..err plugsound free is an enormous dl! Can’t think of any other suggestion at the mo, but requiring people to download 60meg of VST isn’t a winner – even tho it is a good plug..
As it goes, I like the filling, it does make it alot more clear, but it would be good to see the grid thru’/over the curve.
Having said that, the option to be able to choose makes the whole experience more friendly 🙂
the other way would be to draw the automation, then overlay the gridlines with a more light colour.. might introduce flicker tho’..
That would be good, actually
Also a ‘Most Recently Used’ list would be invaluable for me… I have things in different folders all the time, and so being able just to select from a list rather than navigate up the tree and back down.. Also I have my songs some where other than My Docs, since I started out that way; so I’m sometimes navigating long distances depending on where Podium decides to open a Save Dialog!
btw, the bussing is great!
@Zynewave wrote:
Glad you like it Duncan.
Could something be put in for automatically creating send and return devices? Maybe an option in the New.. menu? Just ask for a name and the number of through channels.
I was hoping that the new ‘Create new mixer bus mappings’ command in the project wizard would be enough. If you want the bus mappings to be named differently than Bus 1, Bus 2 etc. you can just rename the mappings afterwards.
Completely missed it, I’ll look next time I load up!
Going OK – the demo project is helpful.
Could something be put in for automatically creating send and return devices? Maybe an option in the New.. menu? Just ask for a name and the number of through channels.
I like what I see btw! I was sort of expecting a send for every bus created, but what you have done is far more sleek, and will obviously cut down CPU resource – rather than sending out parts of every track to the busses and overloading the system, the simple ‘I want that to go there’ approach is nice. It can make for rather involved tree structures, but you know aht goes where. As and when the allowance for multiple device mappings per track comes in the stuctures can be simplified (I recall we talked vaguely about it sometime ago), but until that point, I’d say you’ve done a good job there mate!
This looks very interesting. I’ll dl in the morning and have a play. I’ll do my next tune with it as a test. It’s a simple song for my wife!
Frits, this looks execllent!
I will find the bypass particularly useful for audio recording (since I have bad latency problems on my laptop).
I’m just about to go away for 2 weeks to sunny cornwall, so I’ll download when I get back (whether it’s this or any other release!)
Many thx
Actually there’s a thread over at KVR asking who uses Podium…
I’ve replied there, and I’m sure others will.
What I like about Podium is its simplicity. This may seem an odd thing to say, but honestly, after you have used it a while, are comfortable with the interface, got a decent studio profile set up, etc., it really does just fly.
Though it may seem unusual, the mixing engine is simplicity itself, readily presenting groups, automation, drill-down/back-out functionality in a clear straight forward way. If there are odd sounds to track down, it really is very simple to isolate and cure the offender – the routing is displayed in an easy to read fashion.
Of course, its not for me to tell you what you should buy. As Frits says, try the demo. If it works for your way of thinking, then really there is nothing to touch it.
sorry!!! my misunderstanding!!!
@Zynewave wrote:
Now, if only we could get rid of that hideous Windows frame and titlebar 😉 (2006)
When Using CreateWindow, set dwStyle to include WS_DLGFRAME.
@WinApi.hlp wrote:
WS_DLGFRAME Creates a window that has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes. A window with this style cannot have a title bar.
However, doing this you will then need to write your own routines for Max/Minimize, move, etc, but this could be done with a panel or menu items (and the move can be done by tracking mouse movement when clicking on a panel).
Lookup the CreateWindow function for more..!
Alternatively, in the interim, you can use something like Tobybear’s mixbox to route stuff out to other tracks.
you have to keep your wits about you, but provided you’re not working at 5AM as haiku seems to, you should be alright!
I’ve used this successfully, but it can have an implication when bouncing tracks. See here for my notes about this.
busy guy!!!
ta frits, I’ll try it out!