That’s great Joachim. I love tidbits like that, extra strings to your bow, etc.
As and when Podium will support MIDI output plugins, then a MIDI CC LFO will be able to achieve a similar effect within Podium. Since MIDI is executed on a persample basis, all will be fine with the controlling of the synth.
I wish I’d had a ‘My other synth is TONTO’ sticker for my old analogue synths back in the day! O well…
well…. another long time user of avast here. I’ve always been really impressed by them. No sooner does an alert appear than they’ve patched it.. makes you wonder who’s writing the darn things!!
Greg at betabugs uses the OpenOffice pdf function..
Apparently if you want to have book marks and stuff, then you need acrobat, but for simple stuff the freeware ones should suffice.
At, they generate pdfs on the fly with ezPDF.. Don’t know if that would help in the short term…
There are some free tools out there which will generate simple pdfs from word docs, which may well be enough. I’ll ask what our BetaBugs bloke uses..
I think the comp idea is good. But it’s timing isn’t it..
I didn’t realise that you had been doing parttime stuff as well Frits. I was kind of glad, since 60 licenses will only buy so much food!
I’m very impressed with the way you have taken your time and ensured stability throughout. Much better than have a fanfare of publicity and a product that falls over every 5 minutes 🙂
Don’t know, but the other seq I use, NTrack, had some problems with JamStix when it came out. The 2 developers got on good speaking terms very quickly, and made small tweaks so that it works as it should.
Maybe if you post on the Jamstix forum as well as here, Frits and the other dev might have a chin wag?
Podianer, does JamStix allow for output to go to a MIDI channel? If so, you could use MIDI-OX and record the MIDI back into Podium. There might be a small MIDI latency, but that could be Dragged back into line after recording, since it should be consistent if found.
If it doesn’t support that, then we’re back to the drawing board in the short term!
What is that picture in the arrangement window? I recognise it, but just can’t remember from what…
I thought it was me at first, so I did it a couple of times, and a couple of different ways to make sure it was replicable (like a good little tester that I am!)
aahh… but this isn’t cubase!
I hadn’t realised that dynamic latency was taken care of here – that’s pretty cool. Sometimes it can get really useful to be able to do that – if you change an FFT window, it can alter the latenecy, so normally you have to plump for the longest you can get away with, and if your window means you could use less, you’re just lumbered with it..
cool frits!
Just for the record, look on page 1..
@duncanparsons wrote:
tbh, I’m happy for Frits to decide (he’s got the product this far!), but since I really would like the offline bouncing I went for engine related.. Frits knows its wanted, and I realise that nudges are listened to.
tbh, even when it comes, they’ll be times when I still use the realtime bounce, just for that ‘seat of the pants’ mixing experience!
It’ll come, but I think Frits needs the space to get the best way to do it mapped out. There’s plenty of things for him to chew over 🙂
Thank you, I was quite pleased with it. I hope the mix is OK, I had to do it with tiny in-ear headphones at work during lunch time!
I’ve entered this months KvR competition, for those interested..
tbh, I’m happy for Frits to decide (he’s got the product this far!), but since I really would like the offline bouncing I went for engine related.. Frits knows its wanted, and I realise that nudges are listened to.