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  • in reply to: 1bar count-in #18912

    Setup->Preferences->Metronome->Roll back…, it’s like what you’re looking for, I think 😉

    in reply to: 2.34 #18908

    Getting started–>Mixing–>Last paragraph:

    The bus send sliders will control the level of the “wet” signal that is sent to the busses. The gain fader on the track will control the level of the “dry” signal going out of the track.

    I think it should be:

    the level of the “dry” signal that is sent to the busses


    the level of the “wet” signal that is come back from the busses

    or delete the words “wet” and “dry” and everything will have sense:

    @fixed wrote:

    he bus send sliders will control the level of the signal that is sent to the busses. The gain fader on the track will control the level of the signal going out of the track.

    in reply to: 2.34 #18905

    Something like “refresh devices” or something like the option “update plugin database (with new devices that aren’t added yet)”. But you’re using the word update like ‘manage’, which I don’t know if that’s right

    in reply to: 2.34 #18903

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    From the manual, device panel chapter:

    The device list can be updated with the **Devices** menu and the list right-click menu.

    List right click menu? I don’t see nothing in that menu :S

    Yes, but you cannot update the device list from that menu (I think)

    in reply to: 2.34 #18901

    Added “Refresh file list” button to the file browser toolbar.

    I like it, few times I’ve missed it.

    From the manual, device panel chapter:

    The device list can be updated with the **Devices** menu and the list right-click menu.

    List right click menu? I don’t see nothing in that menu :S

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18899

    Yes I didn’t know that :]

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18897

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    You’re welcome to add this if you like. This will mean that the section will wrap around on a new page. I tried to keep the text in each section short enough to fit on one page.

    Well, if the idea is that the Guide is actually supposed to be a community-aided effort (apart from translations), then I’ll certainly go over some chapters and try to help out.
    I assumed that it was meant as read-only, as to not get a mix of writing styles and possible misinformation in it, creating more work for you in the end (having to double-check everything).
    Case in point, I wouldn’t have known that the sections were to fit on one page each.

    You’re welcome to add text about features that are not fully described in the guide. I may eventually revise the text so that it sounds like the same broken English I use throughout the guide 😛

    thcinnahoj, if you add or change something from the chapters of:
    -Project windows
    -Project start page
    Let’s me know, because I’ve those translated to spanish and I want to keep them in sync with english version, text&pictures. If I don’t know what’s changing, I’m dead. I’ll translate the Browser Window chapter in one or two days too.

    in reply to: 2.33 #18891

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Many drag operations will only start once you have moved the mouse a few pixels away from the clicked point. This is to reduce the risk of accidentally moving stuff when you for example click an event to select it.

    Yes I like this behaviour. Maybe you could do it avaliable ONLY when snap is enabled and shift key isn’t being used for clips and notes, all events.

    Sometimes I’m writting notes and I when I click in the first half of a grid and move the mouse just 1 pixel the note is resized to 1/128, which is a little annoying. That’s the reason I asked that minimum size for notes were the relative point value in 2.34 thread. Or maybe you could adopt the quoted behaviour while snap is enabled, so it would avoid mistakes while writting and editing events with a mouse, doing the editors an absolute pleasure 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18890

    Frits, in the project chapter, fourth paragraph:

    Device mappings, device definitions, presets and parameters are objects that define your audio and MIDI interfaces, mixer busses, external devices and software plugins. You use these device objects to interact with the devices in the arrangement editor.

    Maybe you should add “ReWire devices”.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: 2.33 #18881

    If you do a simple click in a stretch point the clip is shortened one snap value. And clips cannot be resized to its relative value if this is less than one snap value (I think this last bug isn’t too important, though)

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18877

    Import Hardware Definitions,

    @wiiiii spain won the word cup wrote:</em/

    The Devices menu contains an Import Hardware Definition submenu which lists all the files that are found in the Hardware definition library folder as specified in Preferences. The default location of this folder is “DocumentsZynewave PodiumLibraryHardware Definitions”. Podium will search this folder during startup. The submenu is only shown if any definition files are found.

    Those two statements seems a little redudant…

    in reply to: 2.33 #18875

    Minor bug, when you drag a clip to a zone where you cannot drop it, the cursor doesn’t turn in a no-go icon

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18873

    @Wii wrote:

    You can rename your template files and organize them in subfolders. If you move template files into subfolders then these will appear as submenus within the Project option and Devices menus on the project start page.

    I think the word “option” should be erased. And, Devices? will be a new menu there?

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #18872

    @Wikiwikiwikiiiii wrote:

    Save Project As…: Opens a file dialog for specifying a new filename for the project.

    This sounds to “rename the project” instead saving it with a new name

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