If you want to use the rendered sound events as a regular clip, then the recommended procedure is to move it to a regular audio track.
I just thought I would add a few lines about this issue that may help other Podium users while also providing a possible idea for sometime in future.
Trackton allows for a track to be bounced and to remove the effects on that track in one click. Perhaps this sort of option might be considered for Podium at some point.
As for now though here is another recommended approach to add to yours…the master track.
If this is bounce enabled one could solo the instrument track and bounce using the master out. One could easily draw in a desired size for the sound event before hand. Once bounced, that audio file can be dragged to another new track.
This way the master out can act as a sort of feeder track for bounces. Not my first choice but another approach that would also work. 😉
That was a surprise. Oh well I guess it was worth a try. At least Podium still has it’s own WIKI. 😉
Well done haiku 😉
When more info is added, it will be even better. I guess there is plenty of info on the Zynewave site that can be added to the Wikipedia entry. 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
It seems you misunderstood me. To try to make it clearer, here’s a screenshot of a track configured both for level automation and audio mixing (which is a setup that I’m not recommending because it is of little practical use):
Sorry, maybe I did misunderstand you 😉 but your screenshot is exactly what I suggested but…the fader would show the db values but the track would not be configured for level automation. However the fader would still control the track gain.
It is not a radically new feature to have a fader, control volume levels on a track without level automation being activated for that track. Many hosts operate this way.
Yes you can automate volume levels in other hosts as well but you can easily just use thier track faders to adjust volume levels with no automation active.
The track is not configured for automation yet the fader controls the track volume.
The fader requires more pixels than the width of the dB labels, even when the fader overlaps the labels.
Yes you are right but it is a very small amount really IMO 😉 . The track in your screenshot is hardly what I would describe as abnormally wide.
But if you think it is just too much width (especially considering compacting of strips is possible) then it’s OK if it is just too problematic to implement. Really. It just seemed like a nice suggestion.:) There are far more important things I would like to see in Podium, I just really thought this would be very simple feature to implement.
I do appreciate your asking for ideas for it’s implementation and do not want to sidetrack you into something that from your perspective as Podiums developer, just will not work as a feature.
On top of that, one of my design criteria is that the level meters are centered on the strip, which results in some wasted space to the right of the meters.
If that is your design criteria then I do not want you to change that.:wink: You have done a great job already on Podium’s design. So maybe it just will not work. I thought this FR would be a small thing to add. No worries.
The only other suggestion I can offer at this point is Samplitude’s approach…placing the db values on the meters.
In Podium however the fader could reside on the right side of the meters filling up the space you described as “wasted”. The db values would be on the meters as in the Samplitude screenshot.
Beyond that idea…I have no idea. 😆
I will say this though…perhaps Podium does need at least an optional wider setting to accomodate faders. Possibly off by default. But if the additional width is not something you think will work, like or want to consider just yet, that’s OK, as you have done a great job with Podium’s design already.
The faders are a ‘nice to have’ IMO not a ‘need to have’ like the zGrid for instance to keep track counts in Podium projects lower and comparable to other hosts.
It’s a minor thing in comparison to zGrid IMO. 🙂
@Zynewave wrote:
The raised track with the drop shadow is the currently selected track.
Ok thanks I can see that now.
Clicking on any of the track boxes (except the dials) will select that track, and all panels in the inspector will update accordingly.
Good. This is exactly what I was looking for. Cheers.:wink:
Clicking on a parent track will not remove the child tracks shown in the group panel, until you select a track from a different branch of the hierarchy
I think I know what you mean here so that makes perfect sense. It looks like it will all work very well indeed. Thanks. 😉
Try setting up a normal automation track with the mixer level parameter. Now “enable audio mixing” in the automation track properties. This will show you what I mean with wider.
Thats fine as I said earlier to Podianer my width assumptions were wrong.:wink: I was looking at Podium on a different PC. something is different on it. So I agree with the wider estimation you made.
Btw. this possibility of assigning a track both for audio mixing and automation is not something I recommend. I may remove this feature at some point.
???? Not sure what you mean here. I don’t and did not recommend it either 😉
What are your thoughts on these ideas I posted earlier…?
What about an option to show the faders on the same side as the db values? The fader will not take up any additional space in this instance and show the db values on the fader (as the parameter faders currently show parameter values).
Perhaps this is what caused some confusion. I did not mean autotmation parameters on audio tracks…(that would be odd) I meant the same type of graphical faders that appear on parameter tracks, appearing on audio tracks but this time with db values. Not parameter values.
The audio tracks faders would provide db values that control what is going on with the track gain / volume not automation parameters. That would make no sense.
These faders would be on the same side as the current db values on audio tracks. That way the track strip should not be any wider. The db values would show on the audio track fader in the same way the parameter faders show their values on parameter tracks, on the fader itself. 😉
@Podianer wrote:
That is right for non-audio tracks. But these won’t need faders anyway.
Yes you are right about the width 😆
Audio tracks are wider than parameter tracks, at least here.
Yes I must have changed something on my system. 🙄 I looked at the mixer on another PC not my main audio PC where I use Podium.
The width of audio tracks depends on the number of audio channels. Take a 6 channel track and you have a very wide track.. 🙂
Even now track strips can be narrowed. Perhaps this can be appilied to any new wider audio tracks with faders.
Maybe this idea would work as welll…
The parameter tracks have the parameter values superimposed on the fader…of course this updates as it is moved or playback is started.
What about an option to show the faders on the same side as the db values? The fader will not take up any additional space in this instance and show the db vaules on the fader (as the parameter faders currently show parameter values).
So moving the track fader will show different db values that match the db values on the track strip depending on where the fader is.
Of course: it is a 2 page workshop that covers 15 steps called “Audio-Recording & – Automation” (cool, it is the same in German as it is in English here 😉 )
1. add new track
2. track properties
3. assigning inputs
4. start recording
5. sound editor (and midi editor)
6. tools in sound editor (and midi editor)
7. edit menu in sound editor
8. Level and Pan
9. some words about the object oriented structure of Podium
10. level automation
11. plugin parameter automation
12. properties of parameters
13. device properties
14. VST parameter automation
15. automation in the mixer (faders)
Gulp! 😯 Pretty comprehensive. A great way to help Beat readers get up to speed with Podium, very nice.
Perhaps as people play with the version in BEAT, they want “more” and buy the “full” license.
I think the changes from 1.74 to 1.76 are very significant. As more features are added (with the usual rock sold reliability) I think registrations from more Beat readers are very likely. 😉
Welcome! 🙂
Installing a newer version should automatically uninstall the old version.
I must say this has worked 100% every time for me. I really doubt you will have any problems with this. 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
It’s on the list, but right now I’m committed to extending the audio features. Let’s talk about this again after SRC, time-stretching etc. has been implemented.
That’s cool. It is important but of course when you are ready…one step at a time.
Cheers! 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
You can show/hide the group panel using the menu button at the top of the inspector.
Yes that is very smart. Makes Podiums track management much easier and at the same time more advanced and more flexible. Clever stuff.8)
The group panel will update and resize to show all parent tracks of the currently selected track. You can adjust gain/send for each group track without having to move the current track focus.
I also plan to add the “E” button on the groups for fast access to plugin editors.
Yes please. This should be there really.
Another thing I’m considering: Clicking on the arrow column at the left edge of the panel will open a menu listing all tracks at that group level. This can be used as a quick navigation in the track groups, and the selected track will scroll into focus in the tracks region.
Another great idea. Please go ahead and add this as well. 🙂
Something I noticed…
In your screen shot the Map: and Track: panels do not appear to reflect the contents of the currently selected track / that has focus. Although it is difficult to tell for sure just by looking at the screenshot, it does appear that way. Please confirm or deny 🙂
Of course currently, if one selects a track in the arrange view all the panels in the track inspector will change to reflect that, which is great and has always worked very well. But…if I was to click on say the Ozone 3 track in the new group panel would all the panels below it also update to reflect the contents of that track as well?
Map, Track, Preset, Param, Info?
Put another way…will all the Panels in the Track inspector update to reflect the currently selected track in the new group panel in the same way selecting any track in Podiums arrange view currently updates all panels in the track inspector?
I guess it will but I just want to double check as this new feature will be extremely effective if the track view, group panel and all the remaining panels in the track inspector are all in sync at all times. 8)
Also have you changed the name of the Info Panel to Track Panel?
I think Podium may very well have a distinctive edge over other less flexible hosts once this is implemented. There is some really clever stuff here. Please carry on! 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
How do you picture this would be implemented then? Should the option be to replace the gain dial row with a taller row containing faders?
I would suggest having the faders placed on the right side of the tracks meters in the mixer. So the left side is for db vaules (currently) and the right side can be for the faders.:wink:
This is a simple and logical layout that mirrors the layout of a standard mixng desk pretty much. Of course not everything has to be the same but I think many users will ‘look for the faders next to the meters’ when using a hosts mixer for the first time.
Bear in mind also that if you are looking at users of other hosts to consider Podium, this kind of familiarity can help with getting new users up to speed with Podium. Some things are better done differently than found elsehwere but IMO not necessarily in this case.
For those who do want to see the faders…
A user could simply access an option to Show track faders or Hide track faders from the View menu to the right of the mixer. That way it will not affect the mixer workspace of a user that does not want these faders. They can simply choose a Hide faders option from the mixers View menu.
Or are you saying you want the faders next to the meters? This will make the channel strips wider, and it will not fit well with the existing parameter automation strips.
I defintely want the faders next to the meters. As for the strips being to wide…I don’t understand why you said this.????
Automation parameter tracks are wider than standard tracks anyway in the mixer. I just double checked this. So unless I have got something wrong, adding faders to existing tracks will make them wider but parameter tracks are already wider in size than other mixer strips, so it will probably fit better with a wider track strip with new faders than it does now, as the parameter strips are wider than other mixer strips anyway:)
Please check the width of a paramemter track Frits. It is wider than other track types in the mixer (unless I have got something very wrong). So making other tracks (audio for instance) wider by adding faders will actually make them look more consistent if the increased size is you main concern. We are talking about a very small size here anyway. 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
I have thought about adding an “export” command to the file menu in the sound editor. This would then bring up a dialog where you can select the format of the file such as wav or mp3. For wav files there would be further options for setting bit depth and dither.
Yes please! 🙂
The options to select the format, bit depth and dither are essential features for exporting files and will further reduce the need to use other software packages for tasks of that nature.
I think adding the export command to the file menu and the sound editor is also a very good idea. I totally agree. 8)
@Podianer wrote:
The issue of 2/2007 is out. Podium is updated to 1.74
Very nice. Does this mean, it includes the fade properties, introduced in 1.73? That would be a very nice addition for german users 🙂
Judging by 1.73’s feature list it does look Beat readers will get ‘fades’ 😉 Of course only Frits can confirm or deny that for sure. But it does look that way.