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  • thcilnnahoj

    Yeah, that has changed with the new track layout. You can’t drag tracks onto each other or move them sideways to create a group at the moment. You can still drag tracks in and out of a group, which should also work with multiple tracks, once it’s possible to select them.

    Regarding the bus-order, I’ve asked about this before (quotes from another tread):

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    As it says…

    Error: The bus send is disabled as it could cause feedback elsewhere in the signal chain.
    Bus send instances must be placed in the same order on all tracks.

    I must confess I do not understand why this is so.

    Since bus sends “just” send to another track inside the hierarchy, where would the output of the bus feed the signal back?

    @Zynewave wrote:

    This would be doable, if I chose to ignore delay compensation rules in cases where the routing bites its own tail.

    Consider that you can insert plugins with latency between two sends on a track, and that you can have a bus return feed into effects with latency before being routed through another bus send. Thinking about it too long can give you a headache :-k

    I haven’t thought about it anymore after this warning – no need for headaches! 😡

    in reply to: Program change supported? #18798

    Nah, it’s not a stupid question at all. Also, I didn’t word it correctly before… There are no gradual tempo changes at the moment, though that certainly qualifies a wish for improvement.

    I’ll try to explain making changes to tempo, just in case someone reading still has trouble.

    To add a tempo event, either double-click inside the tempo region (where there’s already an event at the start, saying “4/4, 120bpm”), or single-click with the pencil tool.
    If snap is activated, the tempo event will be created at the nearest point it can snap to (e.g., the start of the bar). Otherwise it’s created right where the mouse cursor is.
    You can right-click on the tempo region to bring up a menu where you can also choose to create a tempo event at the edit cursor position.

    in reply to: Program change supported? #18787

    Hi and welcome!

    1 – Yes. To get to it, open the parameter panel in the inspector (F4), click the menu button left to where it says Device and Mixer, select New MIDI Parameter -> Program Change. After you expanded the MIDI parameters folder, you can double-click the program change parameter in the list to create an automation lane for it on the currently selected track, or of course record it from your MIDI interface!
    You’ll have to ask Frits why it isn’t one of the parameters that’s enabled by default.

    2 – I don’t know about that one, sorry – maybe someone else knows.

    3- There’s the tempo region above the tracklist (where it says “4/4, 120bpm” in new projects). You can create tempo events there, which you can set to change time signature and/or tempo. Currently, these only allow for linear changes.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18783

    I have to agree with everyone that there’s no way around mentioning “arrangements” explicitly… also, “objects” does sound a little programmer-ish. 😉

    Brings me to a question: what do you use the “new sound” menu entry for, anyways? It doesn’t seem possible to record or do anything else besides drawing waveforms in the stand-alone sound editor.

    If it were me, I’d choose some variation of “Plugins and I/O Devices” (or mappings) for the other panel.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I also made a small optimization to the track event drop shadow painting in beta 5, so let me know if you still see some slow UI response that you think I should investigate.

    Seems a bit better now, though not quite the same as 2.31. It is noticably slower with many events on screen (think drum edits).

    It’s of course far from impossible to work with, so don’t worry for now, but I still think it’d be worthwhile to look into it some other time – when you have, for example, FL Studio with all its eye candy and visual effects performing very nicely (although I haven’t tried throwing chopped-up drum tracks at the demo yet)! 😉

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Here’s something I found: During time-stretching a MIDI event, the ‘preview’ of its contents looks as if the notes changed octave when you stretch it by certain factors (seems to depend on the notes and event length; arrangement vertical zoom doesn’t matter) – GIF animation (100 KB).


    Don’t know if it was supposed to be fixed in beta 4 already, but it’s still there. Also, the notes seem to disappear when stretching (well, shrinking) events which don’t start with a note. Both are shown in this GIF (320 KB)!

    Also also, converting events to unique cropped copies doesn’t always work correctly when the event is “time-contracted” – notes/automation points get cut off.


    It’s still generally slower in beta 4 as in 2.32, too, but it becomes really apparent with lots of events visible (not that many, though)…

    The curve looks good now. That should really cover all possible situations (except when you use dark events on dark background with dark text, or make it all bright).


    @Zynewave wrote:

    When moving/resizing/stretching events, the color of the mask is now semi-transparent black with white graphcs and text on top. This should work with all color setups, except if you have set the color of the timeline or events to complete black.

    It also improves visibility of what you’re moving by a long shot – very nice! 8)

    Here’s something I found: During time-stretching a MIDI event, the ‘preview’ of its contents looks as if the notes changed octave when you stretch it by certain factors (seems to depend on the notes and event length; arrangement vertical zoom doesn’t matter) – GIF animation (100 KB).

    Possibly due to the shadows, there’s a tiny delay added to some operations like switching editor profiles or zoom snapshots. Resizing of tracks is also a little less smooth than before. As always, I have a perfectly adequate graphics card, but it seems it doesn’t get called to help.


    More on the coloring…

    The white curve (white timeline text) is harder to see sometimes on brightly colored events, like in Liquid’s picture.
    I can work around this by adjusting the parameter track luminance setting, but that doesn’t help when an event is selected, and it’s especially bad when highlighted.

    (Sorry, I like my monochrome selection colors :wink:)

    This doesn’t fix it, but maybe a color or luminance setting for the curve separate from timeline text will do for now?

    Edit: Another small color problem with the time-stretch text (ex.: default theme, my current theme, paper theme).

    in reply to: The Tools Thread #18703

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Forgive me, maybe what I said could sound a little rude, I only wanted to tell you about my ideas. Since I’m not enlightened (yet :P) sometimes I can be a little selfish, and if I don’t see its inmediate purpose I think they’re unuseful tools and bloatware, just what I fear 🙂

    No no, you don’t sound rude at all. 🙂 Don’t hesitate to speak out!
    Not only are you entitled to your opinion, of course, but most of the discussions on this forum lead to ideas for improvement in the end that were missed in the first draft (group panel redesign, or your idea how to move fades).

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I have bookmarked this thread for future reading.

    I haven’t even finished reading the epic “The Device Mapping Thread” 8-[

    If you can hold out a little longer, I’m in negotiations with my publisher regarding hardcover editions, together with “The Routing Thread (title pending)”!

    in reply to: The Tools Thread #18693

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    – “Text” tool – to make time selections inside events only (alternatively use Shift as a modifier for the scalpel and/or eraser tools to delete the selected area – works only for deleting, though).

    I never need something like that. I *think* it’s one of these rare tools you need use twice each project, because you can easily replace it with slip/trim actions.

    Oh, I personally would use it a lot. I think it’s more comfortable to select an area with one swipe and delete it than to do two splits, select the split part and delete it. Take a look at this GIF (of course I wouldn’t do it at this zoom level). Though I guess it’s not as useful for MIDI events. Like I said, it could probably be done with a new modifier key for the scalpel or eraser tools, but that would only allow to delete segments, when I might really want to cut out a part and move it.

    – Paint tool – click, hold and drag to create multiple notes in a row (can be done nicely with the insert key currently, but not quite as fast).

    I do this operation unfrecuently too. Once you started to make a project it’s a rare tool too. Useful for quick acid lines. I have enough with INS key anyway. You would spend more time switching too that just keeping down the INS key.

    Maybe… that depends on how tools can be switched when/if a new way of handling them comes around. As it is now, I often hold the insert key too long or not long enough, so I have to manually correct how many notes were drawn.
    Anyway, this one isn’t so important. The only one I really miss is slip.

    – “Roll” tool (see this on the website for MOTU Digital Performer).

    This is nice. I wound’t use it unless I record a band again, but I can see why this tool it’s really useful. However… Why make a new tool for that? You could easily select two crossfaded clips and (if both are selected only) you simple drag the intersection and they would move as we see in MOTU page.

    You mean that, when both events are selected, moving either the end point of the first one or the start of the second one should move the whole fade? That could work, good idea.

    Don’t get me wrong, I want that Podium get bigger, but I don’t want that thing which made that I flee from other nice host: They’re overbloadted with tools, menus, synths and buttons that you only need use two minutes in 70 hours that you need to make a new song.

    I mostly agree, but I wouldn’t call a feature that saves any user (maybe not you, maybe not me) from manual work bloat. After all, that’s why computers are so great, no? 🙂

    Since there hasn’t been any indication given whether there’ll actually ever be more tools, these’re not really requests – I’m just throwing out ideas on what I think would be useful and how it could potentially work.

    in reply to: July 2010 competition #18689

    Come on all you readers, don’t be shy – step up and win! :mrgreen:
    I’ll give the prize away to the next non-licensee that posts after me, should I end up being drawn.

    So only five, hm? I have to think very hard about this, but here are my top picks for the moment. All modesty left outside this time. 😉

    1. A few more special (sub-)tools or editing capabilities, such as slip(!) and time selection (called “text tool” elsewhere, I believe). Along with extra options for some tools, e.g., automatically converting splits to crossfades.

    2. A revised method for invoking tools. –> Gathering ideas over here!

    3. Applying trimming, fades, and other settings to multiple selected events.

    4. Option to see grid lines through event backgrounds, and option to toggle grid visibility on/off (without affecting snap) in the tracks region. It should still be visible in the timeline, marker, tempo regions.

    5. Video support, actually (edited).

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