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  • in reply to: RE: ConcreteFX instruments #3877

    they’re not synth edit, jon uses delphi… but that shouldn’t be an issue.. Have you tried any of the voxengo plugs? they are delphi too..


    in reply to: Podium Music #3846

    My Boogaloo Bride

    Mr. Ray, 4Front Bass, Loopazoid, 2x sfz for guitar parts, Synth1, EVM Strings, my poor vox..; 2 busses, one with Classic Reverb, one Classic Delay..

    It’s some laid back funk, very simple, and an appreciation of my wife!

    It’s gone down well on KVR.. look here!



    in reply to: Some things I’d like to see… #3825

    @kingtubby wrote:

    Regarding manual latency adjustment, I find that Podium tends to ever so slightly over-compensate when recording my external gear so that recorded parts are slightly ahead of time. Usually it’s not enough to be noticeable, only if it’s a particularly tight sequence or percussion part.


    For myself, so long as the music is tight within the audio, I slide it until it sits properly. You can get great effect doing this, like putting it slightly ahead of the beat to get that real driving, almost bebop sound, or more laid back behind the beat..!


    in reply to: A few wishes #3824

    The way I handle imprted audio:

    on the project page, create a new folder, give it a sensible name
    In the folder, do New->New Sound

    Find the file, give it a sensible name

    Repeat for all files, in as many folders as makes sense (Guitar, Drums, Organ, Vox, etc)

    in the arrangement, press CTRL+L to get the Object list. On the left, you will notice your new folders with the sounds nicely arranged therein. Drag from the Object List into your track, et voila! repeat as required.


    Drag a WAV from explorer onto Podium, it appears in the Object list. Not so tidy, but fast. You can sort out the sounds into folders at your leisure..


    in reply to: 1.15 #3818

    that’s one for the connoisseurs!

    Should impress those who are always after ‘the next level’!


    in reply to: Podium Music #3814

    Sept 04 KVR comp- Solo.

    The rules were that you could use one sound source. I chose my voice, did one take of vocal and played with the aux bussing and a few fx.

    The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

    It includes a plug SVF² which I’m developing as part of the BetaBugs group, which accounts for the noise part way through. The Auxing was fun – Reverb, 2 Delays (long and short) and SVF²…


    in reply to: A quick bussing overview please! #3809

    You can set up send/return device mappings yourself, but it’s a pain and easily prone to error (speaking from experience..!). BUT open the project wizard, and scroll down for ‘Create new mixer bus mappings’ in the Audio Mixer Mappings section.

    This will create a ‘Bus (x) Send’ and a ‘Bux (x) Return’ mapping in your devices folder (or wherever yours end up). I generally rename them straight away according to function (‘Reverb Send’/’Reverb Rtn’, etc).

    Now in the arrange window create a new track, and assign it the ‘Reverb Rtn’ mapping. Then create a group track around it and map a reverb to that group. You now have a return bus.

    In a track that requires some ‘verb, create a group track around it, and assign ‘Reverb Send’ to it. This will route as much of the audio as you want (a ‘Send’ dial appears on the track) down to the ‘Reverb Rtn’ mapping.

    Repeat the last paragraph for every track that requires the ‘verb.

    On a piece I am doing at the moment, I have 4 bus mappings. One track uses all 4 busses, so has quite a heirarchy of sends! The way that Frits has done it allows you to route to the send at any point, which is quite powerful – you could send some of the raw audio to a verb, then add some chorus, and send to a delay, and finally add a touch of overdrive, so the resulting sound is 3 different layers thick – all from one track. Most over DAWs would have to use 3 tracks to accomplish this!


    in reply to: side chain compression supported in Podium? #3806

    that’s pretty cool actually..

    Not many hosts allow you to side chain so easily!



    in reply to: Mixing Desk #3799

    I’ve already spent some time with this kind of thing.

    I have a number of different setups, depending on what I would want to do. For instance, I have the normal default, just for quickly trying something, A simple template for a couple of synths, and a bit of bussing, to a full setup with my common VST/is already mapped in, with Drums preconfigured, a couple of busses (reverb and delay), so all I then need is the tune.

    Trouble with too many predefined things is the imagination can get stifled, and everything sounds the same. For instance, if I want to change the ‘verb to a different plug, I’m less likely to if something adequate is already mapped. If I want a different drum sound, it would be better to start with nothing there, and import something new and fiddle.

    Having said that, we are creatures of habit, and if you have something that works, you use it!


    in reply to: Zooming… oh, and playback! #3798

    … not yet…


    in reply to: Midi Out from midi VST effects #3792


    when MIDI output from VST/i is implemented, could an option be included for sending it down a buss to control a plug in the bus – for instance a switch on the send to send midi – there are times when the ability to control a separate filter/etc based on the MIDI o/p of another plug is really handy. It could mean duplicating the messages as they then get sent down two paths, so that would need to be managed carefully (I guess tho it would be the same mechanism by which the VST introduced the events into the original siganl path, only Podium introducing them itself at the Return Device Mapping).

    Also, will the MIDI carry on upstream in the mixer until the events are sunk by a VST, or will they just be lost at the next level? I hope that the former would be implemented, since it would be the most useful.

    I fully realise the awkwardness of both of these requests, and am quite ready for you to tell me where to go 😆 , but if I don’t ask…!


    in reply to: Zooming… oh, and playback! #3788

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The min and max settings are integers. When the range is set to 0..0 for a VST parameter, Podium will use the floating point precission of the parameter (All VST parameters are floats by default). If you know that a VST parameter is used to set a value in a fixed integer range, you can enter this range for the parameter, and e.g. the mixer sliders will show the integer value rather than the floating point value. If you set the range to 0 and 1, Podium will treat it as a on/off type parameter. Some of the VST parameters in the device definition files are defined this way.

    …light slowly dawns, sun filters through the curtains, throwing longs rays across the shadows… things that were hidden take on sharp images, contrast and depth are filled out as the brightness increases..



    in reply to: 1.14 #3784

    ahhh got it!

    setting it to ~30% is really nice – great effect frits well done!


    in reply to: 1.14 #3782

    Added ‘Curve fill opacity’ setting to the meter region properties dialog. A setting of 100% equals solid color fill and a setting of 0% equals no color fill of curve sequences.


    Where will I find this then? It’s not in Preferences, and it’s not in colour setup… Looked and looked! I must be just missing it for looking!

    I can find Track colour opacity… but that’s different, and not new!

    (I like the MRU list tho’!)


    in reply to: 1.14 #3779

    This looks really good Frits!

    I will dl in the morning – this has come through on my final check before bed!

    Much appreciated these changes!


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