I’m sorry but I’m not sure what else to try, other than looking on your computer myself (I use TeamViewer as well :)).
On that note, TeamViewer has an option that you can disable, which is not to load on startup. Then, you shouldn’t have that process, if you’d like to avoid that! It’s under Extras->Options->General->Start TeamViewer with Windows. If you go to Security->Windows logon, and disable that, it could also help prevent it. Obviously if TeamViewer can be used to login to Windows, it must already be running on startup, though I haven’t tested and can’t confirm that is the case.
I have to admit I don’t think reinstalling Windows 7 will resolve your issue. Even reinstalling XP often does not solve issues unless the hardware itself is faulty (and then the issue will just come back later). I’d save yourself the effort, if I were you!
Difficult indeed! There are several processes there that are not “needed”, but I don’t think they would really tie up your sound. You could try and end the RAVCpl64.exe process, but if VST Host works with it there, I don’t see why Podium wouldn’t. You could also close the Teamviewer application. For security reasons, I would typically recommend only opening that when you need it, anyway, though you may have already worked out your sertup and are happy with it, naturally.
I’ll add that I’m also running Windows 7 64-bit, and have had no issues like this.
@The Telenator wrote:
11. Always defrag before and after big projects. A DAW can frag a PC pretty good, but mainly you want to start clean.
I want to just add to this: If you are using an SSD (solid state drive, has no moving parts), please do NOT defrag. If you are both on low budget, you are not likely to have this, considering their lower space and far higher price. However, in some pro-audio setups, and as time goes on, SSDs are becoming more wide-spread, and should not be defragmented as it reduces their life for no tangible benefit whatsoever.
Also, some of those features like Windows sound, backgrounds and possibly even the effects (that Telenator receommended be set to performance) can be saved in a theme, so I believe you could create a normal theme and a recording theme, so you don’t have to chase as many settings down at once.
Windows 7 itself, if sounds are enabled, will use the sound drivers as well. When Podium opens, no programs should be open that will use sound, except Windows, but Windows must not be playing a sound when you open Podium and Podium takes the driver.
It is unclear why VST Host works and Podium does not. I’m going to assume you are not running VST Host first, and then Podium? (I know, stupid question, I’m sure you’re not!)
For Podium to not be able to use it though does mean something else is using it. You could take a screen shot of your task manager, with the processes tab selected, and that might help identify some processes that could tie the sound drivers up.
I have to admit I’ve, for a long time, dreamed of having something that I can just open up and fiddle with out and about, including for music.
And I’m eyeing the Samsung Series 7 Slate right now. Because it will run all the programs I am familiar with, because I can use touch AND pen on it, because it’s Windows and Intel CPU (which really is the same as the first reason; familiar environment with supported applications). And because I’m looking forward to Windows 8 just like I was 7 (and I wasn’t disappointed by 7; we’ll see how long Microsoft can hold my interest for).
I admit that the battery life does not tantalise me, and I wouldn’t mind a slightly bigger screen than 11 inches, with a little more resolution (I’d ask for a lot more, but my eyesight is absolutely shocking, glasses only help a little bit 🙁 ).
I think Frits is right, but that’s because I’m of the same opinion. With Windows slates looking like they might actually be the tablet that should’ve been released years ago but wasn’t, focusing on a different platform may be unnecessary. Then he wouldn’t even have to work out which features to put in or out; only streamline code to help less CPU work mean mmore battery life (which I think he’s done a fair bit of anyway?).
To make my point, a tablet for me shouldn’t cost more than $500 USD or something. It’s a toy. Give me a full-featured Windows one that can use all programs I”m used to anyway, and I’ll pay at least twice as much, 3-4 times if the specifications are good enough. Because it will replace my laptop as a mobile solution.
I have to admit that I’m slowly looking to migrate to Linux (Ubuntu) now, so my OS may change from Windows 7 64-bit to Linux 64-bit. Naturally, I’ll be forced to use WINE. And I’ll be keeping Windows 7 around, as I own the licence and it seems a waste not to. Windows 7 may become my DAW OS if Linux doesn’t pan out for that purpose.
In the past, at least, I have seen such extreme CPU usage due to denormals. The following suggestion only applies if you’re using other VST effects that you didn’t mention below (I’m not sure if denormals occur with Zynewave Reverb, but you could try anyway).
First thing I would do is try adding a very very quiet noise to each track, I think it should go before all effects? And see if that solves the problem. If so, you’re using a plugin that is causing the issue, and you should remove the noise from one track at a time to see when this occurs.
Another sign of this is if you’re playing the song and it seems to actually balance out and perform better, but when you stop, the usage zooms up to 100% and slows everything down.
You may also be using CPU-intensive plugins that keep processing regardless of whether the song has stopped or not. Finding this out would mean disabling each effect one at a time to see which ones have an effect.
If it is only the VST that you have mentioned, then it may also depend on what your computer specifications are. What kind of CPU power, and RAM, do you have? How many USB devices do you use? Most configurations should be fine, but much older configurations can have issues.
sfz is also quite an intensive plugin (though I would’ve thought it should only cause slowness if active, not while idle). What quality settings are you using on this?
In regards to your reverb issue, perhaps your bounce is not being directed to the reverb as well? That could be the first place you look, though you may have already tried this.
Problem 3 can be worked around by exporting a loop, so that it doesn’t get to that part. That’s not a solution though, only a workaround. Were those events split from another event? And if so, did you add the notes at the end of a long event? Because then it’s possible, I think, that they’re being played from an existing event, although I’d expect events to only play notes inside the boundaries of their visible portion. It might still be something to look at. Also, were there any ghost copies of this event put on other tracks, possibly ones you don’t display?
You could try rendering each track separately and see which one it is that has these “ghost notes”.
I hope that this can be of some help. It’ll be good to hear how you go with these issues.
If I can find some time, I’ll quickly install it and test it (I have to admit, unlikely, sorry 🙁 ).
I’d like to bring up my previous concerns over the installer insisting on installing certain folders even you install elsewhere, such as in Program Files, and copying color setups and the like in, if I recall correctly, AppData folders, where I don’t want them. Is this installer going to be more flexible in terms of unnecessary creation of folders and shortcuts?
Please tell me your job is beta testing. You are so good at it, and pick so many things up, that you would be valuable to so many companies.
I mean, if your job is music, that’s also good, of course! 😀
It’s because Podium sets up for each parameter, and if you don’t reimport plugins that have added parameters or changed some of their internal structure, Podium assumes the plugin will have the same structure.
As a habit, if I update a plugin, I try to make sure to reimport it (just in case) in my template project, so I can reimport a correct plugin set every time.
I just tried it, and as I expected, memory usage did not go down when bounce was used. I can only assume this is deliberate; with large sample banks, even if you wanted to change one knob within the VSTi, if the plugin (and its samples) were removed from memory, re-enabling it (unbouncing) would take considerable time to load, all for one tweak.
I’m not sure if I think it’s better to unload from memory or not.
I did notice my CPU usage go down, so I know bounce was enabled as the program intended.
I really would, even if bounce freed memory up, recommend getting more RAM! Modern systems with modern OS and modern software (the newer sample sets, let’s face it, also expect lots of RAM to work with) really work better with more RAM. CPU power is much harder to come by than RAM is.
Not a lecture, only a recommendation! I hope you can sort your problem out!
Just off the top of my head, have you tried right clicking on the track header (not in the timeline), going to Bounce -> Enable Realtime Record Bounce?
I’m wondering if realtime bouncing might help solve the problem.
Is this pluging free for download? I could try it if you like.