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  • in reply to: 2013 roadmap #22514


    I understand your concern. Podium development has been slow for a long period now. I’m in a transition period at the moment. Besides having another part-time job to pay the bills, I’ve had to spend time on Windows 8, new development tools (Visual Studio 2012), new source control system (not decided yet, most likely Microsoft TFS 2012 Express), and a redesign of zynewave.com. It’s been several years since I designed the current zynewave.com, and it’s starting to fall to pieces. I ended up spending far more time than I anticipated on getting up to date with the latest web design technologies. So far I’m betting on WordPress, but I don’t have anything to show yet.

    So, it’s difficult for me to say what will come in 2013, but I’m getting anxious to return to ‘pure’ Podium development mode. I have no major features lined up for the next releases, so perhaps the best solution for you would be to wait with the update renewal, until you notice the Podium release cycle has returned to a more permanent stride.

    in reply to: track monitoring #22494

    @corrupt wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry if this has been asked many times before… How do I turn off audio monitoring for a track that I am currently recording?


    If you’re using the latest Podium Free 2.42 version, then it should be possible by bypassing the input mapping on the track. Podium 2.37 had this new feature:

    “The input bypass button has been changed to only disable monitoring instead of disabling recording. An audio input that is monitored through external hardware can thus be silenced in the Podium mixer during recording.”

    Other related recording related features were also introduced in 2.37:

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Technology preview: Podium running on iOS & Android #22492

    @aanto wrote:


    I use Podium 3.2.0 with the 24″ Iiyama 2451MTS touchscreen monitor, and this setup works just great! Podium software is touchscreen friendly from a box, lacking only minor features like touch-an-drag scrolling and two finger zoom. It took less than a one day for me to adapt.

    Hi aanto,

    I have a Dell ST2220T multi-touch monitor. While I’ve found that the optical-touch technology used in this monitor is not super reliable, I did do some experiments with implementing Windows 7 gesture support into Podium. Windows 8 introduces a new system for handling touch input, so I decided to skip Windows 7 touch support, and I will be looking at Windows 8 touch support in 2013.

    Also I want to point your attention to a powerful Windows tablets (Samsung Slate PC with Core i5 processor, for example). Those things can handle full-sized Windows DAWs with tons of fat VST plugins, which never will be available for a iOS / Android.

    Personally, I’m looking forward to trying the new Microsoft Surface Pro. With the new Microsoft Windows 8 development tools, it may even be possible to make Podium run on Windows Phone 8 devices as well, without spending too much development efforts.

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    in reply to: Nested or Layered Curves. #22427

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Bump this topic in a couple of months, and I may be easier to persuade.

    And here we are, more than eight years later :mrgreen:

    Donald left the forum after a short period, so no further efforts were made on this feature request. Times have changed, the Podium featureset has grown, and I try very hard to keep things simple. I think this kind of functionality should be handled by plugins, and IMO it would add unnecessary complexity in order to support this in the Podium UI.

    in reply to: I-Controls (MCU emulated) seems not to respond completely #22369

    I downloaded the iControl user manual pdf. It seems to me that the “layer” buttons doesn’t actually send out MIDI messages, but rather switch between iControl internal “scenes” of MIDI setups. To be able to dynamically change the fader banks, you’ll need to configure a pair of the iControl buttons to send out the MCU messages for bank or channel offsets. This page could be useful:


    in reply to: I-Controls (MCU emulated) seems not to respond completely #22367

    When you press the buttons for switching banks, do the ‘1’-‘8’ number indicators on the Podium mixer strips follow along?

    in reply to: I-Controls (MCU emulated) seems not to respond completely #22361

    @buendiainside wrote:

    Yes, two midi inputs appear as:
    iCON iControl v1.01
    MIDIIN2 (iCON iControl v1.01)

    and one midi output as:
    iCON iControl v1.01

    In the midi input options of each track, two pairs of midi inputs appear as follows:
    iCON iControl v1.01
    iCON iControl v1.01 (with a 16 channels new box)
    MIDIIN2 (iCON iControl v1.01)
    MIDIIN2 (iCON iControl v1.01) (with 16 channels new box)

    It sounds like you have selected the MIDI inputs/outputs on the MIDI page in the Audio/MIDI dialog. This is only needed if you want to record the input of the iControl. If you only want to use the device as a control surface, then you should only assign the MIDI in/out on the control surfaces page.

    I don’t think there is something called “layers” in the Mackie MCU specification. A maximum of 8 channels is supported for each connected device, but there are button commands for moving the controlled channels up/down in banks of 8 or single channels. Maybe the iControl has an option to use these commands.



    I assume you are talking about this:

    When the iControls is connected through USB, does it present more than one MIDI in/out interface in the Podium Audio/MIDI dialog?

    Can you describe in more detail how Podium crashes? Does it occur immediately on startup?

    My best guess is that, as long as the iControl app is running, it keeps a lock on the MIDI interface. That is probably what causes Podium to fail to open the MIDI interface when it starts up. It shouldn’t cause Podium to crash though, unless the crash happens in the MIDI interface driver.

    in reply to: Kontakt 5.0.2 Partly solved issues #22319

    @MikaFrench31 wrote:

    Hi Frits,

    To know when a solution will be developed for better management of Kontakt?

    I look forward to it

    Hi Mika, thanks for your patience on this matter. This is high on my priority list, but unfortunately I’ve had to spend some time on non-development stuff in the last few weeks. Once I can get back to fully concentrate on development, I’ll look into this. Hopefully within a month or two.

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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Bug when exporting audio in 3.2.0 #22283

    Is it just with this one project, or all your projects?

    Did it work in versions before 3.2.0?

    If you bounce render the master track (not export), does the bounced audio play back ok, and are the left/right waveform overlays on the master track timeline aligned ok?

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