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  • in reply to: Instruments not recording Sustain/CC/etc #40776

    MIDI messaging, other than notes, isn’t recorded as parameter lane for MIDI Input Devices. The reason for this is that a Track’s MIDI Input Device can be dynamically assigned and be configured according to your hardware setup.

    You can, however, record MIDI In messages for Devices loaded into an Instrument or Effect slot.
    First ensure that the Instrument or Effect Device has the appropriate Parameter Object within the Device definition. Pictured below is the Inspector. The focused Device is an Effect called ‘Ohmygod’. The Parameter pane is expanded and the ‘Device’ button is active, listing VST and MIDI parameters for the focused Device. If the MIDI cc isn’t listed, then use the drop-down menu to create a new entry to the list. Recording will now automatically create a sub-track for the parameter(s) being controlled, including lanes for generic MIDI controller messages. Make sure that the Track is armed for recording.

    In the screenshot, i added a Parameter Object for MIDI cc#4. Once recorded, all Devices, be they Instrument or Effects, will receive MIDI cc#4. So, mapping that controller is done in the target Device.

    in reply to: MIDI Control #39568

    The Mixer is a reflection of the Timeline Track Headers. i believe that track controls are not automatable by MIDI mapping.

    in reply to: Small feature request #39398

    i’m a little unsure of which dialog box you’re referring to. When you say “channels” do you mean track?

    Those options of fader and metering positions are within a context menu, which conventionally close upon selection of an item. No doubt inherited by OS treatment of menus. The only case where i’ve seen an alternate behaviour is in FL Studio, where a right-click on menu items selects the entry and maintains the menu’s open state.

    Perhaps new options in the Track Properties dialog would be convenient. Those options being metering and fader positioning. That said, Podium allows metering and a fader on every slot, from instrument, through effects, and the track itself. So, inclusion in Track Properties may be misconstrued as having those functions confined to one set per track.

    Perhaps, then, the matrix displayed on the mixer could be replicated on tracks.

    in reply to: MIDI Control #39380
    • Have your device set as track MIDI input.
    • Record arm the track.
    • Engage MIDI Learn in destination plugin and wiggle controller to bind it with parameter.
    • Press record on Podium’s transport.
    • Press play on Podium’s transport.

    Two automation lanes are created. One for the generic MIDI cc output of your controller, and one for the target parameter.

    in reply to: Small feature request #39352

    Do you mean these menu items?

    If so, then i’d recommend using the matrix on mixer tracks, to set fader & meter positions.
    The left column indicates and allows setting of fader position, right column for the meter position.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Levendis.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Levendis.
    in reply to: Small feature request #39350

    There’s a gain stage at every instrument and effect slot, as well as track.
    The Inspector can be made to show such controls in one panel. They also animate according to automation.

    in reply to: Ending Arrangements #39139

    … is there something that might make Podium think there is extra data for playback?

    Podium may be rendering ’til the case when, a)there are no more timeline events, b)the ‘tail’ falls below a certain threshold. The ‘tail’ could be signal level remaining after a reverb or delay, for example. The threshold which Podium considers a signal level the user wishes not be discarded could be -infinite dB (silence). The faders on tracks go to -48dB, next stop silence, so that may be the level for gating the render. Some processes may take a long time for signal to decay to that level.

    MLS’ advice ensures the render is trimmed to the desired time range.

    in reply to: How To Pronounce Zynewave #38543

    i like the Mandarin pronunciation of “Zynewave”.

    Found out that i’m Anglo-American-Indian, when pronouncing my moniker.

    in reply to: Volume Automation #38239

    The Level parameter automates within the track’s volume fader range. The volume fader can be set to a maximum of +12dB. Set the fader above 0dB to get Level automation envelopes to act on the gain to the desired degree.

    This method is, arguably, more convenient. That is, to set maximum gain and control volume below that ceiling. Reason being is that 0dB on an envelope with default range with +12dB maximum would be difficult to snap to.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: No Sound From Midi Input #37652

    First thing to check is if Podium has account of your MIDI hardware device:
    Setup > Audio/MIDI… > MIDI Devices (tab) > MIDI input interfaces (section)
    Ensure your device is listed and that there’s a check mark next to it. Then hit ‘Apply’ and ‘Okay’. Podium will ask if you want to update the mappings, so allow this.

    Then, within your arrangement, below a track’s Source selector (drop-down menu), there’s an Input selector. Your MIDI device should be within that menu, probably with a generic label like ‘MIDI In’. Select that device and the track should then be able to receive MIDI input.

    Once a MIDI Input is selected, if you Right-Click the slot you will find an option to Auto-Assign to Focus Track. Enabling this option means that when you select a track, the MIDI device will automatically be input of that track.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3.3: Plugin database page #37628

    i’m relieved that the database structure is not changed. i maintain a project template with my system’s current set of VSTs, so having that accessible in the New Project Page and any loaded project is convenient.

    The new Setup menu item does make the ‘master’ database more accessible and explicit. It is worthwhile, though, for users to learn how to customise a secondary ‘master’ database.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #35792

    Fixed in the new beta4.


    What causes the crash?

    Argh! That’s something i haven’t logged. It has occurred under numerous conditions and i’m using ASIO drivers that are no longer being developed.
    If i come across crashes in another DAW, then closing and relaunching makes the same driver available again.
    Sorry i can’t offer specifics. i’ll attempt to hone in on causes of crashes in the future.


    Thanks for the update Frits!

    i’d like to report a few issues:

    1. Rebuilding, Updating or Loading Plugin Setup from Template, yields an empty Device List, until you navigate away from the Project Page, and back again.
    2. i still have the issue whereby a crash in Podium x64 (Win10 x64) doesn’t release ASIO driver. i have to physically unplug, or power down – then power up my external soundcard (Roland TriCapture). Switching Audio driver in the Setup isn’t sufficient.
    3. Updating to Podium 3.3, from previous betas of the same version, preserves settings well; ie. window layout, editor profiles, etc., except for the zoom level of the Project Page. No biggie, as an adjustment is recalled on subsequent loads.
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