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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Just gave Podium 2 a quick shot.. #17599

    fritz: the above described dialogue would be serious points toward convincing one of my musical colabourators to buy in. Can’t promise, but if it’s up there for him, it’s probably up there for a lot of people. 🙂

    in reply to: Midi Plugins #13503

    heh… you knew the inevitable EnergyXT 1.4 user comment would appear, didn’t you? 😛

    honestly, I’m not thinking “hey, tack a modular window on to Podium” or anything stupid like that.
    What I do strongly suggest is that the developer take a serious look at the “groove” track in EnergyXT 1.4. That is one of the coolest features ever. It will take any MIDI generating / modulating / transforming VST plugin, pretty much. You can use the built in arpeggiator, envelope generator, chords generator, etc, or you can drop in tons of third party MIDI VST plugins like the stuff by NicFit, or MDC, or Piz, or smartElectronix. That would be the model I would suggest for some extra research on how to integrate MIDI plugins.

    But, I know that wasn’t the question.
    The plugin(s) that I would love to see as part of the discussion anyway, are:
    a) Arp, prefferably with user-editable patterns, maybe with a scripting window; use something really simple like XML? but that’s getting ahead of myself, just an arp would be very nice.

    b) MIDI LFO, modulation generator, with a MIDI note sample+hold & noise generator, for nice autonomous automation of the instruments and fx on the track.

    c) a programmable chords gen. / seq.
    admittedly that one is a bit wierd, and maybe just something that would amuse me alone. But it would be kind of cool. I just started using the one in XT, after about 4 years of ignoring it. wow it’s neato 😀

    sorry for the epic post.

    Best regards,
    gabriel (preaching from atop the Podium)

    in reply to: Acidised Podium #13502

    Podium is great, but so far has not timestretching / looping stuff, like Acid or Reaper. I too really like that aspect, at least in Reaper – it’s been a long time since I tried the Acid (sequencer, or chemical 😛 ).

    But, I think that timestretching is on the agenda for Podium, although not for a little while yet. One man operation, and quality / stability is king (like it should be) so sometimes the fancy stuff has to wait a bit.

    Anyway, give the demo, or free version a try; i think you will like it. It’s definitely a serious piece of gear.

    in reply to: how to avoid VST prescan? #12860


    Thanx, Frits.

    I wonder how I could have not see / figured that one out!

    Anyway, thank you again, and sorry for wasting forum space with such an inane question.

    Podium Rocks!


    Hi Pigini:

    Although I went XP several years ago, I have noticed since the beginning that MIDI timing is just not a strong point of this OS. It seems to depend on the DAW software that I use, but for instance, Reaper was unuseable on my Craptop with XP. Even optimizing didn’t help. Podium works well, but I’m not using such a demanding setup as you. Reaper works well on my good notebook, but again, I’m not doing any demanding MIDI work anymore.
    But what I wonder is if there are ways to beat XP into submission with optimizations for MIDI and audio? I’m lousy at customizing – I just follow guides and hope for the best 😆
    I know it’s a pain, but if you have a spare machine, it might be work hacking away for a while and trying to get some solid timing on XP. There must be a way. There is so much that one can turn off in this OS. And of course there are the hardware profiles, too. It sounds like you really know your computer stuff, so I”m wondering if you have already tried? and if you have any tips, too 🙂

    Heh… yeah, MIDI on the newer OS’s (crapintosh included) makes me long for my old Atari 1040 ST 😆 now THAT was machine!

    in reply to: What are you listening too currently? #9697


    Eraser is good, isn’t it? i have been listening to that one too.

    Also Autechre – Draft 730 ; one of my favs. 😀

    I have been listening to Brian Jonestown Massacre quite a bit. Methadrone makes me cry, and makes me sing. i don’t know how else to put it.

    Metric also. It’s been a long time since such an excellent band has come out. they are exceptional musicians and songwriters, i think.

    in reply to: Google Maps – Where do you live? #9695

    I am here. currently, in fact 😀


    in the tri-winged building in the middle, facing the small street (Casorso), second floor. anyone in the neighbourhood?? come on over 😆

    this is wild, i can even see our car! this image was taken with our car in our parking space! hehe…

    Nice to see where you all are.


    edit: Hey, BCgreen!! i’ve been to Pulman Washington many times when i was young. My grandmother is a somewhat well known artist from Moscow Idaho, Genevra Sloan, and used to have shows at the big gallery / museum thing over by the university. some of my fondest memories actually 😀 it has been over a decade since i have been there, and i never really thought that i would meet anyone from Pulman. I think i still have an old WSU sweatshirt somewhere – what were they now… cougars, right?

    in reply to: Disappointed #9683


    i do hope you give some time to the hierarchical structure, because it makes Podium one of the most flexible DAWs ever. Really, only EnergyXT allows more flexibility, as far as DAWs. I can do things with Podium that i wouldn’t have dreamed of in the studio, and i can do it all inside the sequencer And if you do any work in surround / multichannel production, i can’t think of a program that is better suited.
    It’s different, yes, but not just for the sake of being different, and certainly not just for hobbyists. It is different for very well thought out and practical reasons. The hardware mixing paradigm definitely has its place in virtual production, but there is so much more that can be done that it almost seems a waste to stick to it.
    Anyway, this is just my hoping out loud that Frits won’t change it too much. But i am really excited to see where he will go with it too. ZGrid would be wonderful.
    I also think it would pay dividends to experiment a bit and save templates of what works best for you.


    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: REX and ACID file support. #9669

    oh, BTW Frits:


    it’s under the LGPL too, not the GPL – this means it can be used in a commercial app, with no problems at all.


    in reply to: REX and ACID file support. #9668

    if you people don’t want to use timestretching, then fine, don’t use it. It’s not like it’s going to be mandatory 😆

    but for many serious musicians, timestretching is a wonderful feature. It’s not something that is just for loopers / Mac users / etc. When timestretching first came out in samplers back at the end of the eighties, it was something that only professionals could afford to have. There wasn’t any scorn towards it back then. I don’t understand why it is different now, but i hear this anti-timestretch argument every time it’s added to a sequencer that didn’t have it before.
    I for one have been wishing for it in Podium for a long time now.
    There are things i don’t use, but i wouldn’t ever argue that they should be taken out, or not added if others find them useful. Frits knows what he’s doing, i think that’s pretty well clear, so don’t worry about Podium becoming something you don’t like. It’s just not going to happen.

    in reply to: 1.81 #9249

    that quantizing feature you describe sounds like a very cool thing. will it be realtime? if so, i know at least two people who will give Podium a try based purely on that. 🙂

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