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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Clip 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (done!) #19659

    Ending up with sequences named “… 2 2 2 2” is something that also has annoyed me a lot. The naming system only works as intended when you add new events to a track, which produces increasing events such as “Track 1”, “Track 1 2”, “Track 1 3”, etc.

    I’m currently modifying the naming system so that it will also work when you convert phantom events to unique copies. I hope to have it implemented in 2.38.

    in reply to: bug? Cracking noise tweaking Podium mixer #19655

    This is on the todo list. Changing the gain and pan settings are not “smoothed”, so fast/big changes can be produce clicking. Like if you have an automation curve of bar events rather than line events.

    in reply to: Using MIDI controller to control Podium #19654

    @primelpott wrote:

    is there any change in the status of this “issue”?

    No status change. I don’t have an estimate on when this part of Podium will get an update. There are a couple of big features that have higher priority, so it’s months away.

    in reply to: Editing the MIDI list edit view #19653

    @pj geerlings wrote:

    Would you please consider adding this feature request to your queue?

    Sure, but don’t expect to see this before audio time-stretching is implemented.

    in reply to: 2.37 #19652

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Mono and multichannel side-chain mappings (or multi-mappings in general) seem to share instance numbers. Ex.: If there are both a mono SC #1 and a stereo SC #1, creating a new instance of stereo SC #1 names it stereo SC #3. Of course this only applies if the mappings were created from the same DLL.

    The mappings belonging to a single plugin instance are linked by the combination of the plugin file name and the instance number. Are you suggesting that the mapping names should read “#2”, even though the instance number in the properties is 3?

    – Making a selection by Shift+clicking in the curve and sound editor doesn’t override snap like expected (by me, at least :wink:). If you hold Shift and then click somewhere, it still snaps the start/end of the selection to the grid. This works differently in the arrangement and note editors, where the selection begins exactly at the clicked position instead of snapping.

    Fixed. Thanks.

    – Shouldn’t the new project page/panel be able to have key focus? I was stumped after hitting enter to confirm the project name, the ‘create’ button pulsated and invited me to press it, but hitting enter again tried to open a project from the recent projects list instead.

    Hmm, I guess that would mean the cursor keys should be able move the highlight focus between the buttons on the page, etc. I think the community rather prefer that I spend time on frequently requested features.

    – When you move a fader and set it back to the original value in one action (not by right-click cancelling), it still creates an undo point, which is kind of a waste…?

    The undo point is created when you start the drag operation. I would need to add code that checks the final value against the initial value, and if matching, step back in the undo history and remove the undo point. Perhaps later.

    – I’ve had the f&%#ing (excuse me) overload problem happen again – with just one fade!!! And it seems it was dependent on the fade shape this time… Not only does this block the entire project sound, it also makes your computer slow to a crawl, and you can only hope you’re still able to deactivate arrangement power before something blows up… 🙁

    I managed to reproduce and fix an overload problem that sounds like your description. The fix is available in 2.38 beta6. Please let me know if you still encounter this problem.

    in reply to: Preview 2.38: Customizable font and text size #19651

    Beta6 is available. This is hopefully the last beta. I plan to release 2.38 later this weekend. Please let me know if you find any bugs in beta6. Changes in beta6:

    Clearing the group or composite option on a track will automatically move all child tracks out of the group.

    Fix: Shift+clicking would not override snap when dragging a segment selection or when dragging a marquee selection in the curve editor.

    Fix: The “default sample rate” setting in the audio interfaces dialog can now be set before activating the ASIO driver.

    Fix: Fade-in/out curves with a duration of 1 sample could result in level overload.

    in reply to: Editing the MIDI list edit view #19646

    (1) Start time + duration (bar beat:division percent), and text describing the event. The graphics next to each time indicate the relative position, i.e. the percentage. I just noticed that there is a graphics bug, introduced when I changed the percentage range from -50..+50 to 0..99 a few versions back.

    (2) No editing, at the moment. The list view is only usable for diagnostics, where you for example can check for overlapping events, or zero duration events.

    The code for the eventlist is very old, and I haven’t updated it in a long time.

    in reply to: Audio stretch #19645

    Correct, that is simple resampling, and that will be the first method I implement when adding support for audio stretching. True time-stretching (pitch-preserving) will come later as another option you can select on audio stretched events.

    in reply to: Preview 2.38: Customizable font and text size #19617


    Fix: Modified the code that saves the Podium.ini file. This eliminates the long delay that could occur on some PC systems when exiting Podium, or when starting a plugin scanning.

    If you previously have experienced a noticeable delay when exiting Podium, I would appreciate if you could try this beta and check if the delay is gone. It should now exit instantaneously. It’s no longer necessary to add Podium.exe to your antivirus exclusion list.

    in reply to: Cannot load Waves GTR Solo #19602

    In case it is a crash that is caused by the timing/speed of the plugin scanning, you could try to manually import the plugin once the scanning is complete. Use the “import plugin” command in the Devices menu.

    in reply to: Calling to Awareness #19601

    @Conquistador wrote:

    …I get the feeling he loves design work and it gives him a much needed break from things like MIDI and Audio related features.

    That sums it up pretty well. It can be quite exhausting to work on the engine code, so I do need to get back to straightforward UI design once in a while.

    Although, I’m not happy with the amount of time I so far have spent on the 2.38 font resize feature. There were a lot of places in the UI that needed to be made scalable. I underestimated the amount of time needed for that. Still, I think the scalable UI is an important feature when looking years into the future. The DPI resolutions of screens are increasing rapidly if you for example consider the new “retina” (Apple buzz word) resolutions that are appearing on the fast-growing tablet market. This means that there can be huge DPI resolution differences between different PC systems that you may use to run Podium, so it’s important that the user is able to scale the size of the entire UI. The support of touch-input is another feature that requires the UI controls to be larger than when using mouse-input.

    That is just some thoughts on why I’m spending time on making the UI scalable. Some of the new images/icons in 2.38 have replaced images I designed more than 15 years ago. It was time to let them retire 😉

    in reply to: LiveMachine #19599

    Does it scan/import with the correct mappings?

    What happens when you try to load it on a track?

    in reply to: Cannot load Waves GTR Solo #19598

    Does it crash during scanning, or what doesn’t work?

    in reply to: Problems with ASIO #19573

    Make sure you haven’t enabled the “Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth” in the MIDI output list.

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