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  • in reply to: Still problem with Kontakt #28092

    Salut Mika
    J’utilise kontakt et j’ai aucun problèmes je charges plusieurs banques et je monte jusqu’à 3giga des fois.
    Je suis sous win 7 64 bit en intel i5 4giga de ram et une carte Prodipe studio 88.
    Il me seblaient avoir déjà des erreurs comme ca avec kontakt dans tracktion c’était du au pilote graphique Oo (d’où l’aleatoire quand tu click peut etre?).
    En tout cas je pense que y dois y avoir un truc de ton coté sinon je lance toujours tracktion en admin…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Pitchaxis.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Looping? #26350

    You totally right i have converted to mp3 a video downloaded from youtube and the sample rate was 22 khz and i work on 44 so it explain all.
    I have tried with another file with the good sampleate it works.
    Also podium seems to detect the tempo when i import a loop héhé.
    Thanks Levendis for the help 🙂

    in reply to: Getting set up #26344

    You seems to have the same behaviour i had, Fritz solved it in the full version (asio checked lately in the startup process)
    I think he ‘ll solve the problem for the free version too.

    Here’s the quick tip for to use you’re soundcard:
    1 Go to:
    C:\Users\you’re username\AppData\Roaming\Zynewave\Podium Free

    2 Open the podium.ini

    3 At the interface part delete the lines below interfaces like this
    delete all the lines.

    4 Start podium

    5 Go in audio preference and configure you’re device.

    The bad thing is you need to do thIs everytime you staRt podium.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Pitchaxis.
    in reply to: Looping? #26343

    No resampling? so why when i import a track it stretch it and how to disable it?
    I mean i import a 120 bpm track and podium speed it up if my project tempo is 140 per eg.

    in reply to: Some kinds words in the kvr website would be cool ;) #26302

    Well at last it can give more users for podium.Thats also the reason fritz post the changelog on kvr.
    You said “I’ll admit, I swing by there to get the latest news on upgrades, new releases, soundbanks, etc.” Many look at kvr for this and maybe if they see podium so they ‘ll try/buy it and spread the words.
    Anyway thx both for pointing me to the kvr attitude i dunno this 🙂

    Forgive my poor English :p

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #26237

    Not “seems” but is fixed ^^ thank you.

    in reply to: Request no 32 bits plugins listed in podium 64 bit #26199

    Ok thanks for the hint.

    in reply to: Some kinds words in the kvr website would be cool ;) #26184

    Before i was tried it on xp and it was very stable now on seven i had bug due to my asio driver but fritz just solved the problem :).
    About the workflow i found it pretty intuitive i have studied my first daw with the nuendo manual then i have moved on ableton live (who had the best Learning strategie)with this bag i have switched effortless on mulab,EXT1 and tracktion (who are very easy to use).And now i think i ‘ll stick with podium who seems not so difficult to handle even if the programm is in English (who isn’t my native language) i think 2 day ‘ll be enought to understand 80% of the soft and for the rest well there’s a good forum ^^.
    Hope you ‘ll enjoy podium like me or if it’s really difficult i can suggest you Tracktion who is very easy to use.

    in reply to: Some kinds words in the kvr website would be cool ;) #26180

    Ah well i am in the tracktion,mulab and mdrummer part of the forum and i have found good personns here.And some kind words in a “bad forum” ‘ll be better than nothing especially when this forum have many many users goods or not.

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #26148

    I have send an email with the debug log again thx for you’re support 🙂

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #26107

    Ah ok no problems take you’re time 😉

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #26105

    Up 🙂

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #25959

    Thank you Fried well i can wait am on Tracktion but it’s good to hear i ‘ll can use Podium as well 🙂

    in reply to: Podium don't start (both 32 &64 bits) #25948

    I can start podium only if i delete the interface part in podium ini then i choose my asio driver and i can use podium.But when i quit podium i need to delete the interface for to restart podium.
    I don’ t use J bridge i had reaper installed but i have uninstalled it.
    I don’t use rewire.
    I need a 128 buffer size because on 256 i have latence ;128 works great with all of my daw without problems
    I haven’t CPU spickes ;guitar rig use only 20% of my cpu.

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