@Pigini wrote:
The track is not selected because you click on an object which you then can drag to other tracks. I’ll consider changing this behaviour so that the track is always selected, even when you click on an object.
I think, it behaves as it should, plenty of space to hit the right spot.
Depends on the mixer view. Sometimes there is not much space to click on.
Thanks for the nice update!
I will continue work on mixer features for the next release. I’m going to add selection of mappings, presets and parameter objects within the mixer. Clicking on the object row in the header should pop up a menu for quick selection of an object. It will then not be necessary to drag objects from the track inspector lists.
This will make the mixer perfect for me.
I noticed one thing: Clicking on a map name in the mixer strip doesn’t select the track, the text area is not clickable. You have to click under the text, just a small area in some cases with the new mixer layout, to select the track in the mixer. Is there a way to make the text area clickable?
I like it too. Can’t wait to get the new version of the mixer under my fingers.
Excellent! Thanks again.
Cool! Thanks a lot, Frits!
Fantastic! 8)
Thanks! I really like the mouse wheel action!
This is great!
I like it. 😛
I also noticed when adding notes in a drum editor while looping the playback drops immediately after adding a note and then starts again at the loop start.
Good news!
But I’m afraid there are a lot of devices that are not able to use this setup, depending on the size of the bank bulk dump. It didn’t work with my Yamaha AN1x which has a bank size of 260K bytes. It’s simply too much data being transmitted at once, and the AN1x displayed a “MIDI buffer full” error.
But I think it will work for the most old devices. Maybe you can add some kind of midi buffer and multiple sends later.
Sounds great, looking forward to it. 😛
@Zynewave wrote:
So you have set it up similar to a plugin bank with program presets: A sysex library preset and a set of child presets configured with MIDI program change?
@Zynewave wrote:
I guess I could implement it so that the parent sysex object is sent to the device first, and then the program change. I’ll put it on the todo list.
Would be great! Can you implement it in way, that the sysex bank is only sent when you select a child preset from a differrent parent library object?
Thanks for the great application! It’s fun to create and use those hardware definitions.
One question:
At the moment I’m creating a definition file for the Ensoniq ESQ-1. I have a lot of sound banks in sysex format. They are already included as preset library in the definition. Now I want to insert all sounds/patch names of the sysex file as presets in the library preset. When used as folder it works like a charme but is there a way that podium sends the sysex file to the device when I double click a patch within the library folder? Now I have to double click the library preset first and then a preset to select it. I hope you understand what I mean. 😉