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  • in reply to: How to configure vst plugin to transmit midi output #38503

    This feature has not been implemented yet.


    I just tried the Ample Percussion Cloudrum v1.01 freeware plugin and I did not experience any problems scanning the plugin and using it in an arrangement. I tested with Podium x64 v3.3.3.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.

    Hi Andy. My own tests show that the download links are working again now. Let me know if you still have problems.


    Give it another try. I found that the shopping-cart update had imposed restrictions on the download file paths. I’ve patched this now.


    Hi Andy. Can you try again now? My shopping-cart plugin had updated overnight and I needed to manually initiate a database update.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Much needed MIDI sync #37564

    Sorry for the late reply. If by sync you mean Podium should lock to the tempo of the drum machine, then no. Podium needs to be the clock master. You can enable MTC and/or Timing Clock for each MIDI output in the Interfaces dialog. This should enable the drum machine to lock to the tempo set in Podium.

    in reply to: Export to audio is starting part way through #37563

    Hi Matthew. I assume you are using the “Export Arrangement to Sound File” command in the arrangement editor File menu. This will bounce enable the master track if not already bounced. Check that the waveform overlay on the master track is starting at bar 1 and not bar 17. If it looks wrong it’s possible that the underlying bounce track has become fragmented. A quick way to fix that is to disable the ‘Enable Offline Render Bouncing’ mode on the master track and then redo the export.

    in reply to: Podium OGG Error on Save #37562

    There is no error message in the Podium app that contains the text “could not enumerate”. It may be a VST plugin that pops up this message when Podium tries to save the preset state of the plugin.

    in reply to: podium zip file won't open #37561

    Hi Matthew. Check that the downloaded zip file has a size of ~19MB. If less, then try to redownload. If the file appears to be fully downloaded, then provide me with more details on what Windows version you are using, how you try to unpack the zip file, and so on.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #36831

    A user was quick to report a bug in the 3.3.1 release, so I removed that version and have now uploaded a 3.3.2 release with a bugfix.

    in reply to: Opening Project Issues #36826

    Hi Sam. I’ve just released 3.3.1 which has bug-fixes that may solve your problem.

    If you experience the crash again, please look in your “Zynewave Podium” documents folder. There should be a file named “Podium_3_3_1_crash.dmp”. Email this file to me, and I will be able to quickly detect the location of the crash bug.

    in reply to: Output to hardware #36825

    I think what you are looking for is the “Import Hardware Definition” feature:


    For a simple external audio effect you should load the “Generic Effect Device” and select the audio I/O channels in the dialog. Once you’ve done that, you have an effect mapping that you can assign to a track. This will handle the audio insert.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #36824

    Oh, and I wanted to ask about the location of podium.ini, plugin database, color setups, and note maps. For my “upgraded installation”, I guess, it still uses the old location (Users\[…]\AppData\Roaming\Zynewave\Podium). However, all color setups except my custom ones have been deleted, and the new Podium folder in documents doesn’t have the standard setup files either. I should probably just do a fresh installation and move everything over to the new location?

    Two ways:

    1/ You can download the files from: https://github.com/zynewave/podium-library/tree/master/Color%20Themes

    2/ Rename the “Zynewave Podium” folder in your Documents folder to something that doesn’t have the word “Podium” in it, and then start Podium. It will ask to create the default folder structure, including the color setup files. After that, you can exit Podium, and merge your old documents folder with the new folder. Also check out the new section 7.1 in the guide that describes the new folder layout: https://github.com/zynewave/podium-library/blob/master/Guides/podium-guide.md#toc.filesandfolders

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 5,961 total)
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