I don’t dare to give suggestion anymore because it keeps you awake at night
Don’t worry about it. I am up late at night anyway. And working on improving the GUI is fun 🙂
Keep the suggestions coming.
It should run on Win98SE. I know one of my customers are using this OS.
Are you running a complete Windows 98 install or are you using one of the unofficial ‘lite’ modifications? Or maybe you omitted to install some components such as Internet Explorer? I searched microsoft.com for ‘msimsg32.dll’ and found the link below, which states that msimg32.dll should be on the Windows 98 install CD.
This is one of the reasons why the Podium installer is relatively small. I have not embedded any system dll files that are supposed to be part of a standard Windows installation.
I hate to give advice such as ‘Reinstall Windows’, but this comes close. You could try to extract the msimg32.dll file manually from the W98 CD and put it in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder, but this may not be enough. Running Podium again may show a new error of another missing dll.
is there any chance of making it possible to have the keys on the left light up when they are recieving MIDI?
Good suggestion. I’ve added it to the list.
it seems the the Pencil Tool doesn’t care about what I have set for a Quantize Resolution, but the Rearrange Tools does
Hmm, the pencil tool should snap as much as the rearrange tool does. I assume you’re talking about the keyboard editor. Setting the quantize snap value will set the grid resolution which e.g. is used for the size of new notes etc. To make the notes snap to the grid, you must select the button where the snap resolution is displayed. Could this be the explanation?
And a couple of hours later… The sequence text is now shown on top of the waveform, painted on a translucent background mask, making it more distinguishable from the waveform underneath. The phantom icon is less translucent, and is painted with the same color as the text (selected/unselected). The phantom icon is also shown in the track inspector event list. Definitely an improvement. Thanks for the suggestions Eli. Will be available in v1.11.
😥 you’re making fun of me
Not much, you know I take everything you say seriously 😉
I think, if it’s possible, that there could be a small reserved space for the Ghost Icon and name
Yes, simply writing the name on top of the waveform would probably not be enough. I could experiment with painting a translucent background for the text and phantom icon, on top of the waveform.
but that it stays alwas at the beginning of an even/part >>> so if you zoom-in you still see it at the beginning of the visible event.
I had implemented it this way once. I ditched it, because it was very irritating when e.g. you scrolled the time axis and all the sequence names would slide to try to stay inside the viewed area.
Aslo in the track info left of the trackheader you could place an icon for all eventnames which are ghosted.
Good idea.
Another thing that I wanted to mention for a long time is that the color assigned to a track completely becomes overwritten/obscured when you highlight a mixer strip .. also from the parent tracks the color disappears.
I think that there still could be an opacity so that you see the color or just a reserved space that keeps colored.
I tried it with the opacity. It got very confusing because of all the different color combinations that were the result. You could not clearly see see if it was in the selected branch or just another color. I may experiment with another way of highlighting the parents of a selected track.
And while we’re at it here’s another luxury issue
I wondered why in the pianoroll editor there is no posibility to use a background image file or color control. (like the trackregion background)
I use darker colors for podiums interface but the colors I use for the general interface are not so good in the pianoroll .
Luxury issue indeed. It’s good to know there is plenty for me to do in 2006 as well 😉
Would options in the project dialog for using the tracks bitmap for the other editors be a solution? Or would you need different colors for the editors. Save your color setup and email it to me, along with your track background image, and I’ll see if I can implement this easily.
I’m not sure how to control how much of each track’s signal is sent to the reverb
*cough* 😳 I’m sorry to say that this is not possible yet.
You probably have set up a group track with the reverb and are feeding several tracks into it. All the subtracks are sent 100% through the reverb, so the reverb dry/wet/mix setting will determine the amount of reverb applied. However this does not allow setting the mix ratio differently for each subtrack. For that you will have to set up a reverb insert for each track, or wait for the bussing feature to be added to Podium. I expect to have bussing implemented within a month.
Edit: kagemusha typed faster than me.
I’m not completely sure but in a recent project I suddenly had red info errors that plugins where missing
You mean the red info errors that appear on the tracks?
Before or after starting monitoring?
Were the plugins insert or global plugins?
The plugin paths you say were identical after resolving the conflict by browsing, are they absolute paths or relative to the VST root folder?
Which Podium version? Release v1.08 introduced extended check on plugin availability.
Next time it happens, try reloading the project and see if that clears the errors.
…are hiding behind the waveform drawing
So what you’re saying is, that you’d like the waveform to hide behind the text? 😛
The phantom icon is generally very “difficult” noticable. Perhaps the Phantomparts could have a more general/global difference then unique parts.
I’m open to suggestions. Would a more distinct coloring of the phantom icon (the plus icon appearing after the sequence name) do the trick? Or should the entire sequence event background be a different color shade?
Drum editing with Battery should be possible. However the names of the individual drum pads in the kit loaded in Battery, are probably not being exported by Battery. The VST spec allows a plugin to announce the names of individual keys, which Podium will use to create drum kit presets when updating the program list, but I doubt that Battery uses this feature.
When you assign a preset as a drum kit, did Podium not ask if you wanted to create default key presets? This should happen if you’re using at least v1.09.
Sorry. It’s on my list 😉
Excellent! Let’s see who gets there first 😛
Oh, yes. I also want to say is that I have an creamware pulsar card and podium works fine on it’s asio drivers – also in XTC mode.
Good to know, thanks
Hi ferry,
Thanks for trying out Podium.
I’m sorry to say this, but MIDI output of plugins are not supported yet 😥
It’s listed in the ‘Future Development’ topic, but a few items have a higher priority at the moment (mixer engine bussing for one), so it will at least be a month before I can start work on it.
From your description, you have set up your insert plugins correctly in the arrangement. You do not have to recompile your plugin to get rid of the warning that the parent VSTi does not accept audio. You would only need to modify the Device Mapping object for your vststudiomix plugin and set the audio input/output to ‘none’. But as I said, plugin MIDI output is not supported yet.
I have downloaded your plugin, as it seems like a nice tool to use for testing purposes once I start work on VST MIDI output 😉
Good one, Eli.
Will be fixed in v1.10
I was suggesting the note color idea so one might be able to distinguish Kicks, Snares, etc when programming drum parts in MIDI. Maybe an option to label notes might work to the same effect?
I’d rather persuade you to use the dedicated drum editor 😛
To be able to use the drum editor, it is required that a drum-kit preset is assigned to the track. Release 1.09 introduced a few improvements related to this. Check out the ‘Freebees’ demo project, which is updated to use the drum editor for the drumatic plugin.
Still some work to do on improving the drum editor. Note audition is coming in v1.10. After that, a number of other improvements will come: Keyboard shortcuts similar to those in the keyboard editor. Tool behaviour suited for drums, such as using the pencil tool to drag a series of drum-hits. etc.
My thought now is that there is some defect in the keystation. but it seems to work because it does the normal proceedings when you plug it in >>> numbers changes on the lcd
Could be the USB-chip firmware in the keystation that is corrupted. The rest of the keystation circuits (LED’s etc.) is probably powered directly from the USB plug.
I don’t have any experience with keystations, but:
I would keep the device manager control panel open when plugging the keystation in, to see if there is any response. If it is not recognized as a sound, videos and games kind of device, then it should pop up as an unknown device. If not, my guess is likewise that the keystation is defect.