I apparently didn’t do a good job of explaining it in the new guide pages
Don’t say that… the cause can also be my difficult english understanding.
The bank library preset contains an fxb file, so when assigned to a track, it’s similar to loading an fxb file within the plugin
That is what I had understood, but I don’t see how to edit the presets that must be inside it.
The bank library preset contains an fxb file, so when assigned to a track, it’s similar to loading an fxb file within the plugin (if the plugin supports that).
When I create a New Bank Library, I don’t see any Program to edit ???
Is there a way to put the Plugin’s bank in a Library bank to edit the programs ?
In general, I don’t edit all the programs at once, but modify the values while composing, adding new prests etc.
I’ve read somewhere that you have planned to support also the standard behaviour of VST : edition and automatic saving of the presets.
Is there any chance to have also access to the standard way ? It is so fast and easy to use…
Sequence and audio events that are resized during playback will keep playing
It works when I resize the end of the event, but stop the sound when I resize the begining…
I think that it will be very usefull for me.
You quoted my reply to Conquistador. Did you read my previous questions to your post?
oups !
What version of the RME driver software are you using?
What ASIO buffer size are you using?
In general 2048, but 4096 in safer. Some times, I must set it to 8192 to avoid drop outs…
I can use 1024, but the CPU indicator goes higher and there is more CPU spikes and clicks when editing.
512 is nearly impossible with my actual project, even with the 1.36.
I have played the same part with the same buffer (4096) with 1.36 and 1.37.
With 1.36 the average CPU is about 30 % with spikes at 45/55 %.
With 1.37 the average is about 45 % with spikes at 80 %.
When the buffer is 1024 (1.37, same passage) the CPU indicator shows fast values between 60 and 90 %, with often 100 % red values and clicks.
If I use only one RME interface, the cardbus or the PCI, the average CPU is lowered by about 10 / 15 % in both versions. So the Spikes and the clicks are more rare in the 1.37 too.
It does not depend on the number of outputs.
I use 16 outputs choosen from the two interfaces, routed with a matrix plugin, with the not needed outputs disabled.
I don’t know if you have tried it yet, but the sticky red color is only a slight red coloration of the background.
When i say “red” I mean that it goes to 100 % every second…
I don’t bother the color but the crakling of sound that occurs nearly all the time.
The same project in 1.36 (with the same buffer settings) shows an average CPU of about 50 % with no clics (during normal playing).
With the 1.37 it pulses between 60 and 100 %.
When there is only one or two tracks active (16 channels) the CPU spikes occurs less often, but there is always a clic each time.
The CPU spikes are perhaps due to the plugins, but there is a huge difference for me between the two versions.
So I continue to use the 1.36.
Hi Frits,
Not really a bug, but this new version is unusable for me : the CPU indicator is now always in red with constant more or less periodic clics.
So I have reinstalled the 1.36 in which the average CPU is about 30 % less, with not clics while playing, only the CPU peaks when editing.
I’ve not tried to bounce with the 1.37 since it was already impossible with the 1.36 due to the fact that passages that goes well when played present the same CPU peaks when boucing.
Do you think that this will be improved soon ???
Thanks !
Sometimes you just want to give a specific number.
I agree, especially with Program Changes.
And I’ve just spend a few hours with this new 1.36 : the optimization of the drawing is wonderful, it is night and day with the old versions !
I’ve also found that some of my “CPU problems” go now a little better : there are always CPU spikes after editing something, but less audio gaps and cracks.
Thanks !
Wahouh, fastest update !
Bug-fix version will go up later today
Thanks !
Zoom settings for each arrangement is saved in the project file.
Ouf !! Thanks 😉
Next step : zoom setting saved for the editors too ?
UI graphics speed-optimizations.
Very well now !!!
The release has been thoroughly tested, but the extensive speed-optimizations may have introduced unforseen side effects.
Three reproductible crashes for me, with the project I have sent you last time :
– when switching from the second screen view (full arrange) to the first one (arrange on top and edition window below)
– when dragging the track separator to the right to make it wide
– when show / hide the Inspector. The crash occurs only in the big arrangement (“Peintures Noires”).
Thanks !
How have I not seen it ???
Done !
I would be happy to show you the article in full but I only have the electronic version and SOS seem a bit strict on the content…
Oh, I understand.
Anyway, thank you very much for your answer, I will try to contact SOSMag…
Concerning Podium, I hope too that there will be more articles on it in the future, as it is going to be one of the bests multitrack softwares, and for my plugs already the number one !
I think that at first glance, it is both attractive and intimidating.
Compared to others like Tracktion or Live which are more known and accessible for the beginner, its hierarchical structure and the mapping system complexify the workflow at the beginning, but shows it power after a while.
Each time that I show to people, in the particular usage of multichannel sound, what is now possible to do with it, they are amazed and nearly ready to throw away their Protools/Cubase ! But for those who then try the demo, they are stopped by the fact that they have often to make three or four time more actions to perform a similar result… or to deal with “not obvious behaviours”.
I remember when the first beta version was announced, that I had try it and only thought : well, one more…
I actually think that one reason of its relative confidential expansion is that its main purpose is not clear for people :
– it is not loop based
– it has a powerful MIDI sequencer and editors but most of them don’t work as “usual”
– its price lets think that it is accessible for beginners but its workflow is rather complex
– it makes automation or bounce in a way that is very different from others
– it is not a simple imitation of an analog recording setup, even if it shows a mixer
– it has one of the best support in the world but no marketing anounces
Most people need a non ambiguous label for things instead of finding by themselves…
So far I have done the 2 things I can;
1-. bought the program and are learning to use it in order to recommend it to others.
2-. Placed a link to Zynewave.com in my web page
I agree with and share this statement. With time, using Podium will certainly be one of the best argument to make it appreciated.
I’ve just seen this topic today…
I wonder what has been written in this article, but I don’t want to spend money only for this.
Does somebody have a copy of the article ?