@Azure wrote:
5) You cannot (in my experience) copy-and-paste effect racks, effect settings, or any of the sort from one Bus or Track to another.
Well spotted Azure. As I see it, this would be a minor adjustment.
At the moment, you can create track templates (right-click track header) to manage effect chains.
If only the Clipboard menu had the Insert Effect Chain command. This would be quicker than creating a template.
@The Telenator wrote:
…I need to grab that beat in my ear while grabbing my guitar and pick to head into recording a track.
Undoubtedly, a performer surely needs a beat or two to guide them into sync. Orchestra conductors, tapping drumsticks, and click-tracks provide such cues in concert halls, stage and recording studio.
Try the following. While it’s a little more effort to establish than a pre-count function, these tactics will give you those cues:
@MLS wrote:
Even in linear timeline mode you can use the tempo events. 😉
I’ve tried using a vst effect (delay) and seems to work.
Let me know …
Thank you MLS :D/
That works exactly as you describe. Time variables in plugins sync to tempo changes. Yay!
Imagine if you applied the same skill to counterfeiting Rembrandts!
Hi Adimatis,
The only difference is that an arrangement with a linear timeline doesn’t have Tempo and Time Signature controls. You’ll only see the minute:sec format on the timeline; no beats:bar display. Therefore snapping occurs only to align to events and edit cursor.
A linear timeline is useful when you’re working on audio with shifting timing. Bands naturally play at varying speeds or may do so to match sections of a song.
Something to bear in mind is that many vsts have some parameters locked to the host tempo. Without one set, the plugin might set those to a default like 120bpm, or another value non-commensurate with your project.
Hello MelodyMan,
The behaviour you’re after is still there. The following applies to, sound and midi sequence events on the tracks timeline, as well as midi notes in editors:
Shift + click + drag
Disables quantize snap.
Click + drag + Alt
Constrains an event to its timed position (the function you want).
Alt + click + drag
Adjusts the length of events.
… holding Ctrl after you begin these drag operations
Creates an alias copy of selected events.
… double tap + hold Ctrl once you start these drag operations
Creates an unique copy of selected events
@MLS wrote:
I’m not sure what you mean by mono track…
I can barely get my head around this too. The image below shows how I set up part of your scenario, alex. I tried both manual and automatic creation of a return bus but didn’t use a mono reverb. Which leaves my attempt, to emulate your scenario, useless #-o
When I enable the panning controls, using the Track Properties dialogue, the output of the return track becomes stereo and sounds like it spreads the mono signal across the field. When I disabled the panning controls the sound stays mono (contrary to the 2-bar dB meter pictured).
May I suggest you use a reverb that has ‘stereo width’ control?!
Or a stereo tool with the same function after your mono reverb?!
Curse you, alex, for burning calories in my brain :clown:
@alex wrote:
Plugin scan – adding new and removing deleted plugins (from the list) at every launch.
Preferably, this would be optional behaviour, as the Telenator suggests. I like that Podium loads fast. A plugin scan at each launch would be stifling. With the current device list, it would also mean a scan would occur each time a project was open (within the same session of Podium).
@The Telenator wrote:
… time maintaining my plugin database and then having to load the most recently updated list into every current project and template.
I do the same. The template I maintain is updated each time I install a plugin to my system. It also has a customised hierarchy, grouping plugins by type, for easier selection in the arrangement.
The pull down menu for prescribing the desired device list, on the project start page, used to include project templates.
@MLS wrote:
I did a little experiment with Podium Free…
The Prodigy – Out of space (rebuilt in Zynewave Podium Free)
WOW!!! =D>
Great job MLS. I had to look up the original for comparison and found yours to be a fairly accurate recreation. There are some differences, as you mentioned, but you definitely captured the bulk of Prodigy’s track.
Discrepancies I noticed were:
But these are of only minor variation.
Heck, if I tried to do the same, it would come out like a Christmas card that plays the melody when you open it.
To my mind, there is no doubt, Podium offers the tools for such work. All it needs is the creative/analytical ear to accomplish such feats. Great job. One that should feature on Zynewave’s YouTube channel, me thinks 🙂
Hello MelodyMan,
If I understand you correctly, you would like to mute only what is in the puch range as you loop through and record your sequence. Akin to not having an ‘overdub’ mode.
I would have suggested making a child midi track and selecting ‘Use as composite track‘ in its Track Properties dialog. This would mute prior takes within the punch range while always playing back the midi parts on its group track.
Surprisingly, composite tracks don’t operate on midi as it does on audio. Subsequent takes don’t spawn as child tracks, each pass of a loop is written to one sequence event.
Hopefully Frits will shed some light here.
Your guess came close 😉
My screen resolution is 1920x1080px at 96dpi.
Originals of the images above are 454x479px and 624x994px respectively. With Podium’s font set as Comic Sans MS at 11px. They have been resized down as previews in this thread.
I endorse your requests, sobaka. EQs on mixer channels is an important aspect of audio sequencing. I made the suggestions just in case you haven’t come across those functions. Especially in regarding the Rack Inspector as mixer/routing for specific tracks.