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  • in reply to: 1.21 #4083

    one thing you could do is compare each setparameterautomated value passed, and compare it to the current host value for that parameter, and only record the change. I realise that this could be hugely CPU intensive, and so could be an option for plugs that display this kind of behaviour.



    in reply to: Importing MIDI tracks into a ydefault setup #4079

    I just had a play with that sort of thing…

    I created a new test project, and made 2 new arrangements, A and B
    I opened A, and created a track (A1), and put 1 event in it (A1E).

    I then pressed Ctrl+L to get the Object List, and dragged (A1) from the list onto B. It created a track (A1), but with no events…

    So I double clicked on arranagement A in the object list, to get both arrangements open (this is a cool feature, and never mentioned anywhere!). I then dragged event A1E onto the A1 Track in arrangement B. No dice.

    I also tried dragging A1E from the TrackInfo window in arrangement A onto the A1 track in B – still no dice.

    I realise that the code has never been written, but it would be a fabulous way of doing remixes and edits.

    The only way is to drag the events from the object list (which is a pretty tidy way anyway, so long as you take care to name all the events with some clarity!!!)

    One thing I did notice tho. If you repeat the procedure above, so there are two arrangement windows open, then load a new project from file -> Access Violation… But I realise this will be a rare thing!


    in reply to: FR – duplicate/repeat/loop clip #4078

    I like that planned use of the ins key…

    I generally use the drag, ctrl+drop method, but a single keystroke would be an excellent move!


    in reply to: Request For Channel EQ’s! #4066

    Frits – thats a really novel approach, I like it. Of course, depending on the plug, the number of dials could alter enormously, but that would still be a great way forward.

    Also it would mean that EQ/Comp could be applied anywhere in the signal chain (but more tidily than now), without any great fuss.

    I guess that might be on the list then..!


    in reply to: General praise! and a question #4055

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Hi, thanks for the praise 🙂

    when will fade in/out be available for individual audio clips in the arrange page?

    Sometime early next year. The next big things on my list are plugin editor controlled automation, generic editor for UIless plugins, count-in options for recording and auto-save options. Maybe I can soon find time to implement the fade in/out destructive edit functions in the sound editor, so you don’t have to go to an external editor.

    Just imagine being able to use Podiums bounce track feature in non-realtime “bounce now”!

    Next year.

    The automation/UI stuff being next is great! And the offline bouncing will be fab when it comes!

    You’re doing well Frits! ooi, what’s the count on registered users?


    in reply to: AriesVerb fractional delay plugin. #4017

    I have dl’ed it actually – not had a chance to use it yet…

    I’ll get to it soon!


    in reply to: stop-recording #4014

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @duncanparsons wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I think it could be nice if the stop button reset automatically the Rec button(transport tool)

    How about using the punch in/out range? When recording passes the punch out position, the record button is switched off.

    That sounds very workable frits – but have it as an option, if that’s OK..


    But that’s how it is already working and always have ❓
    The purpose of punch out is to stop recording at the punch out position.

    tbh I don’t do live recording, I was thinking about others! I will check that out!


    in reply to: stop-recording #4011

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I think it could be nice if the stop button reset automatically the Rec button(transport tool)

    How about using the punch in/out range? When recording passes the punch out position, the record button is switched off.

    That sounds very workable frits – but have it as an option, if that’s OK..


    in reply to: Close 2 open list windows and Podium goes to background #4010

    good call frits! well done


    in reply to: Support for Non-GUI VST plug-ins #3982

    Here’s another vote for it.. I often use mda plugs, and the simulanalog plug, all of which have no gui.. I use a couple of others. I have found that getting presets in other hosts, then importing the fxbs helps, but it would be nice to do it natively!


    in reply to: Close 2 open list windows and Podium goes to background #3973

    It’s a windows thing…

    for instance, have two apps open normally. In one of them get a modal window, for instance, file->open.
    Within this dialog, delete a file (or right click, create a text file, then delete it). When this has done, there is a strong chance that windows has made the other app the top app…

    what to do about it? I don’t know. It’s one I have wrestled with. Win9x doesn’t do it, neither does NT. W2K does, and I assume XP.


    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Podium and E-MU 1212m #3903

    …yeah, what Frits said! 😯



    in reply to: Podium and E-MU 1212m #3901

    I don’t work like that, I use everything within the prog, however…

    If you have two ‘master’ tracks… one will handle output, one will handle reimport…

    New Arrangement with traditional master out set to stereo.
    Remap this to your outboard device (ensure you have a mapping set to do the output).

    Create another track (NOT subtrack). Map this to the input from your outboard device (separate device mapping for input required).

    For clarity, you may want to put the input track above the output one, so as you build up the normal arrangement, it doesn’t get too confusing.

    Do your arrangement from the output track, listening back through the input track.

    When ready, make the input track a bounce track, draw a sound clip, arm and record.

    I could be very wrong, but this is my understanding of how P works, and something along these lines should get you there.



    in reply to: resizing a whole bunch of midi notes at once #3895

    I’ve had that too…

    I’d forgotton about the key-shortcuts..!


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