Yes, I have understood and it works well on my second computer.
On the first one, I have uninstalled Podium and reinstall it, audio files are well imported when I drag & drop but not the plugins.
You say “devices lists”. Does it mean that it must work also for plugins files ?
I have tried and Podium seems to accept the dll files to be drag on the Devices and show some activity during a few seconds but nothing appears in the list.
Anyway, it would be nice feature.
Strange : I have tried on another computer and the plugins load well with drag and drop.
In both cases I have updated from 1.98.
The only difference I see is that Podium is installed in a different path on each computer. It is C:audioPodium for the one in which plugins don’t appear, and in the default Program Files path for the other.
Added “Stream muted sounds for fast response to unmuting” option in Preferences dialog.
Soloing a track will also solo any parameter tracks of parent effect tracks.
Thanks !
Files can be dropped onto the entire project start page area. Previously it was not possible to drop files on the sequences and devices lists.
Very usefull.
You say “devices lists”. Does it mean that it must work also for plugins files ?
I have tried and Podium seems to accept the dll files to be drag on the Devices and show some activity during a few seconds but nothing appears in the list.
Anyway, it would be nice feature.
Thanks a lot Frits !
1.99 will be a great update 😛
Oh, great ! 😛
Thank you.
I need to extend this so that any parameter child tracks of a parent track is soloed as well.
Yes, please.
Frits ?
Can you explain me where I am wrong ?
The audio files on muted tracks or audio events that are muted are always played (streamed) from disk.
It uses unnecessary disk bandwidth and can be a big problem with multichannel files (for example), resulting in audio drop outs even if only a few files are wanted to play.
I often use tracks to try different editings, and since Podium is unstable with long projects it makes it worst.
A simple option in the Preferences would avoid this.
More, Frits has said that he lets the muted files streaming to allow to unmute them without a delay, but there is a bug when you unmute tracks that makes all the automation envelopes ignored. So you have to stop and restart playing when you unmute tracks. It makes the streaming totally useless even in this case.
Really, it will be nice…
Would it be sufficient if I added a “Select Channel” command to the right click context menu? This will be available also when right-clicking the wave area.
Hmmm, I don’t know if I understand.
What I was saying is that it was really perfect before, it was easy and fast to select/unselect channels while remaining concentrate on the editing task.
The buttons make only the thing a little bit nicer but slower because we have to click precisely on it instead of the whole area before.
It is not a serious problem of course, just a little shame for me if visual design makes things less straightforward. And it is of course a small detail compared to other aspects in Podium.
I have nothing against a right-click option in addition to it, but I simply don’t see the point.
Yes, it is rather essential.
It is already available in the sound editor, but in the todo list for the Arrangement since 3 years…
Be patient 😉
Added a channel select button to the channel headers in the sound editor. This button replaces the previous behaviour where clicking anywhere on the channel header would toggle the channel. Shift+clicking the button will select the channel and deselect all other channels.
Yes, it is visually nice…, but now I have to click precisely on the button instead of the whole space, so, alas, it is not as easy and fast to use as before during editing. 🙁
I suppose of course that it is too late to undo this inverted improvement ?
Perhaps can you keep the buttons but allow to click in the whole area like before ?
Added a channel select button to the channel headers in the sound editor. This button replaces the previous behaviour where clicking anywhere on the channel header would toggle the channel. Shift+clicking the button will select the channel and deselect all other channels.
(Reminder : it would be nice to be able to mute the channels that are not selected)
The menus have been rearranged. The top line of the window now has buttons for the global Project, Setup and Help menus. The editors have buttons for File, Edit and View menus.
Very logic and more obvious to use than the previous menu button
(but I always find strange to have the Inspector tab at this level, at the left side of the global menus since it belongs to the arrangement window. I really prefered the old place of the Inspector panel and button and the main buttons staying in place instead of jumping, but it is another question…).
Using the mousewheel while holding the control key over an editor toolbar will resize the toolbar.
Cool 😉
Maybe. I’m going to revise the automation handling, so hopefully this will result in better realtime response.
OK, we will see.