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  • thcilnnahoj

    @Zynewave wrote:

    To do that Podium would need to open all sound files and read their format. That would take too long, but it could be shown as info for the currently selected file.

    I see, that’s fine. Just thought, Windows explorer seems to do it without any noticable delay.
    But I’m no programmer, so I’ll trust you on that. 😉

    @Zynewave wrote:

    hat indicates that the contents of the folder has not yet been viewed (and thus it is still unknown if the folder is empty). It would take too long if Podium should search the files in all subfolders shown in the browser.

    Makes sense. I was just surprised, as the difference in brightness is pretty drastic compared to a light color scheme. I think it’s better this way – more clearly visible.
    Come to think of it, most browser icons have some issues when displayed on a dark background… guess they use transparancy?


    I’ve got two and a question. 🙂

    1- Besides the size, it’d be nice to see other audio file properties as well. Bit depth, sample rate, maybe even length.
    2- A more obvious way to access ‘Organize Favorites’ wouldn’t hurt, maybe in the browser menu.

    Q: Why are folders that haven’t been opened (yet) shown differently? It’s more apparent with dark color schemes.

    in reply to: Hi #15328

    Hello and welcome!

    That’s a lot of stuff there, so I’m only going to reply to things I might help, or don’t agree with. Mind you, I’m just a (happy) user. You’ll most likely get official answers from Zynewave, too. 😉

    – Now on that mixer, i dont know rly which my plugins are the first, which is second and etc.. Normally, i would think that the first one is first.. But is it? no. It is just the order which u choose them. And if i want to drag and drop to move it down, is just replace it!! this is so wrong.. Bad feature, rly! i know that there is possibility to move above those fx, but honestly, it just doesnt work good. Browsing different menus just slow’s down ur working. 🙄

    – In overal, that mixer view needs improvents. Maybe add’ing that soft synth on different slot and keep those mixer slot for fx? Also you should make more clear viewing those slot you know. Example Cubase or FL Studio mixer. That kinda.

    It works like this because of Podium’s hierarchic track concept, one of the things that make it unique. It’s unlikely to change all of a sudden, and I for one am very happy with it. The only exception is copying effects by drag-and-drop instead of moving them – that’s been discussed and is on the future plan, I believe.

    – In piano roll, i would have just one and one wish! I dont want to change those pencil and select tool again and again, it takes too much time! Now in that “selection tool” u can select all, move them. U can even draw new notes, but WHY god why, u cannot strech them? This is little thing and its affect in negative way on your producing.

    ALT-click and drag left/right to resize notes or up/down to adjust velocity.

    – Maybe old users dont care about this, but pls give us an option to put CTRL+D to duplicate notes on pianoroll and Stuff on playlist. This makes ableton, cubase, logic etc users feeling more at home. i also miss this..

    I don’t know if custom keyboard shortcuts are still on the future plan. Just use the INSERT key for this, mind though that it works on just one event at a time as it is right now. I myself have suggested it should work on multiple events!

    – Double click on all podium own’s slider to RESET them??? Now its CTRL+Click, but i bet many would love to have this option. It also speed up your working. U dont have to reach that shitty button all the time. You may think that u can live it ctrl+click, but in long run it’s rly start to annoying..

    I like the way it is, as I often enter values directly and when you double-click a slider, the appropriate text entry field is selected automatically. Plus I wouldn’t want a sudden loudness burst because I clicked a volume slider two times by accident! That’s just my preference of course. 🙂

    – This feature is also must have. i notice that sometimes i accidentaly copy notes and stuff on playlist over each other. wait a minute? This feature is bad.. You dont always see what mistakes you are doing. This feature is pretty bad IMO.. FL Studio has this same feature which sucks.. The best part coming when you have to spot your mistakes, god help me then.. So if no default, then give us option to turn that double note thing off. PLS!

    Maybe you missed it or I misunderstood, but there’s a menu entry to help with that: Edit -> Select Overlapping.

    – Also, why there isn’t button to move back? i have to always first chose my favorite.. Boring..

    You can move up to any folder by clicking its name in the address bar. For example, if you’re in “C:AudioSamplesClaps” click on “Audio” and you’re there.

    This isnt so importat, but it would be a good choise. That playlist, or mixer. I want to open it new window. The space where u produce your music its so damn small. Maybe playlist to different windows would be hard to code (take some time), but mixer. I think mixer would be nice in own window. Reason 4 is good example where playlist is it in different window, and its working damn good.

    Well, with Podium, you have pretty much a single-window concept. You can have the mixer in a floating window, but that’s just a workaround and not recommended, I think. If you mean having the arrangement and mixer on different pages, however, like in Ableton Live, that’s quite possible. And of course you could always set up Podium to use two seperate screens, if available. Otherwise why not just minimize the mixer during arranging?

    in reply to: 2.17 #15326

    I had a problem with the dialog on first run (looks like one of the template folders wasn’t created), and it didn’t show again after subsequent installations.

    It worked fine the second time ’round after I deleted podium.ini, re-installed and let it create the folders anew.
    So as always, thanks for your great work!

    By the way, I just noticed the description for the releases board says “Bug reports goes here.” 🙂 Nobody caught it yet?

    in reply to: WOW! #15317

    @druid wrote:

    Well, it’d be interesting, is all I’m saying. I’ve got quite a few things I’ve wanted to do (from anger!) that I will never in real life, but maybe doing it in a real enough situation would make me realise how much I DON’T want to!

    Can’t say that I’ve ever wanted to get physical (I’m meek anyway :lol:), still it’s a good point and here are my thoughts.
    However realistic it gets, they’ll always be games and I fear the bad parts will mostly be left out, as in Hollywood movies. Whenever Arnie shoots 10 people, that’s awesome – but the guys bleeding to death aren’t important and get no more of the viewer’s attention.

    Druid, I’m sure you’ve heard of those rape simulation games they make in Japan… I don’t plan on playing any of ’em, but I’d really be surprised if they don’t skip all the ugly parts. I’m not saying such games are immoral and should be banned – it’s just an extension of fantasy and it’ll always be different than really acting out on it. That’s good as far as I’m concerned.

    It’s also why I said i’m interested to see what creators like Molyneux or Sid Meier would come up with in the future, because they’re of the few who try to make really open games, you can do anything but it will have implications.

    I’m still undecided if I think total realism is necessary in games at all, since most of them still are meant to be just fun, while only a minority would somehow be considered works of art and thus maybe require to show terribly unpleasant sides of life – like movies really.
    Especially with games built for ‘recreational violence’ like GTA, I think it’s probably better keeping some levels of abstraction.

    Because whether your right- or wrongdoings may have an impact on you or your alter-ego, at the end of the day you can still just turn off the game and walk away.
    That said, I generally like stories that bend our idea of morality a little, recent examples: Assassin’s Creed or the TV show Dexter. 8)

    in reply to: WOW! #15313

    @UncleAge wrote:

    Now I have too many things on my plate (read: girlfriend that I want to keep) to play games anymore.

    You could do worse! 😆

    Me, I more or less quit keeping lookout for new games. The few times I do play it’s something I’ve played many times before. Reliving memories, so to say. 🙂

    However I am (kind of morbidly) interested in how people and society will react and change to the more and more real depictions of our world.
    Especially if those game creators who’ve got brains, like Peter Molyneux, who always tried to allow the player to do anything (all the ‘evil’ stuff too) in games continue to pursue their ambitions.

    in reply to: Two more bugs I found #15312

    I see, so it’s not a bug at all then.
    It makes sense when explained but if you don’t know (or in my case, forget) about those empty events automatically created on bounce tracks, and therefore on the master as well– :-k Good luck figuring that out! Remind me again why they’re created, please?

    (Maybe the bounce system as a whole could benefit from another revision, someday, since there still are a few not so user friendly parts. Just an example, an inexperienced user would tear out his hair trying to move a bounce event together, or instead of the original underlying events. Probably. :wink:)

    I don’t think changing the behaviour of ‘select all’ is necessary.

    Thanks for looking into it!

    in reply to: WOW! #15287

    Hmm, at first impression it strikes me as a (greatly!) refined eye-toy.
    And again it reminds me of how the time seems pretty close nowadays for when ‘virtual reality’ finally sets in. But I really don’t see how this can make games better.
    I mean… I would say I’ve got better things to do than actually talk and otherwise interact – by jumping around in front of the TV – with characters in an ‘ever evolving’ virtual world. In real-time, nonetheless!

    But then, I prefer to play games the ‘old way’ – where you’re (hopefully) completely sucked into a great pre-written story with a fixed set of characters. Best example, imo, is Planescape: Torment. Or, well, the odd Final Fantasy of course! However, I also enjoy action (Metal Gear), strategy (Jagged Alliance) or puzzles (Lemmings, Portal).

    So, since you seem more impressed, which type are you? 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.17: Changes to the installer and startup #15285

    @Conquistador wrote:

    Possible Bug…

    Maybe this has been fixed already in 2.17 but…if you click on either side of the Navigator (during playback) PDM’s (Podiums) gui will freeze up completely. I can hear playback but several seconds pass before the GUI returns to normal. Also playback stopped after the GUI recovered here.

    How strange! So, does the view jump to the clicked position after recovering, then? Also, did this happen with the betas, too, or didn’t you get a chance to try them?

    in reply to: Preview 2.17: Changes to the installer and startup #15267

    Unexpected, this is. Shows once more that you really listen to your userbase. 8)

    in reply to: Loop events #15232

    Come to think of it, I’ve heard from a guy who switched from Logic to Cubase that he seriously misses this. I never seemed to ‘get it’ though. 😕
    Say you want a simple 1/4 pause in your usual hi-hat groove – wouldn’t you have to insert an empty event and restart the looped sequence after that?

    Seems a bit complicated to me, but then again, I’ve never seen it in action!

    in reply to: Loop events #15225

    Another possibility would be to ‘loop-enable’ an event, then you could just drag the end point and it would repeat the whole length (like in Ableton Live).

    That said, it might not go well with the way Podium handles events, and I actually prefer the way it works in Podium… makes it easier to remove/replace an event right in the middle of the arrangement. 🙂

    in reply to: Copy and paste and paste … #15224

    Since this was placed in the future board, I might as well formulate those drawbacks into suggestions for improvement:

    1- ‘Insert’ should use the desired snap value, as long as the inserted event won’t overlap with the previous one. If snap’s disabled it should work the way it does right now.

    2- It should work with multiple selected events, even across multiple tracks. Just imagine – you could create a whole house track in under a minute! 😆 (j/k)

    By the way, what’s the difference between ‘insert event’ and ‘paste event’ in the edit menu?

    in reply to: Copy and paste and paste … #15217

    You can do that already, even easier than copy&paste (which, by the way, always pastes to the position of your edit cursor)! Just select the event you want duplicated and press INSERT on your keyboard. 😉

    Unfortunately, it ignores the snap setting, so if your parts aren’t perfectly cut (unlikely with MIDI) you might have to move them in place manually. And of course, it only works on single events.

    in reply to: 2.16 #15209

    @aMUSEd wrote:

    The only thing I would add is when you double click to expand the zoom range to full screen another double click should return it to what it was previously.

    Yeah, I think so too, as I wrote in the beta thread.

    Anyway, congratulations and thanks to you, Frits, for another fantastic feature implementation!

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