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  • in reply to: Disable Auto Crossfade? #43638
    Andy Forber

    Looking to avoid it completely, per project. I’m using Podium to edit a podcast, so I don’t need to delete the gated dead space, just push the audio closer together.

    I have about 400 edits per episode, so was hoping to slim down the process and avoid ‘undo’ each time.

    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #42954
    Andy Forber

    I know it’s been a while now.
    Life happened. Anyway, happy to say that the stability of Podium is much better! I have had a few crashes, but these have been from some random vsts wench I have removed and it runs lovely. I can’t say I’ve stress tested it, but it seems to be able to handle the same projects easier than it did before.

    Personally, I prefer the original main page, where all the projects were in a list on the left then arrangements in the middle. The tile theme, I just can’t get on with. Perhaps an idea to have a preference?

    Either way, happy to see that Podium is back in action! Good job so far πŸ‘

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Andy Forber.
    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #42530
    Andy Forber

    Is there any scope for a limited trial of 3.4 for those out of license? I half moved away from Podium due to stability issues, but I’m glad to see that you’re back working on it again.

    My current main DAW is pretty good stability and feature wise, but I know Podium shortcuts like the back of my hand. If it’s improved as much as you say it has, I wouldn’t hesitate to renew my license.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Andy Forber.
    Andy Forber

    Ah glad you’re sorted. Normal bounces should work for you too, so shouldn’t have to use real time bounce. See how it goes. πŸ‘

    Andy Forber

    Hmm, perhaps you haven’t set your midi up yet?

    Open up Podium and click ‘Setup‘ along the top.
    Click Audio/Midi
    In the first tab (Audio) make sure you can see your audio interface. For example, mine says ASIO Drivers, and under ASIO interface, I have Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO (2 in, 2 out)
    On the right hand side, you should see some Active channels.
    The second tab (Midi) will let you setup your Midi interface. Mine shows my keyboard and pads.
    Click ok.

    Open up an arrangement.
    Create a new track by double clicking under the Master section on the left and clicking OK.
    You’ll see a + symbol, Source and Input.
    Select Input, go down to Midi and click Midi In.
    Now click the Source symbol and select an instrument VST.
    You should now here that sound when playing on your physical Midi instrument.
    You can arm the track or recording by pressing the R on the top of the track, then press ‘K’ on your PC’s keyboard.
    The play area should turn red.
    Press spacebar a record.

    If you don’t have a physical Midi instrument, double click a drag in the play area next to your track.
    This should create a box.
    Double click that box and put in some notes on the piano roll.

    Once you’re done, click File up the top and Export to Sound File. This will create your arrangement into a WAV file.

    I know this is covering every step, but if it still doesn’t work, at least we’ll know where you get stuck.

    Here’s a video for the basics of Podium too:

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #38608
    Andy Forber

    Hey all! Here’s some music I’ve made for/with a friend. It’s not my go-to genre, in fact, it’s right down the list, but would love for you to listen and any feedback would be greatly appreciated:

    Artist: kas.
    Genre: Alternative Rap

    to the bone. Click here
    anti everything. Click here

    Andy Forber

    Not that this is a solution, more of a work around, but have you tried a real time bounce?

    in reply to: Cannot open 3.3.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.0 Not responding error #38542
    Andy Forber

    Thanks for the update.

    It looks like that’s exactly my problem. I have, I’d guess 15-20 tracks per arrangement, full of WAV files. Splitting the projects into two and I have no more issues πŸ‘

    If there’s any more testing I can do for you, let me know and thanks again for the help.

    in reply to: Cannot open 3.3.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.0 Not responding error #38538
    Andy Forber

    Hi Frits,

    I can’t seem to find your email so I’ve uploaded the files here:

    I’ve tried a few things since your message:

    Removed the OpenProjects block and Podium opens fine now, however, It either takes around 4 minutes to open two specific projects, or crashes. Other projects open fine.

    I’ve ruled out plugins. Other projects open right away with the same plugin setup.

    The only difference I can see really is these two main projects have around 13 songs each within them. Not sure if this is how was intended to be used, but I use a Project almost like an album, then Arrangements as each song.

    Hope this helps you. I think in the meantime, I’m going to split my projects in half and see where we get.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Cannot open 3.3.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.0 Not responding error #38529
    Andy Forber

    Okay, typically the next thing I try after making the post kinda resolves the issue.

    I’ve removed the Projects folder and reloaded 3.3.2 and it opened up straight away. I put the folder back and was able to work on a track. Close and reopen Podium with the projects folder still in place and the issue remains.

    Do I have a corrupt .pod file? Would it be 0kb? Going nuts over here…

    Andy Forber

    Hi Frits, only just been able to give it another shot and we’re all set. Thanks!

    Andy Forber

    Thanks Frits. I’ll be able to give it another go tomorrow. Thanks again.

    Andy Forber

    Hiya, It’s still not working just yet. I have refreshed cache. Perhaps it’ll take a few hours to replicate over to the live site. I’ll try again later, failing that, tomorrow and let you know.

    Andy Forber

    edit: Have tried Chrome, Edge and IE.

    in reply to: YouTube Podium Tutorials and Tips #35220
    Andy Forber

    Thanks dudeπŸ‘

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