fantastic plug-ins, so many things that are simply too much to include.

    I love Podium, I continue to use it, but less and less these days. I will come back to it, as it feels so at home, but I am afraid it will have to wait. Some time, I hope a short while.

    Frits, I wish all the best, I will continue to support you, as I believe what you do with Podium is amazing. All in good time.

    in reply to: SquaredHeads Nora #26473

    What is it, what is it?
    And is it something that can work from within Podium?
    Tell us some more…

    in reply to: Some kinds words in the kvr website would be cool ;) #26292

    Hi Tele, nice to see you around.

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