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  • in reply to: Surround and other in Podium free #22268

    levendis, you are always the first to reply!

    Hmm, my question was ambiguous. I meant if I can emulate the “surround” with some plugin. I’ve tried a few with no good results, I do not hear the sound “expanded” as it should be.

    @levendis wrote:

    The Insert key…

    Perfect! It’s exactly what I was looking for!

    “Send” and “Return” busses are a bit complicated but I’ll have to start using them because they are very useful and powerful … 🙂

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #22265


    @Levendis wrote:

    Very groovy. A bit 70’s disco so perhaps vocals with that flavour?!

    @Levendis wrote:

    As compared to the original, I find it has a more timid finish (character as opposed to track’s ending). Was that intentional?

    It was not intentional. I think it depends on the different sounds / instruments that I have used in the two tracks. In the Podium mix the focus is on the piano melody.

    @Levendis wrote:

    Doesn’t anyone pirate plugins anymore? Twisted Evil

    Hmm… Podium free –> plugins free… 😀 😆 …I’m joking


    Thanks! I have visited your website yesterday: it must be a great satisfaction to make a whole album and play live!

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #22256

    Hello eveybody!
    I have added my first Podium track to the group “Podium Poppetts” on SoundCloud:

    === List of used instruments plugins (all free) === 😯

      Drums:DSK Mini DrumZ –> Alesis HR16
      Percussions: DSK Mini DrumZ –> Roland TR727
      Piano: 4Front Piano Module
      Bass: TAL-BassLine
      Strings: DSK Strings
      Brass: DSK Brass
      Rhythmics: Crystal
      “Voice”: TAL-Elek7ro

    All tracks are processed with various effects including:

    zPEQ, TAL Tube (amp & distorsion), TAL Chorus

    I hope you enjoy…

    in reply to: Plugin Overhaul Needed in Podium #22210

    Personally, I think that the satisfaction to use Podium is follow the updates and improvements step by step and produce music with the limitations of the software, despite everything. All for free.

    It’s not my intention to be controversial, but the developer is only one and in my opinion, he has done much! Other software houses have a lot of developers and spend much money in advertisement and events to promote their products.

    Anyway, to compensate for lack of features in Podium, I use it together with another software (also free), waiting for future updates.

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