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  • in reply to: Master Bounce #19919

    Did you try deleting all bounced channels as I suggested?

    in reply to: 2.39 #19918

    Yes, it was me. However I stopped upload preset and using Curve at all, because, being an exclusive beta tester that reports lots of feedback, they only gave me a simple demo version (where you cannot load presets and others annoying limitations) and they are using the beta testing as marketing: they easily can choose one or two presets for each people (lots of them now that’s a public betatesting) giving them a little discount, so people could feel tempted to use that discount and get the full synth. That’s the reason I stopped being a beta tester, i don’t like be gamed.

    I think that a better synth is Dune… and the future D16 Lush.

    in reply to: 2.39 #19915

    It costs me a lot catch this silly bug. Menubar autohide failed sometimes and now I know how to replicate it:

    1. Maximize Podium’s windows and turn on menubar autohide.
    2. Restore Podium’s windows
    3. Open and close (clicking twice in the same button) any menu of the taskbar
    4. Maximize podium’s windows again and autohide won’t work until you press few times autohide button

    in reply to: Master Bounce #19914

    I just read few words and sentences. It could be a problem with ex-bounced tracks (master and sends included). Right click on each track with a B button and disable Bounce->Enable Offline Render Bouncing and Enable Realtime Record Bouncing. Now try to bounce again the master

    these GHOST vocals come in from the vox track and make the mix

    Make you sure that Psycho Mantis isn’t disturbing you again 😆

    I’ll read this post slowly later (no time right now). Anyway you can upload images using and then paste the forum code here.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Ask for your custom video tutorial #19899

    I just uploaded it, how to use GSnap in Podium with a good amount of theory about devices, so you, hopefully, could use any plugin that doesn’t need route midi output to another device (Podium doesn’t support MIDI routing between devices yet).

    in reply to: Ask for your custom video tutorial #19861

    @druid wrote:

    I look forward to your video! 🙂

    Delayed… sorry, this would be the week, I promise 🙂

    (reason: I’m programming an unique midi vst)

    in reply to: Current Development Pipeline ? #19860

    @function wrote:

    I think I’m going to print a freak t-shirt with that 😛

    in reply to: How to render/bounce loop in timeline region? #19843

    Man, just bounce within a range that bar, click on mixer bounce slot and choose “Export Bounce Audio to file…” or, if you want further editing, “Export bounce audio to new track” open it in the sound editor and do File->Export Selection as a Sound file . It’s so easy 😉

    in reply to: Ask for your custom video tutorial #19841

    @druid wrote:

    I’m late to the party, but I thought I would point out that “sensei” is a Japanese word, and the concept of “grasshopper” in this context comes from an old TV show, which was about Kung Fu, which is Chinese.

    I feel there is, for unknow reasons, a strong hatred between Chinese and Japan people. I say this because, ie, some months ago I saw two chinese or japan girls and I decided approach them. However innocently I asked them if they were from Japan or China…. after five seconds of umconfortable silence and looks, they started to scream me in their native language which I don’t have a clue about 🙄 My friends joke me about that yet 😀

    @druid wrote:

    And that’s trivia for today! I wouldn’t mind seeing GSnap in a tutorial come to think of it, last time I tried it it didn’t work. But I’ve been so busy it was a year ago or more and I can’t remember anything about it.

    You will see it, I hope this week. There are some video ideas in my head, one of them will have a complete (and enough professional) track 😉

    in reply to: How to render/bounce loop in timeline region? #19839

    Take a look to this video:


    in reply to: Initialisation problem with Alesis MultiMix 16 Firewire #19830

    I’ve related problems with sample rate. If I save a project with my driver at 44.1kHz I cannot open it at 48kHz or viceversa (they’re MIDI projects!).

    If I have my driver at 48kHz when I run Podium and I try to open a 44.1kHz project i get the “could not initialize audio interface at 44100 Hz sample rate” box. Then I change the driver and Podium samplerate to 44100Hz, I try to play the project and I cannot 😯

    Once they’ve changed I must restart Podium and it works with 44.1kHz. If I want to open another samplerate project I must change the driver&Podium samplerate and restart Podium.

    in reply to: Problem loadin VST into library #19829

    Which are those plugins? (btw Podium doesn’t load old DX plugins)

    in reply to: routing midi #19826

    Yes, Rewire is another option, I did it with FL Studio sometime ago:

    And it also would work for trigger Poise plugged in Podium.

    However I find easier use the Podium’s own step sequencer

    in reply to: routing midi #19824

    However, I’m thinking now, you could use any virtual midi ports, like MidiYoke, and if you need use vst plugin you could do it in any free host that support

    Podium -> MidiYoke Out(1)
    MidiYoke In(1) -> HOSTX
    HOSTX-> MidiYoke Out (2)
    MidiYoke Out(2) -> Podium

    Yes, it’s a bit clusmy, but at least you could do it meanwhile

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