Cool! 8)
I’ve got the samplerchan demo now. Will check it out tomorrow.
I guess you’re talking about this:
Have the company folded, or is it available somewhere else? Without the actual plugin I have no chance of debugging why it crashes. When a plugin performs an illegal action, Podium will show a dialog telling you that the plugin has crashed and to save your work and restart. If SamplerChan crashes without Podium catching it, I would guess it is because SamplerChan is running as a separate application?
@nproject wrote:
i tried to record what i was doing (my temp project for podium) on an audio track and when i did this i had many clics and crackles on the recorded sound in wav 16/44
does it comes with my audiocard(pulsar2) or podium ?
Yeah, what Duncan said 🙂 and:
Are you recording from audio inputs or are you bounce recording plugins?
What percentage is the Podium CPU indicator at? Does it ever flash red when recording?
When it flashes red, it means that buffers have been skipped because the CPU load was too high. This will affect an ongoing recording.
If you’re still having problems after trying to increase the buffer size, go to the report page in the Interfaces dialog, save a report and email it to me. I may be able to see what goes wrong.
Bug fixed. The explanation I gave above is not entirely correct. You don’t have to set the ‘Audio enabled’ property on the tracks containing plugins. When you assign a plugin on a track then Podium internally creates the mixer feed on the track. Otherwise you wouldn’t see any meters on the track 😳
Nerd mode: So the bug was simply that the level automation failed in its check for the nearest audio mixing track and wrongfully sent the level events to the master track. The code that aborted level automation when muted, correctly told the plugin track to abort level automation. Hence the level events added to the master track was never aborted, causing the runaway level increase.
@duncanparsons wrote:
on a similar topic, I’m having a problem with loopazoid…
If I load a kit, do a GM mapping, get everything set up nicely, using a library preset with sync and everything… when I close the project and reopen, loopazoid is there mapped to the right place, but with no kit..!
I know that kits can be saved with songs, as NTrack does it. I’ll see when 0.93 comes out whether it has been solved… Unless you can tell me from the start that it won’t be!
Just tested the LoopAZoid. When I create a program library preset, and restart Podium, the sounds are there but with no labels on the pads in the plugin editor. If I create a bank library preset, then both the sounds and the labels are correct. I haven’t read the manual for Loopa… so I don’t know what the use of individual program presets are for. Just stick with bank presets and it should work ok.
@fst wrote:
Reproduces with the following recipe :-
– start new project
– import into project 3 audio files/drum loops etc. @ 16/44.1, and in this case mono
– in a new arrangment, drag them onto separate tracks, all feeding one master stereo out
– open each one in turn in it’s editor by double clicking it
– select a segment and then perform an editing operation ; normalise, silence, reverse etc.
– moving from clip to clip, keep performing edits, one per clip, without saving the modified audio
– sooner or later, the number of edits varies each time, Podium hangs with a ‘Podium has encountered a problem…’ etc. message. Task manager cannot kill the process, and a BSOD eventually results after approx 5 mins. (drivers not unloading probably)This is 100% repeatable on my system.
Bug found. Thanks to your dr.watson report I indeed found a bug in the code for normalize, reverse, invert editing. The bug does not crash my system, but I’m 99% sure that it is the cause for your crash. Fix will be available in 0.93 (friday/saturday).
I’ve just downloaded LoopAZoid, I’ll check it out.
The load error has been fixed now and will be available in 0.93. It was just a silly size check in the load procedure that was set too low. The project file you mailed me loads ok now, so don’t delete your projects!
@fst wrote:
Might just be my system, but the installer dropped another 4 shortcuts onto my desktop, all of which were 0Kb 😕 and undeleteable, but which disapeared after running 0.92 once via the old short cut.
Never seen this before, what Windows version are you using? What were the names of the 4 shortcuts? Did they have the Podium icon? Did it happen when you updated to 0.91?
Also, had a crash after the following procedure :-
– Open sequence editor for an audio track
– Normalise
– Exit editor without re-saving clip (at that point i realised i had to.. ;))
– Repeat x 2 on other audio parts
– Podium crash after the 3rd operation.
Just tried to normalize like crazy on my system, no crashes. There must be something else in your test-procedure that is causing the crash. Could you reproduce the bug and give me more details?
I would ask you to mail me the .pod file that will not load, but I guess it’s huge? Does a project with small 404 presets also fail to load? I have the sfz+ so I will try creating some projects with huge presets and see if I can provoke the bug.
response to a play/stop command becomes very slow, with a pronounced delay, as if Podium is reloading the patches on every transport start.
Podium will send the presets each time playback is started from the beginning, in case automation of parameters have screwed up the current preset settings. There may be some situations where Podium sends the preset unnecessarily. I haven’t worked with large presets so far, so I have not noticed this myself. I will check it out.
I think I know what it is that is confusing you. I need to find a way to highlight this in the UI:
A track with a mixer level parameter will control the mixer level of the closest audio enabled track. Either the parameter track itself or the first parent track that is audio enabled. In your screendump it appears that your synth track is not audio enabled, so the level track is automating the master track directly (thereby seemingly adjusting the levels of all other tracks feeding to the master track). When you don’t audio enable a track then the Podium mixer does not use processing power to create a mixer feed at that track and simply streams any audio and mixer parameters straight through the track further up the tree. One way to emphasize this in Podium would be to put up a warning button on the level track, saying that it does not control the immediate parent synth track. Any other ideas on how to highlight this in the UI?
It’s not that important but just to ease my mind to ensure myself I’m not completely a chaotic head 😕 :
So before it was not possible to attach a sticky at for example an arrangement object in the projectbrowser?
The bug that appeared with stickie notes in 0.84 – 0.90 had to do with some broken Windows message handling. It had the effect that ANY text entered in a stickie note window was not notified to Podium.
In the browser you can attach stickie notes to any object you desire by selecting the object and using the shortcut menu or pressing Alt+N to open a stickie note for that object. Once a stickie note has been entered for an object it gets a stickie note button on the object card in the browser for easy access. The stickie note button in the top toolbar is a shortcut for the page object. So if you are on the main project page, the properties and stickie note buttons in the toolbar belongs to the project object. This is the way it has always worked, to the best of my knowledge. I had no idea it was that confusing :(. Maybe I should just remove the buttons in the toolbar to avoid any confusion?
@kagemusha wrote:
doesn’t seem to work, I got an error message that the midi channel configuration of the assigned input mapping is conflicting with a mdi input on a previous track
Oops, that’s right. It’s only recently that I put that check in 😳
So the conclusion is that you cannot currently use one MIDI input to simultaneously control two or more synths. I will think about how it best can be done, but for the time being I need to concentrate on the few features stopping me from releasing 1.00.
A quick suggestion:
You could try creating two identical MIDI input mappings, and assign them to different synths. Don’t know if it will work as expected. I will be back in the lab tomorrow to check it out.
Hi Eli,
Congrats, you have found a bug 😉
I am away from home currently, but will check it tomorrow night. The escalating audio is a bug I have seen before. Apparently I didn’t find all occasions where it occurred.