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  • in reply to: Buss question #25556

    Yea, the setup is open ended, with Podium straight out of the box. This, I presume, is so the user can configure it to particular studio setups.

    May I recommend establishing Project Templates?! These store the Device List and Arrangement objects. Make an arrangement with the proforma bus configuration you prefer, then save it:
    Project > Project Templates > Save Project as Template…
    File is stored in:
    … > My Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Project Templates by default.

    Alternatively, you can save Track Templates:
    Right-click track header > Templates > Save track as template…
    File is stored in:
    … > My Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Track Templates by default.
    This command allows you to access either:

    • the input, source and effects chain from a saved track template.
    • the input, source and effects chain as well as timeline objects, from a saved track template.
    • Lastly, when you create a Send bus, Podium asks if you’d like to create a corresponding Return track (Aux track) directly before the Master.

    in reply to: Buss question #25540

    I reconfigured “10 tracks” slightly:

    This routing means;

    • Send bus 2 receives zPEQ’s output.
    • Send bus 1 receives zPEQ and zReverb’s output.
    • “10 tracks” has maximum attenuation at its output.
    in reply to: Buss question #25538

    Faders and busses

    In this example, I’ve added faders to every fx slot on the track labelled “10 tracks”!
    Right-click fx slot > Effect Track Properties > check “Output Gain” and/or “Output Panning”; this creates a fader after the selected fx slot.
    From bottom to top (signal flow) of “10 tracks”:

    • zPEQ with post fader.
    • zReverb with post fader.
    • Send level to Send bus 2.
    • Send bus 2.
    • Fader; post Send bus 2 – uneffected by Send level to Send bus 2.
    • Send level to Send bus 1.
    • Send bus 1.
    • Fader; post Send bus 1 – uneffected by Send level to Send bus 1.
    • This is reflected in “10 tracks” mixer grid:
      10 tracks' mixer grid

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Levendis. Reason: Additional information
    in reply to: Buss question #25511

    Hi sam c,
    Frits’ suggestion to move the track’s fader is a good one. It allows maximum attenuation of a track’s output while not effecting levels on sends.

    Nesting a send track within a return track will not work. It’s not a feedback loop but Podium marks the object in red.

    Alternate to the right-click menu, on tracks, you can control fader & meter positions in the mixer.

    I hope this helps 🙂

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Can someone explain the Quantization/Adjust Timing to me? #25121

    Hello joemans,

    Yes, quantize operations do work on audio events. But there are some things to consider.

    Here is a drum loop that I wish to manually beat slice…
    Drum Loop

    I engage loop and tune to the region I wish to isolate.
    Set Loop Region

    Hit A on the keyboard, to toggle snap to off, or Shift+click+drag the loop range handles (start/end), to temporarily disengage snap (this also works on events).
    This allows sample accurate placement of handles – the highest resolution of the sound file. Useful for finding zero-crossings. Although, it is not necessary given fades can be applied to sound events.
    Zoom in on sample

    Ctrl+Q will reposition the edit cursor to the previous event.
    Ctrl+W will reposition the edit cursor to the next event.
    The edit cursor will jump to the ends of, selected events, loop ends, segment ends – whichever comes first.
    I reposition the edit cursor to the ends of the loop range and hit Ctrl+T to split the drum loop sample at those points.
    Split at Loop Region's ends
    I now have a hit isolated.

    Now, this is where some issues arise.

    If I use the Adjust Timing tool there is the possibility of ruining my efforts so far. At full influence, the audio event is moved to snap to the grid and its length is adjusted. Below, the start of my split has moved to align with the grid and the event length has increased to equal the quantize unit length (grid). As the audio event references the whole drum loop, its increased length leads to the inclusion of the start of the next drum hit.
    Quantize after split
    Resize the event, or apply a hard fade shape to remove it. Better still…

    To prevent this, right-click the isolated event (split drum hit) and select Convert to Unique Cropped Copy before using the Adjust Timing tool. The sound event can be snapped and its length adjusted, but it will only hold the audio isolated in the split (drum hit). The unique cropped copy will create a new sound file in:
    [current project folder] > [current arrangement folder] when you next save the project.

    Alternatively, you could use the Beat Slice tool to perform these edits. Quantize operations have the same implications, as described above.

    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #25112

    Sorry to bang on about the device list in Podium, but I must add another tip 🙂

    Customizing parameter objects includes redefining their range. By default these are between 0…1 or 0…127. Say you have a parameter with 5 states, you can define a range of 1…5 and the vertical ruler in the automation editor will reflect this. Useful as selecting an automation point invokes a popup with the value at that point.

    Sorry again for my verbal diarrhoea :S

    in reply to: Can someone explain the Quantization/Adjust Timing to me? #25111

    Here I have a note sequence. The notes are of various lengths and positioned loosely around the grid.

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

    With the right settings, the notes can be rigidly quantized (snapped to grid).

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

    Oddly, the min.Sensitivity has more influence at 0% ?!…

    in reply to: Can someone explain the Quantization/Adjust Timing to me? #25108

    Hi adimatis,

    adimatis wrote:
    Is there a way to quantize the length of the notes, so the overlap can be prevented?

    I don’t believe so. A Make notes legato would be a handy process.

    The overlaps can be useful.
    If an instrument patch is in polyphony mode, the overlapped note is sure to use the next voice. Initiating modulations relevant to that voice.
    If an instrument patch is in monophonic mode, the overlapped note will produce a modulation to the 1 voice. An example is when using portamento. Another is when the first note initiates an amplitude envelope, and the second (overlapped) note doesn’t.

    If you want to slice notes to align note’s on/off do the following:
    Say you have 2 notes. The first overlaps the second. You want to reposition the note off of the first so that it meets the note on of the second:

      Select the 2nd note.
      Ctrl+Q – to move the edit cursor to its note on position.
      Select the 1st note.
      Hit Ctrl+T – to split the (selected) 1st note at the edit cursor position.
      Delete the new note, leftover from the split.
    in reply to: Can someone explain the Quantization/Adjust Timing to me? #25105

    Hit the Help button for explicit instructions

    Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]” alt=”null” />

    This is the Adjust Timing dialogue. It can be invoked via the Edit menu or right-click menu on events. It is available for audio and midi events on tracks, as well as note and automation events in editors.

    Basically, the quantize functions allow you to tighten-up performance timing. Strength, sensitivity, randomize and swing allow some of the original timing to be preseved. At full influence, the selected events will align exactly to the prescribed tempo division (Grid).

    This tool does not behave like a groove machine. Rhythmic patterns can be imported into both the note and automation editor as MIDI files. But not be applied to existing events.

    If you’d like to match alignments of notes, which are off the grid, use the keyboard commands Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+W. This places the edit cursor at the start (Ctrl+Q) and ends (Ctrl+W) of selected events. Subsequently, moving events will snap to the grid and edit cursor.

    I hope you found this helpful joemans.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Levendis.
    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #25079

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us<br/>

    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #25078

    Ishkabbible wrote:
    … what is the point of “rebuild plugin database” if it keeps pointers to deleted folders / plugins? And how do I tell it to actually start clean?

    Zynewave wrote:
    Podium will try to reconfigure mappings of plugins that have moved location… The plugin combobox selectors in the arrangement editor should be highlighted in red if the referenced plugins are missing.

    I truly appreciate that Podium handles plugins this way. Most other DAWs jettison note and automation arrangement objects when they can’t find the relevant plugin. In preserving that information, Podium allows a project to be salvaged. If I choose to abandon the referenced plugin, then I simply assign a replacement. All automation can be set to control new parameters while maintaining performance information.

    I agree with the Telenator, if you’re doing D.I.Y.s on your plugins, then maintain more than one
    [local disk]: > Users > … > AppData > Roaming > Zynewave > Podium > PluginDatabase.pod
    It’s also worth maintaining project templates:
    [local disk]: > Users > … > Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Project Templates > (templateA-Z).pod
    These can store custom device lists. Which in turn can be loaded via the device list menu:
    Devices – I/O, Busses, Plugins > Load Plugin Setup from Template > (templateA-Z)
    The benefit of a template’s device list is adaptability and neatness.
    One example is if you’re moving between hardware setups. Another is if you’ve renamed parameter objects – sometimes the plugin reports a name inconsistent with the plugin’s GUI. Here’s one I configured and includes submenus for parameters, consistent with the GUI:
    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us<br/>

    This is done within Project Folder Page Mode. Speaking of which, Frits, when in a folder with lots of objects, the page doesn’t scroll when dragging.

    in reply to: Podium constantly crashing #25015

    Hello Ishkabbible (developer of ZASF?)

    Working with Podium 3.2.1, 32bit OS, with dual-core processor. I wasn’t able to replicate your bug/crash.
    I switched instruments, edited the patch, and changed MIDI channel routing, without a hitch.
    I also toggled the state of Setup > Preferences > Plugins > Enable plugin multiprocessing.
    The dialog maintained utility.

    Which setting are you changing in the dialog?
    Some may be too drastic to change on the fly. Power down your arrangement prior to a settings change and see if that helps.

    Sorry I was unable to replicate your woes, ishkabbible. ZASF is a great instrument. Highly adaptable, deep, good on CPU resources and sounds smooth. Hope you’re able to use your favoured DAW/VST combination 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Levendis.
    in reply to: System crash #24914

    Since moving onto Win7, then Win8, I have yet to see the bluescreen. If Podium crashes, it is a rare occurrence, and the system is intact. On previous OS, the bluescreen would emerge in Podium and other DAWs.

    Unfortunately, ASIO drivers are subsequently not accessible. I am able to use DirectSound or wmd. These are always reliably there to use. Or unplug then plug in my audio interface; the manufacturer’s ASIO driver for that device is then available for use.

    I have also dispensed of VSTs I suspected were involved in catastrophic crashes. But essentially, I believe the more recent OS’ are way more stable. If you want to recover work, deselect Preferences > Editors > Activate power when opening arrangement editor to edit track assignments within the arrangement, or delete the objects in the Device List.

    Best wishes in your troubleshooting. I recommend sending Frits the *.pod file via pm for debugging 🙂

    in reply to: What Text Do I Type to Make Smileys? #24779


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