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  • in reply to: Can I add effects to an audio recording? #34213

    I think that this may be a bug in Podium Free v.3.2.1
    When you create a new track the ‘+’ button is there. When you add an effect, by clicking that button and selecting a plugin, the whole effect lane disappears!
    This can be remedied by:

  • *opening the inspector
    *ensure that ‘Show rack’ is active, in the Inspector’s options menu
    *the effect should be visible in an effect slot in the rack
    *You can make it visible on the track header area by right-clicking the effect slot and deactivating ‘Hide Track lane’.
  • Pictured here is zReverb as an track insert effect, zReverb on a return track, and a new track with the ‘+’ button.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Levendis.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Levendis.
in reply to: Project stopped perform sound ! #34174

In the Preferences > Engine(tab) there’s an option to Bypass processing when detecting CPU overload. Have you got this option enabled? Unchecking it, by the way, may not be advisable as maxing out CPU produces audio dropouts. The playback cursor also halts, along with audio ceasing, when CPU overload occurs.
i also believe that Podium Free is limited to one processor core, therefore doesn’t fully utilize your system’s processing power.

Not sure what you mean by “a plugin… was removed”. Podium may disable a plugin, in some circumstances. Projects also maintain references to plugins, even if they are no longer on hard disk.

in reply to: Preview 3.2.7: Redesigned system for loading plugins #33269

All good with 64bit Podium 3.2.7 on Win10 x64, thanks Frits.


Levendis wrote:
… Song Position module isn’t enacted in Podium…
Zynewave wrote:
… I’m not sure how the Song Position module is supposed to behave, but if I follow your instructions then I don’t see any animation on the module during playback.

Eek! Not sure where i went wrong, previously. The Song Position module works as expected now. It was likely an error on my part, for the particular instance within a particular ensemble.

Zynewave wrote:
Support for routing the MIDI output of a plugin into the input of the plugin above it in the chain is on the roadmap. It’s not a simple thing to implement, so it won’t make it into this release.

Yay! 🙂

in reply to: How to change to 432 Hz frequency #33151

<blockquote=”z_sfyr”>Dude you change the tuning of your synth, not Podium.

This is true.

<blockquote=”AOS74″>zPitch plugin tuned to -32 cents?

32 cents is 32 hundredths of a semitone, and is a proportional deviation rather than a fixed deviation.
Middle A (440 Hz) has a distance of 1200 cents from the octave above, A (880 Hz), and the octave below, A (220 Hz). As you can see, the difference are ratios 2:1 and 1:2, with difference in Hz of 220 and 440. 1200 cents divides both the lower octave, 220…440 Hz (220 Hz), and the higher octave, 440…880 Hz (440 Hz) into 1200 steps. Which is a 1 cent deviation of ~0.183 Hz in the lower octave and ~0.367 Hz in the upper octave.

zPitch is recommended to be used on monophonic audio sources so that the sound’s fundamental can be analyzed. zPitch then uses this root note to calculate the deviation.

Few softsynths offer the option to use different tuning systems. Ones that do, generally have the option to load a scala file. Scala files contain information that quantizes the frequency of oscillators to particular tuning systems.

Your external MIDI keyboard would be a mismatch if, say, the tuning system divided the octave into 17 scale intervals. It could spread the octave between C4 to F5, but that would be unintuitive.


Does the fact that the Image-Line plugins have vectorial interfaces have an influence on the newly implemented threaded processing?

As you have Reaktor, would you mind confirming that its Song Position module isn’t enacted in Podium?
Right-click structure > Built-in Modules > MIDI In > Song Position
The output of it should count up every 96th note, when playback in Podium is engaged. i haven’t been successful in achieving so. Which is weird, because other plugins that have synced LFOs or step sequencers happily lock onto the timeline.

in reply to: Tempo Automation? #32853

<blockquote=”Centaury”>in the arrangement editor, there is above a small tempo event line, directly under the marker line. and with an right-click with the mouse on that line, a menu pops up with “new tempo event”….
That is indeed how tempo changes are made, in Podium.
This region of the editor may be obscured, depending on settings in the Editor Profile:
Setup > Editor > Profiles
Navigating through the components of the Editor Profile, one should find a “Format (Tempo)“. If not, then:

  1. click the Insert new… button
  2. select Format
  3. select Tempo events from the Show event type menu

Thanks Frits, i shall disable that option. Thus far, hanging UI when loading plugins hasn’t been a nuisance for me.

More worrisome, and has been noted before, on this forum, is that of making use of MIDI output from plugins. i’m aware that a recording can be made of these, then the timeline event can be placed on another track. This, however, means that the influence of MIDI generators can not be heard until recorded and repositioned. Tweaking MIDI generators and honing in toward the desired behaviour, therefore, is not allowed.

Would it be feasible to include MIDI Out devices in the track input selector menu?

This issue goes beyond making use of MIDI generators for instrument tracks, as some plugin effects are also able to process with MIDI input.


Hello Frits, i’ve tried the beta of v.3.2.7 with the ‘Enable loading of plugins in background thread’ enabled. Thus far, Podium hangs and i have to force quit it using the Task Manager, when using Image-Line VSTs. Plugins from some other developers function properly.

If i disable said preference, load Image-Line plugins, then enable the preference, the plugins can be opened as normal.

in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
in reply to: FR: MIDI Routing within the same Track #31540

In the meanwhile, Hermu, I highly recommend Minihost Modular.
Downloading the standalone & VSTs require registration with the site, which only asks of you an email address.

As you can see from the image below, audio and MIDI can be introduced/extracted at any point on even a single track! 😀 You can even supply MIDI to VSTfx! 😀 😀
Minihost Modular in Podium

in reply to: Track Insertion #31446

Hi Harry,
You can drag a *.wav or *.aiff file from Podium’s browser, or your system’s file browser, to the track timeline. This can be done on an existing track or if dropped to an area on the timeline which doesn’t have a track header then a new track is created.

Adding a voice over can easily be done with recording onto a track which is set with a microphone (or other audio) input. You can even do a multi-take recording, as described in the Podium Guide (Chapter 6.4.2).

in reply to: Website update + One year free upgrade period #31287

Everything is working dandyful!
(Win10, Microsoft Edge)
Thanks for the extended upgrade period.

in reply to: FR: MIDI Routing within the same Track #31203

btw are there plans for a Nucleum x64?

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