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  • in reply to: Zynewave, your Vid for Drum templates #19162

    Trancit, audio signal always goes from “child” to “parents” so if you’ve a “child” with a device that makes noise (i.e. a generator output) it signal will go through its parents.

    You can organize your devices (input devices and output devices) as you want, but you must respect the above rule.

    Take a look to this example with Drumazon:

    I’m layering two midi inputs (green channels) to global drumazon instance #1, which have 4 outputs:

    Bass Drum
    Hi Tom & Low Tom in a group (both processed with Devastor)

    You can do as many group tracks as you want. If you want to learn how to manage multiinputs and multioutputs plugins you can see this 3-video serie. Once you catch it, it’s really fast.

    Is this possible with a single Plugin like Kontakt or Battery using the multi outs (I know, how to set up the multichannels in Podium) or do I have to use multiple instances of the plugin?????

    So, yes, it’s possible and fast with only one instance. If you own Drumazon, Nepheton, Nithonat or Poise I could email you a *,pod file as example.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19155

    The mini-mixer strips are cool.

    It would be nice if you could hide the master and return mixer strips since when you’re using three or more they take a lot of horizontal space from the screen. (or, is there any way to do it?)

    in reply to: Preview 2.34: Minor consistency updates #19145

    I think both ways are fine, that Alt+Click remove auto assigned input or doesn’t

    in reply to: Mixer Zoom #19139

    If you’re working on mixer gui maybe it’s the right moment to ask for wider resizable meters and ctrl+alt+mousewheel as shortcut to zoom mixer strips as we do in arrangement and editos.

    in reply to: Runtime error #19132

    Yes, it’s a pity 🙁

    I was using DW because it was the only portable sampler (non-SE) and with sf2 support. Anyway it has few things I don’t like and I’m waiting to another good sampler (and cheap, no money). I think Fabfilter is working in one.

    in reply to: Runtime error #19130

    Yes, I said that few weeks ago: (4th post)

    Meanwhile if you need play sf2 you can use free cakewalk SFZ

    in reply to: Runtime error #19128

    I can confirm you those errors are from DW. I also own it, and I’ve notified IL about them, they’re fixed a lot but there are yet few ones

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #19122

    Glad you enjoyed it 😆 yes, those headphones are akg701, you’re right 🙂

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #19116

    I feel happy that it has achieved you had smiled 🙂 I had tons of fun while recording the video, people was watching me while I was with the camera driving… and fake scenes…. when I was recording the hand-brake scene I raised accidentally my foot from the regular brake and the car (which was in a slope) started to go back really quick, the camera flied while I was shokked one or two seconds 😳

    in reply to: 2.35 #19115

    There is a problem exporting audio. When you bounce the master track and then you finally export it, there shouldn’t be any problem. But if after exporting the first time if, ie, you shorten the song from five minutes to four, bounce again, and export it overwritting the last file name, actually it isn’t overwritted, they’re only overwritted the first 4 minutes keeping the last minute of the first time you exported it.

    I think this behaviour is inherited from bounce/region bounce.

    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #19112

    This video’s music was made entirely in Podium. It only features few D16 synths and fx, nothing more, you will see them in the mixer. No eq and no compression, only a small limiter in the master.

    The video was recorded with a single cheap camera and while learning Vegas demo.

    And yes, the guy in the video it’s me (and no, usually I don’t wear chains, (it’s a fantasy video), that’s my pc, my city, my car and my roommate’s XXXXXX enjoy 🙂

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: The Podium Music Lounge #19097

    @German Fafian wrote:

    Second tune finished using Podium.

    Water Memories

    I used;
    Podium (off course)
    Toxic Biohazard,
    Bootsy Plug ins,
    and a few other free FX.

    To be honest I’ve heard the track, however it isn’t my favorite music genre (in fact I never hear it), and my opinions can be a bad reference:

    1. No samples?
    2. The first FX are cool, I’d like to learn to synth some of them.
    3. 2.43 hearing with headphones, I notice the mix too panned.
    4. It remembers me when I played RPG games few years back :_)
    5. Maybe a bit long? My friends complains when I hear in my car ‘those infinite noise’ (aka techno/trance song of five minutes)

    in reply to: External audio editor? #19094

    kyran, I also own Edison, and I’d like to know where do you learn to manage spectral view, any article or book? I’d like to learn that.

    btw, maybe a offline way to render vsts in the Podium sound editor could be what most people need. Personally I’ve enough with it, and barely I use Edison, except for noise removal and timestrech, which could be replaced with vsts, i guess.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
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