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  • in reply to: Trojan.Clicker.VB-15 #5507

    In my lifetime, I’ve had virus encounters 3 times as I can remember.

    I curius to know what function msidev.exe serves. I tried searching the Microsoft Knowlegde base with no luck. Perhaps you know, Frits?

    ClamWin can be considered as a serious alternative for those of you that have’nt tried it.


    in reply to: Multi multi-(distinctly-minty)-timbral plugins. #5425

    GPO and EWQLSO? What is this?

    I’ve also configured a ‘GPO insert’ mapping for non-multitimbral use, which is handy to add e.g. a piano to the arrangement without having to set up multiple tracks for audio and MIDI.

    Sounds interresting! 😀


    in reply to: what are the most needed features to get more users ? #5339

    Hi Peter,
    You mentioned offset snapping. Is a quantize function with note timing randomization what you had in mind?
    I could be wrong, but Podium already has a function like this. If you open the properities for a track, the dialog box offers note transposition, timing and velocity randomization.

    See this section of the Podium guide for more info on this.

    I can agree with you that allowing more insert mappings per track would help reduce the need for many track hiearchy levels.
    But, how many insert mappings per track would be enough?



    I voted “engine related”

    I feel features such as sample rate conversion, dithering, parameter smoothing (to avoid zipper noise), are of the most importance.

    Furthermore, audio event fade in/out, level, crossfade options, and inlined EQ/Dynamics for audio tracks are also very desirable.

    By the way things have developed, and by the looks of the future, I feel very confident about the direction Podium is taking. 8)

    I also am very pleased about the planned multi core/processor support.

    Thumbs up to Conquistador for this initiative! 😀


    in reply to: Coming up next: multicore/multiprocessor support. #5269

    Hey Frits,

    I’m running Windows XP SP2 Professional, using the “APCI Multiprocessor PC” kernel.

    Yes, I have two seperate perfomance graphs, one for each CPU. I also have the option of setting affinity for each process. This comes handy when running two instances of one program.

    600MHz… I know it’s old 😳
    But having 1GB of RAM helps.


    in reply to: Coming up next: multicore/multiprocessor support. #5260

    First of all Frits, congrats on your new dual core system!

    Multicore/multiprocessor support… This is fantastic news! 😀

    @Frits wrote:

    Are there any users out there that have a dualcore/multiprocessor system? Anyone thinking of getting one?

    I’ve been running on two 600mhz Klamath CPU’s since 1999, and I’m still enjoyning the benefits of having two two physical processors “under the bonnet”. For me, there’s no doubt. I’m going dual for my next workstation, fanless of course 8)

    So, to put it short: “One time dual, always dual… Because two is better than one!”


    in reply to: Post echo send/return to reverb #4960

    Hey Frits! 🙂

    I sent an email, reverb and echo effects included, to
    Should have arrived by now.


    in reply to: 1.19 #4025

    I’m borrowing a Nord Rack 3 (whohoo, lucky me! :D) and I’m finally getting to know Podium well these days.
    Unfortunately, Podium crashes often and without warning most of the time.
    I’ve made two screen shots from the most recent incident.

    This is the first dialog box that appears:

    Then, this one:

    I’ve discovered that Podium streams the sound through it’s mixer from my sound card inputs, even if audio mixing for the track in question isn’t enabled. It seems to me when I enable audio mixing for such a track, the risk for a crash is at it’s greatest.

    It is worth mentioning that this *can* be caused by some bad memory in my very old Dual 600MHz puter, so I’m not blaming it all on Podium alone.

    Is there a parameter or setting I can invoke to tell Podium to create a crash log?

    About the graphics corruption:
    Yes, it remained corrupted until I exited Podium, and yes I discovered it after doing a few operations. I do remember using plugins when this happened. I know that VAZ Modular and Bionic Delay was there, other than that I can’t tell for sure.
    This graphics corruption has not occurred since last time. It may have been a random incident with the drivers for my display adapter.


    in reply to: Close 2 open list windows and Podium goes to background #4003

    …involved ‘relieving’ Windows of some of its ‘intelligent’ decisions…

    LOL! 😆

    Yet another problem solved!
    I must say, I love the good support and friendly atmosphere here 8)


    in reply to: 1.19 #3996


    As you can see in the screenshot, the graphics in the Time Signature and tempo plus the Loop range windows has become garbled somehow.
    I did not notice how this happened, and it’s the first time i’ve seen this behavior in Podium. If it happens again, and if I’m able to reproduce this condition, I’ll let you know.


    in reply to: Playing more than one VSTi at once? #3842

    One solution would be to allow a single MIDI input mapping to be assigned to multiple tracks.

    I think that solution might easily become too cumbersome to work with.

    Another solution would be to make a MIDI input that is assigned to a group track, be inherited by any child tracks that does not have any MIDI input mapping.

    I’m more in favor of this solution. It resembles the folder tracks feature found in SX and it would be the easiest method to work with.

    in reply to: Playing more than one VSTi at once? #3838

    Yes, you’re correct, I want to layer VSTi’s.
    In order to this to work, I presume a switch of some sort would be needed to reverse the MIDI flow. My only question then, would’nt that introduce some conflict(s) ?

    If you ever implement such a feature or similar solution, don’t limit it to VSTi’s, let it be possible with external MIDI instruments as well. And, when supported, the same functionality should be applicable for ReWire in the (near?) future.

    Layering two or more Subtractor synths is often inevitable in Reason, but one track for each device is required and the sequences cannot be linked. When making changes to one of the layered tracks, the same change must be duplicated or copied for each track. This is one of Reason’s weak points. 😉

    By the time Podium supports ReWire, my dream is to play as many VSTi’s and/or Reason devices I wish with only one input mapping at the root of the hierarchy layers. At the same time I would only have to deal with one track for a group of layered synths for recording, playback and bouncing.

    Hope I’m not causing any further confusion. 🙂

    in reply to: Nord Rack 3 Device Definition #3765

    Yes, the synthesizer can be controlled by control change messages, luckily for me, I have no previous experience with contolling gear using SysEx. The Nord manual has a section with a complete MIDI Controller list, which made the creation of the Device Definition quite easy.
    I did a quick search for a Nord Rack 3 Cubase script just now, but there was none to be found.

    I would love to donate my definition, but I hoped someone could test it to ensure it is flawless before I do so. I have’nt had the chance to test it properly myself you see. I just want to make shure everything works and it’s done properly with regards to your guidelines.

    I’m currently brewing a device definition for the Yamaha O3D digital mixer, so far I’ve got control over all the faders and panning, but for the rest I will need help with SysEx programming in order to control the equalizers, effects and compressors and so on to make it a fully functional device definition.

    This is not the final device definition I’ll make, expect to see definitions for the Waldorf Q, Novation SuperNova 2, Access Indigo 2/Virus C, Alesis Andromeda A6, Alesis Ion (Nord Modular 2GX as well?) as time allows 😉

    in reply to: Basic question: Missing Edit button #3744

    Now I remember how I “magically” made the Edit button go away as mentioned before… It’s because arrangment monitoring is turned off by default upon startup.
    Why is this so? Why do we even have an arrangment monitoring switch?


    in reply to: Basic question: Missing Edit button #3742

    Bah… I’ve must have turned off monitoring and totally forgot about it, how embarrassing… 😳

    It makes sense really, why should one be able to edit a VST plugin while unable to hear the changes?
    Strange thing is that VAZ Modular (version 3.03) can be edited even with monitoring switched off. Thats why I thought something was wrong…. Maybe it’s because of the way VAZ Modular is buildt? If you have time, try the demo, see for yourself, I’m shure you’ll be just as baffled as I am.

    Get VAZ Modular here:

    Anyways, thanks for the quick reply! 😀

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