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  • in reply to: Mixer Bug #19738

    I hijack this thread to report another mixer related bug: making a real time bounce of any midi track (I used a midi out device with audio input) and moving the bounced audio creates empty mixer tracks

    in reply to: Piano Roll "Fold" Feature – Multi Track Midi Editi #19730

    Is very cool pitch up/down chords and melodies and they always fit in the scale 😉

    The problem with this workaround is that drums are confused with melodies (ghost notes), and you cannot use more that one scale in the song. I think a proper PR limiter would be more useful.

    @xis23 wrote:

    Also what font are you using liquidproj3ct that looks sweeeeeet!

    I’m using Weltron Urban, normal and size 14. I think it’s installed with Adobe Reader or Windows Live. If you don’t find it I could upload it for you. The colour scheme is a lightly modified “Acid Energy” and you can download it from Wiki. And a custom editor profile 🙂

    in reply to: Piano Roll "Fold" Feature – Multi Track Midi Editi #19726

    Glad you liked it 🙂

    Just remember export your work with limited keys, ie, “E Minor” or “Gb Pentatonic Major”, you will save time. Also it’s a good idea use a custom color in the main key of scale like this, ie, E Minor:

    also one more to end the feature request bombardment Very Happy – Simply a “Note Map On/Off” button, so if you are working in a key and want to hit some accidentals or do something dissonant, (go back to the standard piano roll/chromatic drum roll) you can just turn off the Note Map and then click on again when you want to be back in your key. [as opposed to going to key map editor, reset, close, and then have to load up your previous saved one when you want to be back in key]

    Maybe you could find useful work in drum mode and switch from drum mode to piano roll mode for write those ocassional notes.

    This would be a great feature to develop along in Podium, as I feel a lot of the code is already there – just a few more managing features in the Key Map Editor would give full capacity to edit the manner one inputs MIDI to their own needs and likings (and already have the ability to save !) I feel there is a desire for this feature, and many composers would be thrilled to see it further implemented in Podium.

    I feel the same!

    in reply to: Piano Roll "Fold" Feature – Multi Track Midi Editi #19724

    I think this request is the exact equivalent to my wished ‘limited piano roll’: Podium allows you choose scales, then keys out of scale are greyed out which is a big help. However there isn’t a switch to limit new/moved notes to the keys in scale (moving up or down them). This is what you need I think.

    You can create a work around in Podium using drummap. Download Chromatic scale from:

    Then open any piano roll clip in any track you want to “fold”, switch to drummap mode, open Note Map windows and import the file you’ve downloaded. Now select all the keys you want to eliminate from PR and click on one of their check boxes. All selected rows will be unselected.

    Export the scale for inmediate future usage.

    While I was making this small tutorial I realized that it would be good ideas:
    – change the colour of headers too
    – Once you press Edit Next button the Note Name text box should be focused
    – Using any shortcut in the NoteMap editor, ie Alt+Click, you should be able to choose all the same keys simultaneously, ie, if you Alt+Click on C#2 then C#-2, C#-1, C#0…..C#8 would be selected too.

    Probabily changing the headers colours would do the old Piano roll obsolete for us, since drum roll will do all piano roll can do and more (like this limit to scale request).

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19719

    Thanks Frits 🙂 Try to reproduce it using zPitch as thcilnnahoj show in his video

    in reply to: MIDI edition and transformation tools #19716

    @fjglleo wrote:

    I miss, for example a tool which provides the possibility to double or divide the tempo for a MIDI sequence or event. I mean that I have a sequence written in 8ths and I would like to double it in 16ths (shortening their lenght) or divide it in 4ths (extending their lenght) keeping fixed the tempo of the song.

    I think you already got it, just drag and drop those small squares:

    And yes, I also miss realtime midi tools

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19715

    No, it wasn’t fixed yet. But that’s not the big problem, the big problem is that if you use plugins that generate latency you won’t be able to export to wav your project without errors.

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19713

    Frits, I have a new musical order for 1th January 2011. Please, could you fix before January the latency bug? I say this because I cannot render to wav any song!

    Please don’t feel pressured about this, if you feel that you cannot fix this soon just let me know and I’ll make the songs in another host. 😉

    Best regards

    in reply to: Regarding upcoming sample pitching… #19683

    Didn’t you try a regular sampler yet? 😛

    in reply to: 2.38 #19682

    Another bug: when mixer strips are enough slim they doesn’t switch between meters modes single clicking on them

    in reply to: Free plugins to use in Podium #19673

    Try SonEQ. Don’t think “oh, another eq, that isn’t nothing can surprise me…” I also was skeptical until I thought it’s just a dll, I haven’t to install nothing… and I tried it. It’s highly musical:

    edit: It’s C++, it isn’t SE or SM

    in reply to: 2.38 #19668

    I consider quality features all the fixes and the most of new features within this update. I’m particulary happy with these:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • The serial number appended to sequence names are prefixed with a decimal point. This applies both to new sequence events added to a track, and phantom copies converted to unique copies.
    • Using the Insert key to add copies of selected events will be pushed forward on the timeline until reaching a position where there are no overlap with existing events.
    • Fix: Modified the code that saves the Podium.ini file. This eliminates the long delay that could occur on some PC systems when exiting Podium, or when starting a plugin scanning.

    I wasn’t affected by the long delay while exiting Podium, although. But I think this is very important to the future of Podium. Thanks.

    in reply to: Clip 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (done!) #19665


    @Infinitoar wrote:

    +1 also LP[LiquidProject]

    Or LowPass, or LolliPop, or… 🙂

    in reply to: Calling to Awareness #19633

    Don’t worry Infinitoar, I also can have bad days 😀 You seem a good man 😉

    in reply to: Calling to Awareness #19631

    Hey guys, relax. The truth doesn’t need be defended.

    The whole point of my post was “Please, focus the Podium development towards the most requested features”. I wrote some examples too.

    It wasn’t related about who loves Podium, who are the best user or what is the most requested feature.

    If you respect yourself you won’t arguee with anyone [because you deeply understand that means bad feelings for you].

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